HELP!? Height Inducer

I’m in my late 20s (older than 25) and it appears that I’ve grown over an inch. So, to me that pretty significant!


But you have not measured am I correct?

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How come?

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Well, I could be wrong, but I’ve been feeling like measuring myself might cause subconscious resistance if I don’t see results fast enough. My goal is to be quite tall. So I kinda felt like I should just consciously guide it and let the subliminals do there thing without interfering. I feel like if I just let myself grow, I won’t get recon and it’ll happen faster.

That’s just how I feel though. I’m sure other people who have had success have done it other ways. :slight_smile:


If you ever decide to measure let us know :slight_smile:


Will do!

Or just wait till your passport runs out and you’ll know when you get a new one :stuck_out_tongue: