Ideas for new module pack (Mastery pack?)

  1. Killer Instincts: One of the most profound modules we have developed yet. Not only will you intuitively know how to use any weapon, whether it be melee or ranged, but you will be able to tap into a trance like state of your killer instincts, instantly, similarly to legends like Miyamato Musashi. It will develop more and more, becoming second nature to you as time goes on. Moreover, in your eyes will be a gleam of an unrivaled fearlessness, and calm, almost child like, with a sense of overall authority, that will make even wild beasts hesitate before attacking you.

  2. Firearm Mastery: Know what it means to be a gunslinger, able to instantly unholster and fire shots at multiple targets without having to think.

  3. Driving Mastery

  4. BJJ

  5. Hunter Gatherer: From hunting, to fishing, to gathering foods, and an overall intuitive understanding of how to live in the wild, this can be something extremely wide.

Wow, I cant believe hunting mastery actually isn’t made yet, come on sub club.


@DarkPrince check out Q Modules Requests. It seems SC reads that thread and comes up with ideas because some of those ideas got to the real packs

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Uhhhhh, why does it sound to me like you want these modules so you can hurt/kill someone and get away with it with the driving module? Haha, first thing that came to my head.

But yeah, like the above user said - check out that thread.


Sounds like a great module to run before facing your boss. :slight_smile:

Basically a John Wick module lol

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Most men are more interested in hunting for women.


There is a Q module request thread.

Would you please repost these 5 request there?

The Expressive aspects of Renaissance Man as a module please @SaintSovereign

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An Element module.

Be the master of the 4 (or more) elements
This module allows you to connect with the 4 Elements - Air-Water-Earth-Fire. It allows you to absorb the Power of the Element at your will.
Whenever you need more Energy go into Nature and charge you up.

Absorb Nature, become Nature and then Rock it

If you need Grounding and Stability sit on a Mountain and let it ground you powerfuly

If you need more Flow in life Connect to Water and learn how to Flow

If you need a new Idea or a lift up, connect to the Air and let it teach you

If you need more Burning desire, make a Fire and absorb the warmth burning Power of the Fire

Something like that @SaintSovereign @Fire

@RVconsultant how do you find such a module?


That actually sounds like a pretty awesome module idea

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Let’s push this

Hmm… how to kill people, evade the police, and go live in the woods until the manhunt goes cold… not sure this would be a popular set of skills, if just from a liability point of view. lol.


Adding Aegis Initiative Survival Instinct will make a great ‘Run for the Hills/Zombie Apocalypse’ custom.

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Ah! The John Wick modules


This whole thread should merge into “Q Modules Requests.” Saint/fire have already demonstrated they look at that thread, based on previous module packs.

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Good idea mate!

Didnt see this thread until now.

I did suggest a module that helps nullify physical threats or confrontations. What if things get physical ? and we have to defend ourselves we need something to cover this.

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Survival Instinct mate.

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I would defer this to @Fire. I don’t know anything about mastering elements.

This is a great module idea, but as others said before there are already dedicated threads for module packs.

Now. This idea is both interesting and serendipitous as I recently had a reading done that essentially told me that I’m connected to all four elements naturally and that though one may influence me more than other at times, on the whole, I’m in tune with all four and can call on their energies at any time.

I’m also getting more and more into magick recently, so I’m highly interested in any modules related to that and similar topics right now :slight_smile:

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