House of Medici - Actual results from any traders?

I came across of House of Medici. I was wondering if there are any traders around that can report actual results that are because of this program.

I am talking about results which transformed your trading or definitely improved your trading results.


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Welcome ,

I think HoM is not suitable if your focus is only Trading although it has scripting for it . It’s more widely focused and Trading is just a part of it .
So , if you are looking for a Sub for ONLY TRADING and want fast result, please consider RICH Crypto.


@gdbdboy what about only R.I.C.H?

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According to Saint , it works


there are some many audios and adding ultimas…

I am lost :sweat_smile:

If anyone has any experience with something that worked please share

Hi @borak,

welcome to the forum, I hope it will serve you well.

Check out the trading forum topic, there are a couple of users that are using HoM for their trading(search for it). HoM also aims to enhance your trading intuition - handy for when making decisions, next to that it also helps to develop foresight through understanding markets.

If you are looking to compare the results of other forum members by your own, you might end up setting a trap for yourself because your starting point may be different, your personal constitution may be different etc.

Even some stories or information that other traders might share may seem too out there to you, so it would be good to keep that in mind.

Also as other forum members have pointed out if you are interested in just enhancing your trading ‘luck’, perhaps r.i.c.h or r.i.c.h crypto might be more your forte

HoM would be good if you have a vision of what you want to do and then if your situation is suitable HoM could be a great tool to help you navigate the waters, It might also turn out that HoM might not be the right tool at the moment and a start with Mogul (or something else) might be a better choice. You have to assess/write down where you are now and where you want to go, what steps to take - then picking a sub will be easy.

These are my 2 cents, all the best on your journey.


The support site has articles that may clear some things up for you.


Yes :raised_hands: I can testify that House of Medici works for trading. In my experience it threw my trading intuition threw the roof and enhanced my trades significantly. But House of Medici doesn’t just focus on trading, it also enhances relationships in a very interesting way where you focus on building better bonds with friends and family.

I switched to Khan for the next couple of months until it sets in. But once I’ve ingrained Khan I will either be adding HOM or Rich Crypto to further solidify my trading.

Can I recommend HOM for trading??? Absolutely Yes :clap:
Just know that you will have other goals being enhanced throughout your journey :wink::+1:


Start with RICH Crypto, it’s much easier to process and the focus is very much on trading. Try not to run it TOO close to your trading period, as the script needs time to process and settle. For example, run it after trading periods, like when the market closes (for stocks, options, etc.) or after you’ve finished trading crypto for the day (since that market is 24h).


@SaintSovereign what would be reason if not running it before trading ?
If we run it every alternate day in routine , you think it’s ok to run it before trading or as a matter of fact any time in a day ?

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You could enter a support ticket for this question.

Hey Saint, can you explain the difference between R.I.C.H. Cripto and R.I.C.H?

I am using Mogul and HoM because I want day trading to be my main source of income.But while I don’t achieve that, I’m open to other sources of income that may come along. Im not working right now.

I realized that I have many limiting thoughts that are blocking me from having quick financial results. So I thought of adding one more audio at my playlist to clear these blockages.

But I don’t if I just add the R.I.C.H. to focus on releasing trauma and blockages (while HoM helps me with trading) or if I add R.I.C.H Crypto. What is your suggestion?

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R.I.C.H Crypto is designed to help you achieve financial independence and true wealth – through cryptocurrency. R.I.C.H. Crypto can also help significantly with forex, stocks and commodities given that the same tools used to analyze the crypto currency market are the same used to trade other financial vehicles. That being said, R.I.C.H. really shines when trading or working in the cryptocurrency market.


R.I.C.H has powerful new manifestation scripting with the aim of helping you create multiple lucrative cash flows. Such profound manifestation, coupled with the miraculous ability to innovate and create never before seen ideas, strategies, tactics and methods that can be used for your business and/or career will propel you through the ranks and to the level of elite monetary performance.

One is narrowly focus on trading cryptocurrency or trading in general. The other is about general manifestations regardless the careers, businesses etc.


For that, you need something like EoG or Mogul to help remove those limiting beliefs. RICH is more manifestation to the best of your current ability, and it has light healing scripting to slowly help you manifest more.


Nice… i’m using Mogul right now. Does RICH cripto have that healing scripting too?

both RICH’s have a very slight healing scripting, according to SaintSovereign. They will manifest as much money as your ceil is high.


Thank you <3

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