I want to become a billionaire but cannot take action and no ideas and opportunities

I want to become a billionaire a tech billionaire but i want to take action just that the matter but I cannot do it what should I do

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First welcome to subclub :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:

Forget being a billionaire at least for the coming 6 months

Share the following with us please

Your age / skills / what your town produce is it industrial town , agricultural town etc / what do you work or you still study /

You mentioned tech do you want to be involved in the tech aspect or managerial aspect of the company you want to build

This is over simplification . Did you encountered opportunities and didn’t follow through ?

Either you still young or you live in lack . to get worthy suggestions share your background with us.

Stark , Hom , rich is good suggestion at first


Win the lottery several times should do it.

Only need to buy a ticket each week. Easy peasy :+1:

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Hey welcome
You will be a billionaire with a strong will TOWARDS it, Nd here SC will give you that

Hi Ved, welcome to SC

You want to become a billionaire but in what currency ?
In a country close to place I am living, you can already be a millionaire with 100 USD :rofl:


You can start first with the mentality out-pictured in your title, and the quoted segment.

  1. “I want to become a billionaire.”

I am on my way to becoming a billionaire.

I realize that I am already a billionaire

  1. “… But cannot take action.”

I am capable of taking action, even if it seems insignificant or too simple at the time.

I am a big fan of taking actions that take me a step closer to my goal.

  1. “…and no ideas or opportunities.”

Opportunity finds me or I find opportunity. One way or another, I get what I want.

I see my potential to make a difference in the tech market and at the same time, manifest the abundance I desire.

And so on.

Without changing your mentality regarding what even here would be considered a ‘big goal’, you’re not going to find the path or paths that will lead to you coming back here and posting a success story about how you became a billionaire!


Here are the products you can use to reach your goals:

Ecstasy of Gold


The Executive

Get those 3 products. Since you are doing a first time purchase, make use of the discount to buy them.


The only way you could legitimately NOT take action is if you were imprisoned and prevented from having freedoms. Since you’re posting on an internet forum I presume that’s not the case…

If you want a billion dollars, find a way to help a billion people get what they want.

Simple? Yes. Easy? No.


Welcome to subclub.

You want to start with something simple. Just 1 stack till you gain momentum then you can add on. I recommend you start with Mogul or Ascended Mogul, it’s up to you which one you feel you need the most cause the way I see it, you lack drive.

And the subs I mentioned above can generate the fastest results till you’ve built your foundation and have a clearer goal other than to be a billionaire tech.

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Since this was not directly addressed yet, does this mean:

  • You think you know what you need to do but you don’t want to do it?
  • You think you know what you need to do but you really can’t actually do whatever it is even if you wanted?

In these cases, let go of the idea that success can only come in that one particular way. Wealth and success can come from the most unexpected corners if you’re allowing yourself to explore those corners.

Or does it mean as some people have guessed that you’re procrastinating and you can’t convince yourself to take any action?

In that case (aside from getting some of the recommended subs like Executive), the best thing you can do is think about your goal and then consider if there is anything you can do which only takes 5 minutes or less that would get you a tiny step closer. Usually you’ll just do it. So then you have to think about a new thing. After about 3 or 4 your mind starts working with you.

The challenge to procrastination is not actually the doing of something but rather the getting started.

You obviously don’t know the prisons in first-world countries. Having daily (monitored) Internet access is quite common. Some put aside a monthly allowance to assist the inmate upon release. So an immortal man going to prison on a life sentence may come out a billionaire. And if they used their Internet and communication privileges and opportunities for classes to the max, they might come out a tech billionaire.

Like I said, unexpected corners… :wink:

Granted, you did say “imprisoned AND prevented from having freedoms.”


Welcome to Subliminal Club, @Ved.

You’re going to have to figure out a way to start taking action. This is a reality of action, it is the driver and decider of your destiny.

Start with becoming financially independent first - you should always dream big, so continue doing so, but make goalposts on the way there.


I recommend “One Small Step Can Change Your Life”. Specifically the sections on micro-commitments.

Starting with even one push-up per day is better than not working out at all. Once you get a habit of that first tiny action, whatever it is, it’s actually much easier to increase the action level to 2 or more metaphorical push-ups than it was to start.


That I did… :wink:

You would need to build a foundation before approaching the more advanced subliminals.

@Lion is absolutely right about Emperor: House of Medici but it can cause a lot of recon if you’re not at that level.

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@DarkPhilosopher and @Sage_Ninjistic you both had open my third eye thank you very much very much thank you from heart :purple_heart::heart:

Pics or it didn’t happen.

All jokes aside, if you got something useful from what I said, sweet :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Dear @Ved,

You can do it!


Your future… @Billions

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