Is ME subliminal still available

I was reading the comment about subliminal’s for a specific person.

One of the suggestions was “ME”

I am unable to find it on the website to read about it.
Has it been discontinued or added into another subliminal.

Thank you

I don’t think there is a sub for a specific person, ME might help

I’d also recommend ME to help with one specific person but if I will be honest, Khan also helped me in very specific cases with very individual people and it helped, so ultimately it depends HOW you want to get her.

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ME = Mind’s Eye. It’s currently one of my subliminals being run.



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Thank you, but I wanted to know if its still available to purchase it since I do not see it on
subliminal club website, when I enter that into the search engine several other subliminal’s come up but as I looked over all of them I didn’t see it.

@livinlife000 here you go!

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ME generally refers to Mind’s Eye. You can find a list of common abbreviations here.

Mind’s Eye itself is still available in the Subliminal Club store. You need to put Mind’s Eye into the search bar, not ME.

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Sorry for your confusion it’s just more tidy to use the abreviations once you know them :sweat_smile:

Thank you for all of your help, I appreciate it.

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