How to be a 10 - - - for men

We all have different views

That is the great thing about being human is that we can have different opinions than others. Just because someone thinks either of those women are above a 7 does not make them wrong, their justification can be different from yours.

I would def consider both of those women 8+ … most celebrity women i would consider that. Natalie Portman is absolutely gorgeous and sexy.

its true in a sense and once again i think its subjectivity based off body and other things… For example my buddy who runs poker games has a bunch of waitresses that the guys their call 9/10s but to me their very “dolled up” fake lips fake tits and ass, which i dont find attractive. To me their 6/7s at best. Its definetly an interesting discussion tho. Some people think that porn star look is an ideal 10… Some people think that girl next door look is a ideal 10… its all different categories of looks imo


If you can drop your ideal image of a 10, i would be curious to see what level/kinda girl we are talking about

Yeah when i think about it some more for girls it seems to actually be a lot more subjective then men.

For example, men have the pretty much 100% the taller is better aspect that applies to all girls but for women there does not seem to be anything like that where all men like the same.

I do still think even for women the face is more objective then subjective.

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I like to use cheerleaders of professional or high level college sports teams as my example of the hottest girls (8+)

Do you think natalie Portman is hot enough to be a cheerleader for an NFL team?

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Yeah agree 100%… For men i think the main things are like you said : height, a nice looking face, good body) Most girls will agree that these are the best looking men

Fair point… I see what your saying, I actually agree those girls are the hottest as well btw

Beautiful girl but no i dont tbh


Natalie Portman and alicia valkander are in the 6-7 range.

They are nowhere near the best looking girls.

Not sure how anyone can argue those girls are anything above at the very most 7s. They simply do not have the raw sex appeal of legit 8+ girls

That’s 100% subjective personal opinion; the only person who can determine who I find attractive is ME. There is no absolute standard for attractiveness, that is the essence of my point.

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So is this 10 woman what society has programmed you to believe is a 10? or is it your own personal preference?

I don’t think there is a universal 10. It is very subjective.

You can say a woman looks like a 10, but as soon as you get a whiff of her personality, she can become a 7 or visa versa.

She can be the best looking ever, but then have a weird habit like picking her nose and eating it or just beautiful face, body but then she is a major drama queen, negative attitude, immature etc.

It is not black or white, it is not something you can put into a digit.

Even celebrities, do you REALLY know then? Do you really know who they are? Have you spent a long time with them to really know who they are?

Obviously, if we are just speaking about aesthetics, then each person can have a 10 that is different to the next person, but can be a 10 for them, based on looks alone. Me personally, personality is a part of my criteria , so I cannot say a woman is a 10 if I do not even know them personally, as their personality might not be a 10.

A true 10/10, is 10 looks + 10 personality, even then you would need to get to know them in depth and every person would have different different tastes.

If you was programming software to create a 10 woman, then you would start having to use digits to create her with 1010101010

I do also think that to call a woman a 10/10 is putting someone on a very tall pedestal. How can a human be perfect? Yeah some of the time maybe, but definitely not 100% of the time. Now is them being a 10 on a good day or a bad day? Are they a 10 always? What about when they are vomiting or taking a poo poo on toilet? Still 10?

This 10 scale is bullshit.


Quoting and old school Temptations song “Beauty’s only skin deep.”We all can’t get or be 10s. There are a lot of factors’ as we all know that make up the so called 10 and very few of us can achieve a solid 10. Wow’ what a heavy suit to wear.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I have to agree here if you are being realistic and look like a 3-4 because of poor genetics. Coupled with bad lifelong habits there is no subliminal that will make you a 10. It would elevate you to a realistic 5-6 maybe a 7. You really need to work on realistic self improvement for 1 -2 years. Start a Written Journal in it every day set to meet a daily goal a weekly goal a monthly goal and a yearly goal. Realistic goals to meet at your current level of intellect, health, fitness, social status, and financial value. Workout, eat healthy, increase your value as a ethical and responsible man socialize with others like minded and improve your financial status. Read lots of books on real knowledge that you can understand and have the ability to facilitate a practical application to improve a particular area of your life. If you fail to break a bad habit you know is detrimental to improvement don’t get discouraged and stop improving yourself. Look at it deeper get to the core root of why you failed ask yourself when did I start doing [name behavior] that this habit causes me to do?
How do others see this [name behavior]? How does it make others feel? How does it make you feel? Is this something I should change? How does this hinder my Self Development? If you can’t remember that’s fine don’t beat yourself up over it. Think of the [name behavior] that is the opposite of how you are currently behaving and the good habit that replaces the bad one.
What does it look like to others? How does it make others feel?
How does it make you feel about yourself? What quality does it bring to improve your life?
Self Appraisal exposes our deepest ingrained behaviors and habits that others see in us that hinder our personal development. Subliminals need to be followed up with right Action.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk


I think its worth saying its how she perceives you to be an attractive man. its not the actual ‘Stuff’ (looks, money, status, etc) but how she perceives you to have those things (or the potential to have those things). which is kinda related to how you perceive yourself.
but what do I know.


Sounds like something hom with PS can achieve;)

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By having the ability to manifest you mean will?