How do you reset a sexual fetish?

I did that a few times today but now I am more likely to not even post it in the first place

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Bro your problem will easily be solved if you dont pmo for 90 days

In fact you are probably going to get aroused by a normal bikini pic on IG after 30 days


As for subs Iā€™ve been switching between.

  1. Regeneration
  2. Limitless
  3. Chosen
  4. Diamond
  5. Paragon.

I am just not sure the perfect combination.

Currently Iā€™m doing Diamon, Paragon and Regeneration

Thanks for sharing this. I hope certain


@mecharc be grateful you get aroused by something
My job as a health aide has literally killed my sex drive.

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Yup this has been my experience too.

@mecharc - try NoPMO for 90 days + Limitless ZP (for rewiring the brain) + Regeneration ZP (emotional healing).

If you want to go all out, do Elixir Ultima v2 too (since it stacks excellent with Regeneration)


Day 1: Limitless ZP x1, Regeneration ZP x1
Day 2: Rest Day
Day 3: Elixir Ultima v2 x1
Day 4: Rest Day


Really sorry to hear that bro :pensive:.

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Thanks for the suggestion, so Diamond wonā€™t help for now?

I must admit I forgot about it. Replace Elixir with DIAMOND ZP and you are good to go :ok_hand:

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Well Imma play the obvious guy

Try to see a professional which you would feel at ease with to deconstruct why it is such an important part of your life and get over it slowly ?

I like being the annoying obvious answer bro
As for sub titles along your journey, well other people will help you more on that.

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All knowledge adds a step on the ladder to the top.


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It will be ok. As pathetic as this may sound Iā€™m sort of used to not having a whole lot for myself soā€¦

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Better days are to come

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I would say to talk to a professional therapist. I remember you talking about this or some other similar issue months ago. What did you do about your concerns from that time and now?

Yes. About six months ago. I wanted to stop my porn addiction.

But I went about the journey pretty aimlessly. There were a few ups. But there were more downs, and now Iā€™m back to 0.

Recently I have identified the root causeā€¦ Which are my fetishes. @lrw

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Have you run Emperor?

Have you run Ascension?

Have you a custom containing Stop Porn and Masturbation?

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Same, actually.


It sounds like you need to come up with a plan to tackle this issue that is stealing so much value from your life. I think that a professional therapist would be of great help. Include your subs of course, but the therapist, if itā€™s a good one, will be like a pillar.

so far I was generalising my problem as porn addiction and mental effects of porn, in all my previous posts.

I failed all this time because of this general scope.

Now I have identified my exact problem, I have realised it just today.

I have a weird porn fetish that I like to fantasize. And since it is not available in real life, I resort to porn simulation.

Only my fetish arouses me, and the porn provides a girl with perfect dimensions.

To conclude, I want to get rid of this fetish.

What I just realized today is that ā€œpornā€ isnā€™t the number 1 problem. The problem is my wiring to self pleasure Via the fetish fantasy.

If itā€™s a genre of erotic material that is holding you back in life, SP&M will work for you.