Got banned for defending a valid point

Tagging @RVconsultant before this escalates more


hahah what?

show a single post by me where im “drawing up shit” on any product.

lol are you hallucinating.

what in the world are you talking about?

i literally called diamond mind blowing and have never really mentioned results with any other product.

you are literally lying and making things up.

how pathetic and stupid of you given that this is a public forum where anyone can see my post history.

i dare you to prove you are not a liar and quote any post by me on this forum where i have “drawn shit on a product”…

again, you are 100% lying and making things up and anyone can check my post history and see for themselves im telling the truth.

escalates into what?

i do not get your point?

he is insulting me and making up lies about me that are easily disprovable and i reply to state as much.

and your post this talking about “escalating” which to me almost implies im at fault…

so i should not address his lies and insults?

maybe im misunderstanding your post but to me sounded like a subtle way to say im somehow at fault here.

also, its very interesting you would post without addressing the elephant in the room which is the original point of this thread.

its very interesting to me that so far no one who has posted in this thread has even addressed the very unethical behavior by the admins to ban someone because they made a post agreeing with my point of view.

why is that?

why are you and the other people who have posted so far not addressing this?

do you not agree that its very unethical for the admins to ban someone because they made a post agreeing with me?

Yeah please close this thread. Pointless discussion.

It’s either someone with an hurt ego or a competitor stirring chaos (again) :wink:
We’ve been here before.

If you have a REAL issue with the products not working, open a support ticket.


or yknow…refund them.

and go to another self improvement space that’s going to treat you like the beautiful king that you are

theres nothing wrong with standing up to what you believe in, if this place truly are assholes then just go elsewhere.

no beef nothing

EDIT: about the ethics apparently of banning that man, ive been here long enough to know that bans are usually 10000% justified


what in the world are you talking about?

OP said he got banned for making a post in my diamond review thread.

that is the point of this thread.

and your opinion is that OP has a hurt ego?

that’s your stance?


you do not find it unethical that the admins banned him?

wow how sad that humans like you exist

im shocked anyone can in any way agree it was ethical for OP to be banned for posting he agreed with my opinion.

who said anything about issues?

what are you talking about?

you are literally making no sense.

this thread is about OP being banned for making a post stating he agreed with a point of view i had.

what in the world are you even talking about right now?

Best if everyone stops engaging. Chances are the creator of the thread is another sock puppet account. Peace to you @AlexanderTheGreat, may your journey be well.


refund what?

lol what are you talking about?

is English your 2nd or 3rd language or something?

not joking here…honestly asking because your posts make no sense.

'what in the world are you even talking about?


who said anything about a refund?

This. I was about to have fun but it just keeps the fire going. This man has too much time at his hands.

Flagging the post.


good call, he reminds me of my little brother after eating candy

peace out guys, enjoy your days



obviously the admins can see IP and all that.

they would easily know if me and OP where the same person.

im shocked i even have to tell you that in 2021.


so that is your opinion?

me and OP are the same person?


you really think the admins would not have known that by now?

again, shocked i even have to state this in 2021.

You have some serious issues

Get a life


yes flag the post instead of logically explaining your stance.

just flag and ask the admins to silence me.

what an ethical and honourable way to live your life.

what exactly are you using this “flag” for?


flag my post for asking you to give your opinion on the ethics of banning OP for making a post where he agreed with me?


that is to you a post that should be flagged as innapropriate.

lol unbelievable.

@AlexanderTheGreat you have a history and Fire was very clear the last time:

Clearly you went against that and created a second account. Even though they founders knew you are @TheRationalOptimist from the very first time you posted again, you got a second chance. I don‘t see any „dictatorship“ here.

Now you are undoubtedly stirring confrontations here on the forum. So I guess this was your last chance…



more childish insults instead of actually explaining in a logical way your stance.

haha and its funny you keep making posting then deleting the posting again the saying you are out of this thread then coming right back 2 min later. hahaha what irrational behavior

This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

Thank you everyone for jumping in and reporting - directly due to your action, the system automatically locked the thread, kept things from escalating and pinged us.


You have access to and awareness of some incredible tools of self-transformation and an amazing, helpful and knowledgeable community that attempted to help you multiple times.

Yet you continue coming here and acting this way.

We even gave you a second chance after you attempted to extort, lie and “cancel” us, and looked away when you created a new account (and alt accounts like @DeepBlueSea).

No one is going to debate or engage into arguments about ethics, “logic” and “irrationality” with you. Both @SaintSovereign and I don’t have the time nor the care to do so.

You had your chance and you blew it.

Now I’m going to suspend you, have my morning tea and start getting the Lab’s equipment ready for today’s testers.


@friday Thank you for the tag. Again, the right move.

Flags are also good as they will show up in a much more obvious fashion than a tag.

I appreciate how you all regulate this community as well as your own individual emotions. When you calm yourself and write, then check over your response before pressing reply, that is a big help.

Now please one more point I want to emphasize, as hostile or defensive as other people might act, however in the wrong they might be, please avoid responding negativity. No insults. No name calling. No implying they are stupid or they don’t understand. Arguing (or trying to convince them of something) with someone as in the above thread is futile, they are too busy trying to make a point and convince everyone else of something.

This year, we have seen some people get banned. The pattern has been fairly clear. These people, as we might have noticed, have made up their minds to make a point and anything that deviated from that is dismissed (under the guise of simply asking a question), rejected, canceled, negated, attacked, or insulted, so they themselves can avoid introspection. Some people might think they are superior and have no need of introspection based on what you might think. Anything contrary to what they want or expect is suspect of being inferior, contemptible, or unworthy. Rather than them considering your input, they lash out and risk getting banned. Banned from community. Banned from further purchases. Banned from future technology.

If you can, please recognize this pattern early on. It can save you some time and a metaphoric headache.