He who will be king (Khan ZP, Quantum Limitless ZP, Emperor fitness)

Day 35

General feelings

The clarity of thought and acceptance of where I am at in my life is something that really shocks me considering I’ve only used these subs for a little bit over a month and in all honesty in a state of denial of how my life was going. I feel like bruce wayne in the dark knight rises where he is about leave the cave and go fight bane for the last time .

Khan st1
Total breakdown has honestly stripped me raw and it almost made me ball my eyes out at work from the realizations it has given me about myself. The undeniable truth is that i am not who i say i am. I have realized that I have not really put in the effort towards my life that I have been thinking I was and have taken every single opportunity for granted for the past 8 years of my life. Even my desire to manifest height was some bullshit because I thought I could become an amazing heavyweight boxer because I am simply 6’6 without thinking about how much discipline and work ethic I lacked. I’ve also noticed a lot of subtle manifestations towards my financials like more shifts at work and me not being as much of a frivolous spender I was prior. In regards to women, this result has been interesting because im beginning to realize what i need to do. In my first week of listening to Khan I ended up with a new crush on a girl i work with and at first, I felt like i was going to go full simp and ruin it but little by little what was a burning infatuation has essentially become more of a curiousity . This same girl made me feel so insecure in everything about me and but at the same she made me realize that i have been so stagnant in my developement . I realize that i have to cutoff a girl i had been feeding attention too in the hopes she would sleep with me . Long story short Khan has made me realize that i have been living my life like i am a loser and im over it . On the joking side it would be nice to get laid because this stage is total whalloping to the psyche
Quantum limitless st 1
This has been a positive healing sub and it has given me clarity on where i should be directing my mental faculties for maximum developement . I think its having a synergestic effect with khan where i trust my plans alot more but i realize that i cant sit and idle then expect the results to fall into my lap .
Emperor fitness Stage 1
For some reason i have been eating alot more on this stage even though i feel like i am fat and its given me the clairty to realize that i have not been training as hard and consistently as i would . I am someone who actually has pretty good genetics for strength and muscle gain but ive never trained consistently enough to really capitlize on it mainly because of my lack of patience .

Closing thoughts
Not gonna lie this was the heaviest recon i ever had and i am really happy i went with second cycle because i feek like a solid foundation has now been built .I am getting very good wealth manifestations in the form of more shifts at work and better financial habits . Romance manisfestations with khan have been interesting because i really want to develop things with the girl who made me feel a insecure (not intentiionally but she was a reminder that if i was who i say i am i could have put a better foot forward ) but at same time i want to have sex with other girls until anything serious manifests with this girl. Most importantly i want to live in congruence with who i am on the inside.


day 39 and 40(I missed a day )

I feel like each week I go through another part of myself that I’ve been hiding away from. A big one is my physical appearance and height where I will see women who are exactly my type just pass me by on the street and my first immediate thought is that " she wouldn’t go for a guy like me because my face is chubby and I’m only 5’10". usually, that’s all I would say then move on khan but I the question still remained in my mind what is so wrong with me that I degrade myself before even letting a girl get to know me? Total breakdown is really doing a great job of bringing up the things I’ve been burying inside in ways that are so subtle ( I finally understand what they mean by reality being pushed through you). The money manifestations are actually doing me wonders and I’m actually attracting people who have given me good leads to find in regards to wealth . one thing ive noticed is that socially people have been alot nicer to me

and there is this weird thing that I’m noticing that whenever I think about improving myself or take a small step towards one of my goals on the same day I will cross paths with my crush . Also lost the urge to drink , get high or jerk off but im not sure if this is a product of Khan or QL . I am extremely excited for future stages because it feels like im finally on my way to becoming a man.

Quantum Limitless stage 1

I feel like this sub has a synergetic effect on Khan and Ef . I can dissect my thoughts a lot better and I’m slowly becoming more focused during situations . usually my mind wanders during most things i do but I’m noticing that I’m locking in a lot more . Memory and visualization skills have skyrocketed and the general confidence in my own mental ability has improved .

Emperor fitness stage 1

This has been relatively exciting since i actually noticed the mastery aspect . Aside from snacking on candy my diet has gotten alot more consistent than it was before . Ive lost all craving for fast food and its amazing . Now for the juicy stuff im getting into boxing mainly with goal to be really fucking good at it but do to work i havent been able to go consistently and my first day i noticed that my punches really lack alot of oompf to them but on my second day back there was a sharpness to my punches that were not there prior . normally i train south paw and my lead right hook is my hardest shot but not so much my straight left or right . now all of a sudden im hitting almost as hard with my straight punches as i am with my hooks .

Plan for this stack going forward
I feel like this stack is exactly what i need so i plan to run each stage for two cycles and run stage 4 for 6 months before switching .


End of Stage 1 : foundation building

Now that i am at the end of the stage of my stack i realize that i have not been living my life the way i should have been and in all honest it has caused a lot of suffering in my life both mentally and physically . I originally got on subclub because not gonna lie i just wanted to end my dry streak with a hot girl but these six weeks have been pretty interesting for my development as a person as a whole .

General Results

  1. I feel like alot of the programming ive gotten from being in incel spaces from the age of 16 has finally gone away and i have looked back at the past where i had multiple sexual and romantic opportunities that i didn’t take because of the things i believed about myself . I also realized that alot of women like being around me and in the past i always thought because they saw me as a guy to friendzone but ive come to realize that i have mentally trapped myself in my boyhood and the glimpses of the man i am supposed to be comes out which draws people towards me . I also realized that my feelings of height insecurity mostly had to do with two things : the inability to get with really hot ig model like women( a stupid desire i know) and the ability to defend myself from bigger guys due to an incident in high school . Ive realized that ive kept myself in that mindspace for so long that i feel like im frozen there physically
  2. I feel like i am more attractive and now know what to do to make myself more attractive. I realized my insecurity around my size has made me stay at a way higher bodyfat percentage than needed and my goals for the next stage is to go from 20% bodyfat to about 8% (im also doing this to see which weight class i would belong to for my boxing ).
  3. I tried @simon’s journaling method for all my goals that i hoped to accomplish with my stack and all the reasons why i would fail to do so and i didn’t feel any sadness or fear . I just looked at it and said “this wont be an issue”
  4. Ive already mentioned that ive been getting more shifts at work and i actually have taken baby steps to set up things for my online business so i can actually make good money .
  5. I catch myself when i fall into old thinking patterns and i question why i have those thoughts and what would be a better alternative to the way im thinking and acting . i even apologized to an old friend group for some of my behavoiur during a mental low point i had and it felt like a weight was being lifted off of me . i have now realized that i was too obsessed with the destination that i refused to see the beauty in journey which is honestly why i really dragged my feet with taking serious action. I have come to realization that i have taken a back seat in my own development as a man because i wanted someone else to do it for me .
  6. Alot random manifestations and weird occurrences that happen during the six weeks that made me scratch my head . I got more shifts at work ,this one lady i dont like didn’t show up for work randomly 10 minutes prior to me saying i hope she isnt working (she never misses work) , Everytime i thought deeply about how much i would improve i would run into this coworker im interested in like minutes afterwards shit was weird . Even in regards to this girl she is exactly my type but being interested in her has made me painfully aware of how much development in my life that i am lacking .
  7. Near the end of stage 1 i began seeing alot angel numbers like 111 , 222 ,333,444 and 555 and around this time i knew i was done with healing (for now ).
  8. I know know what diet i need to do and the training i need to embark to reach my goals
  9. My thinking has gotten way clearer and my inner conversations have become rather aggressive. Its like my mind does let me hide behind any bullshit anymore and i actively call myself out when i act like a damn child .
  10. Porn addiction has mostly gone way and when the urges get really bad i am able to just resist the urge
  11. Ive realized how the subconscious affects everything even my appearance (not gonna speak on this fully until my hypothesis is proven correct ).

Wow, this was fun to read. Inspiring results.

That development is what will attract all the hot girls.

The more you develop, the more easier it will be to get the women. How awesome is that?

Sounds like you’re kicking ass lol


Thanks man I’ve been creeping a lot of your posts and there is a lot of nuggets of information I’ve been taking . Also I’m not quite kicking ass just yet but I am on the journey to start kicking ass . I do realize that I need more healing in regards to my insecurities so I depending on how I feel might do another 15 days on the stage ones .

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Lol I’d be careful with that. Some old posts are outdated, I’ve grown with the subs.

A lot of people here can probably relate but sometimes you look back at what you’ve written months or perhaps years ago and don’t even identify with it.

It’s truly a testament to the power of these tools as well as the level of growth and development that occurs around here. Pretty crazy isn’t it lol. You probably know that though, I mean your transformation is something to behold. I got inspired just by reading your results.

Sure you can look at it like that lol.

In my opinion, you’re already kicking ass and as you keep trekking on and getting everything you want in life… you’ll just kick more and more ass.

Cheers haha

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General thoughts
gonna be adding a little dramatic flair to the titles just to keep it interesting

Time to leave the pit
So I’ve decided to do a 60 day run of the stage 1s of each main because I feel like i didn’t take enough action in regards to a lot of things regarding my goals and i felt a lot of lingering things in the back of my psyche that I needed to get out of the way in regards to childhood trauma and a lot of resentment i hold towards my parents . granted I’ve realized that i been using childhood trauma and adhd as an excuse to live a subpar life and if i want to be an exceptional man I have to let all of that go to become him . Ive realized that my relationship with my parents led me to run away from my culture and the community around it and it has left me lost and kind of lonely .

Another reason why I am running breakdown is pertaining to my relationships with women and how i always seem to bring a lot of heavy insecurities towards dating . I’ve never had a girlfriend before and the sexual experiences I’ve had were very lackluster . One thing total breakdown has done is really made me aware of how my behavior would put off girls that I am interested in . I deep down believe that i cannot have romantic and sexual relationships with women i find attractive .

Last week of stage 1

At the final week of stage 1 and i feel like in the past two months I’ve realized so many things about myself. I have become more mindful about a lot of things in my life and in my relationships with others including friends and family . I’ve mentioned this before but i can not hide from myself anymore and how my inaction takes me farther away from the things i desire. There was an instance yesterday where i lashed out against my father for making a slick comment about my lack of a girlfriend (im in my mid-20s and have never had one) and i said some very hurtful things that were very unnecessary. almost immediately I thought about apologizing because I realized he was right and the next day I immediately apologized and we had a miniature heart-to-heart where I learned more about him . ive realized that i am a man child in alot of regards and also that i have only attracted women i have never gotten women i pursued . these points are related to each other because i mentioned in previous journal entries that i have always attracted women in a friendly way and it did make me feel unattractive because sometimes i saw them in a sexual way and was frusturated that it never was reciprocated but ive come to terms that this is something that i can change and that i must change if i acutally want sexual and romantic success.

One thing ive realized is a tighter control on my overthinking and ive noticed this in regards to the coworker i am interested in . i mentioned prior that i only really interact with this girl when i actually take action towards myself and i can never really seem to get any reaction when im not . There was even an aspect of me coming to the terms that my potential is so great that its downright insulting to myself to think that i can reach it in a couple months of lukewarm effort . I have been treating myself like garbage for years for the sake of cheap and fake comfort . These subs are the tools to do the things that i have been begging god or the universe to do for me . Below im writing what my wants from each sub

Why i chose khan

The reason why i chose khan is because i want to leave the childhood behind and finally become a man or be on the way to becoming a man that i can be proud of man . I want to have that feeling of supreme confidence like muhammad ali had paired with fierce determination i do not want live as an insecure boy scared of the future anymore . i want to have a thriving sex life and learn how to conduct myself in a romantic relationship and to be honest actually have a romance once i get out of the hookup phase . I used to think it was pathetic to say the last part because as man you’re meant to feel like you shouldnt desire romance from women but rather their sexuality but deep down i want that . I want a woman whose day gets better because she can spend time around me or cooking her a nice meal on a chill friday night . I want to become the most attractive confident man i can be so i can attract that kind of love into my life and not ruin it. I want a beautiful intelligent woman that i can build an empire with . I want to be a successful entrepenuer not because of the money but because i want to spend as much time as possible on my own development as man and a person and use the wealth i have to elevate my family and those i have a bond with .

Emperor fitness

I want to achieve elite levels of athleticism and fitness fitting for gold medal olympian with a sense of discipline and beauty that goes along with it . I would also like to take advantage of the physical shifting to get taller and a bigger frame if its possible . In my mind having a body at peak fitness is key to many areas in life and its also a status symbol like arnold scwarhnegger said . I want to have elite skills in my boxing to the point where i can progress way faster than my opponents in less time .

Quantum Limitless

I wish to enhance my levels of productivity and learning to the point where i can alot of things done with way less time . i want my ability complete a months amount of work in the span of few hours back again . I want my mind to become my greatest weapon in my arsenal so that nothing will stand in my way . I want to understand the world i live in on so that i never feel lost in it ever again . I want to leverage this productivity and intelligence into extreme wealth generation and mastery of all manners of skills .


It’s been a while since I updated but thought might return. Long story short after I finished my second run of khan Total breakdown things kinda went haywire I got hit with some nasty recon and completely threw away my plans to run things in order . I jumped from khan stage 1 to stage 2 for maybe 2 weeks then hopped right into Stage 4 . Now before I delve deeper in this I will say some weird side effect I developed from khan stage 1 and Ql stage 1 was a very strong higher self who tells me what I need to do very clearly and this higher intuition essentially made me realize that I needed 2 months more of healing before I moved onto anything else because I did not take enough action for it to but my lack of gratitude and impatient made me hop to other stages . I also went straight into Emperor fitness stage 4 but that was the only thing that didn’t cause a fuss for some reason and allowed me to grow roughly 2cm in 2 months which kinda shocked me

Now this where things really got interesting for me because with khan stage 4 and Quantum limitless stage 3 I was getting pretty damn good results. I enrolled in a Google analytics course and was blazing through it . I created a learning plan for things I wanted to achieve and was extremely motivated . Even the girl I had a crush on I was non needy for her and we had some really good bonding moments . My workout routine was actually very consistent and I was was extremely pumped until reality really set in . I did not have the foundation and a lot of the useless programming I developed was still there and the mother of all recons began walloping me to the point where I just stopped in the tracks .

So I went back to stage 1 for khan and stage 2 ql and plan to run that for the next 2 months and so far its been interesting. I feel in a weird way that i am more prepared to run Khan now than before for an example i had a rough day yesterday involving some old feelings yesterday and just began breaking down but little by little i kept fighting back with more rational thoughts until the darkness went away whereas before i was like an ostrich burying their head in the sand. this journal is a little scattered but i felt the need to update this one