How do you know if a title is for you or not?

Yes, you are correct it is not torture but a pleasure instead.

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Also 9/10 what initially drew you to a sub is a part of you attempting to express itself. If you’ve read the objectives and felt a pull or even if it made you uneasy, that’s a sign it should be part of your life.

But it can shift. Someone running WANTED, for example, could start the run just wanting to be attractive to women. But then later learns where that need comes from and how to reassess actual goals not based on limiting beliefs. I think it’s these transition points in a title that can deceptively come across as “not really for me”. There’s a moment of clarity where the recon subsides and calm, but there’s still some drilling down to do. Preemptively ditching a title because the core insecurity is partially resolved but the actual manifestation of the title isn’t present in your life.

I think this is really what it means to be in alignment with a sub. When you’ve drilled down as far as you can go and really put in the work. All ZP titles seem to get that deep and that’s where the real growth is. When you’re challenging your core beliefs, most of the time survival related ones. If you can get through that, come out the other side and say with confidence that this thing is not for you then I think that’s about it.

To me it’s like the difference between visiting a place on Google maps vs in real life. Sure the pictures will give you some details, reviews from other people, your own self perception. But the fact is you haven’t physically gone there. Running subs can be like that computer screen sometimes, except your mind is building the potential experience. If the new reality you’re desiring isn’t manifested yet, you haven’t physically explored it. How can you really decide if something isn’t for you or not if you’ve never actually experienced it?


ZP runs on free will so if you do remove any bad beliefs it was probably not a deep rooted one to begin with. The person is the one who removes the belief not the sub.


I think some folks are misinterpreting how or if a sub will “align” with a person. My thoughts are that if you run a sub for a day or seven and get the constant impulse to switch subs or just not listen at all them that’s probably a sub a person should consider running anyway.

The reason I say this is based on personal experience. I struggle so much with running any of the wealth or money related titles. I can run one for maybe a couple of days then before I know it I’m back to Dragon Reborn or something unrelated. Usually within a few days. I know this happens because of my beliefs and habits regarding wealth and rich people. The sad and humorous part is that I want money almost more than anything. It would resolve literally every current issue I have that stresses me out.


So with ZP sub like Limit Destroyer, or any like DR, Khan etc… remove only “superficial beliefs”?

I don’t think so, what kind of advancement would it be otherwise?

Now, if you are saying subs bring belifies to surface, than it is the user that (in someways) have to heal them, that might be true, but again… Limit Destroyer? Or any other sub that states “eliminate any belief on your way”

Or maybe an area in which one require more healing, time (not just a few days) etc…

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If it’s not related to who I want to become and what I want to achieve it’s definitely not for me.

However, I suppose you meant rather how one can know whether a certain sub is the way to go. If subs meet the below criteria I go with them so when they offer:

  • Swift transition between my current self and my ideal self, my current life and my dream life.
  • Working on the most immediate/essential missing links on the way to becoming my ideal self and achieving my goals (dream life).
  • Optimization towards my ideal self and my dream life.

All of that requires a lot of introspection and total honesty with yourself when it comes to your current self, current situation and circumstances and who you want to become and what you want to achieve.


@Sub.Zero Nailed it imo.

It’s just about being aware of what you want out of life.

In my example, I have absolutely zero desire to pursue money or wealth so listening to a title like Mogul would be a complete waste of my time. I don’t think it would cause recon, I think my subconscious would just flat out ignore it because it doesn’t align with my dreams or aspirations.

I personally consider recon a form of growth, if I want to be massively wealthy but I have absolutely nothing right now, no sources of income, limiting beliefs and trauma then yeah of course a wealth based title will cause some disagreement within me. Change is uncomfortable, if you swap off a title as soon as you experience recon to go back to something more comfortable you’re just sabotaging your own progress.


From my journal:

Reconciliation is not only the “pain” of our growth or a part of our journey and transformation. It also reveals to us our limits, fears and traumas that stand in our way to profound transformation. We just need to be introspective enough to see them. SE has helped me see it clearly since all the forms of the recon I’ve been experiencing are directly linked to what I employed SE to clear out and RM to unlock. The recon takes the form of:

  • quite intense negativity towards people (which is the main reason I employed SE to clear it out),
  • slight social anxiety/discomfort (which residue I want to clear out as well thanks to SE),
  • profound sadness (which is also addressed by SE),
  • loosing control over my anger (another thing addressed by SE),
  • having a hard time enjoying myself and my life (SE and RM),
  • feeling disconnected (addressed by RM),
  • not feeling free/comfortable enough to express myself though my body language (RM).