Genesis of the Legacy's Ascended Spartan Mogul

  1. Run genesis 2x per week, run LoTS 1x per week.

Self explanatory. LoTS is distracting from Genesis results too much, so reduce the exposure to LoTS while keeping Genesis constant. Reduce LoTS exposure until Genesis feels fantastic, OR, run Genesis solo a bit as a reset, then slowly re-introduce LoTS.

  1. Make a genesis custom

Don’t add in LoTS, but, add in some of the physical shifting modules, some additional wealth modules, and some additional productivity modules.

Size enhancement, Strength Enhancement (they have names, I forget them), Financial Success Reality Shifter, Cashflow Catalyst (money from fitness), Yggdrasil, 2-3 productivity titles, and 1-3 social titles (approachability aura, true sell module, leader of men, etc etc) and you have a solo genesis experience that meets your physical shifting and productivity goals.

  1. Replace LoTS & AM with Emperor

Emperor is the best of both worlds. It has significant physical shifting, @AlexanderGraves posted some fantastic results on Emperor.

It has a push to be productive and succeed.

It’s a fantastic social sub - sometimes it has a stereotype for being “lone wolf,” which I disagree with, as it is the best sub I’ve ever ran for making me more loving and compassionate in my commited relationship… but even if the “lone wolf” stereotype turns out to be true for you, it’ll be balanced out by Genesis anyways, which is very fun-loving and social.

So you’ll now have a 2-title stack, Genesis and Emperor, pushing towards a very consistent goal, and it hits all your needs while staying tight.

  1. Replace AM with GLM (or Limitless Executive)

TBH, Ascended Mogul is a terrible productivity sub. I’ve been in your shoes - I needed some more productivity from AM for the longest time, I thought AM was the bees knees when it came to productivity so I thought it was just a “me” problem.

Then I finally tried Limitless Executive and omfg, it shattered my beliefs about myself because I had no idea I could be that productive, that consistently, over a period of multiple weeks.

AM has productivity as a great secondary benefit, so, running it solo, the productivity shines. But for bigger stacks, run LE or GLM.

I would probably pick GLM for you right now because it has more of a masculine drive, an extreme drive to workout, and a drive to push yourself to the last inch at the gym, and a drive to be productive in all areas of life including wealth, and emotional resilience on top of it all.

IMHO it’s a better sub than LE, it’s just as light, but more far-reaching, however LE is just pure productivity and planning capacities, whereas GLM is more full-spectrum than LE but less full-spectrum than AM.

I don’t really think this is an effective option for you, unfortunately, and I don’t think that running Solo cycles of all 3 titles in equal measures is going to be effective for you either, because it doesn’t get to the root cause of the issue - when you listen to Genesis, you feel awesome, when you don’t, life is less than you’d like it to be.

@ouroboros Thanks man for all those clever suggestions. Now let’s see how this current cycle will develop and then I’ll decide how to plan the next one. One thing is for sure: Genesis is going to stay in every cycle until I extract everything from it.

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When I read about Emperor’s goals & objectives something in me fired up. Maybe Genesis + Emperor could be the most effective choice based on my main goals while streamlining the whole stack to the max. Pretty much everything would be covered with just two titles that are going well together based on the stacking recommendation on the Genesis sales page. Also, those titles could be run forever without approaching their potential limits for sure.

I had some nightmares tonight so the sleep time wasn’t so pleasant.

Yesterday at work I was even more in tune with the environment after doing a workout in which I doubled the number of sets performed (in fact I feel my body more tired than usual).

In the functional training course, there was a new cute girl and she was quite friendly & glancing repeatedly at me (I guess because she was new & waiting for instructions). So there was more motivation, assertiveness, attention & confidence on my side in instructing & leading all of them.

In other news I’m thinking about the following statement I wrote:

I’m tempted to test it out, however, my listening pattern is different than the recommended one for three titles (Day 1 Title 1+2, Day 2 Rest, Day 3 Title 3, Day 4 Rest, Day 5 Title 1+2 and so on) as I’m listening only 1 title every other day.

Yesterday at work the clients who aren’t so talkative with me seemed more open to interacting, joking & asking for info. It looks like the results are going in waves which are getting bigger & bigger.

Also, I received unexpected news that is going to facilitate a lot of my financial independence.

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Another day in the gym…another cool experience for me…

Just came back from work and I’m more tired than usual. However, the work shift was quite pleasant and the confidence was there. A lady kept smiling when I was encountering her during my controlling laps in the gym and when I instructed her to improve the exercise execution she touched me (not sexually but it was unexpected) with her body even though there was plenty of space around us.

Also, I received a compliment from a young client of mine who told me that I’m more willing than the other trainers. Another one that was cold at the beginning instead waited in line & asked me for assistance in performing an exercise.

Overall I felt more confident than the previous days & the clients were glancing at me more than usual.
So guess which title I ran this morning…it’s not hard to guess c’mon… Okay…it was Genesis :wink:

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Slept better tonight & I had some pleasant dreams but I don’t remember them. Maybe a dream was in the gym but I’m not sure. Let’s see how the day goes.

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Clearly not motivated to journal anything even if there were several positive experiences the last two days. I’m just tired of writing the same things over & over again because my days are quite repetitive.

From the next entry on I’ll streamline this journal to the main objectives of the titles I’m listening to.

The current listening pattern is not working as intended, especially on the AM, LotS & financial side. 3 titles are way too much and the results are manifesting too slow in my honest opinion. From the next listening cycle I’m going to stick with Genesis + just AM or Emperor so 2 titles max. If that pattern will not produce the results I’m looking for I’ll rotate Genesis, AM/Emperor, LotS with only 1 title for every cycle.

There is nothing special or noteworthy to report in the last day or two except for the realization that there are too many days from every Genesis loop in this current cycle because I’m way less motivated to improve everything in my life than in the previous cycles. So 1 loop every other day of just one title is not effective and I probably need more exposure overall.

Also, I don’t know if it’s LotS, the fact that I did more hours at work last week, or the new training program I’ve been following since yesterday but my waist & abs are better looking and with less body fat.

The temptation to run every title in solo mode for at least a cycle each is increasing and my intuition is telling me that I respond way better on solo runs for sure.

Slept a few more hours than usual and this morning I was more tired, also my mood wasn’t uplifted.

Let’s see how the day goes at the gym.

When I was working out today I caught a cute girl watching me several times. Then when I started my working shift I felt better & better as the time went by in the gym. The confidence was there and it was another pleasant clearing time once again. I caught some more stares from women & girls in there.

When I was driving on my way to the gym I encountered a pretty girl staring at me while I was approaching her with my car. She didn’t sustain that stare very long as soon I caught her.

During my working shift, I got even more confidence than the last days & the reactions from the clients were quite good. Especially when I did a glute & legs brief and intense workout with just 1 client. She was smiling & on the verge of laughing when I was instructing her what to do. At some point, I was feeling a slight erection coming up because she wasn’t ugly but I kept everything professional & friendly nonetheless. At the end of the course, she asked me If I was doing some courses in the morning too but unfortunately, I’m not doing those shifts at the moment, except on weekends. Overall she was friendly & showed some blushing moments but I don’t know if was the intensity of the workout or my presence.

The difference when I listen to Genesis is very clear compared to the listening days on other titles. The reality-bending factor is showing up more for sure & you feel you have shifted to another reality. On the other titles is way less powerful, unfortunately.

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Chill free day with a calm & centered mood & a lot of laughter. Tomorrow morning there is going to be the last listening loop (AM) and then it’s another washout time.

Slept better tonight & I had some interesting & pleasant which I instantly forgot though. I just remember the overall theme of the first one as I was starting a love relationship.

I just listened to the last AM loop I feel some irritability (amplified by the realization that I’m not able to change my financial situation yet) or something like that but it’s not that difficult to manage it.

Yesterday I started reading “The 5 AM Club” by Robin Sharma and so far it seems interesting & it could
lead to some leaps in my journey.

Had a pretty good working shift at the gym and I got some more compliments for the good job I’m doing there. Also, the brief & intense abs course I did there has been appreciated and, more time, another client asked me if I was doing it in the morning. Also, I found myself more assertive in there, especially during the closing hour.

During the first half of yesterday, I wasn’t feeling so good but then the gym environment did some magic tricks to clear me emotionally.

Today is the first washout day out of five and let’s see how it goes. Once again I’m not sure about the coming cycle if I need to try the current stack in the recommended listening pattern or start doing solo runs.

EDIT: From the upcoming cycle I’ll do a review only when I listen to solo titles so I can evaluate properly which title delivers the main goals or not.

Very peaceful & calm day…especially inside of me. Over time this inner peace & rock-solid reassurance is getting deeper & stronger, no matter what happens outside.

I did my solo evening outside my comfort zone walking time and, at some point during the turning back lap some negative thoughts & emotions came to the surface and I think it’s a good sign the practice was having some healing effects.

During the walking, I caught some glances & stares too especially when I was getting really close to some girls/women.

3rd Washout Day…

I’ve been more successful in completing my daily routine & I spent more time reading the “5 AM Club” & affirming out loud my main goals (it’s a free day for me). So my “digital time” went down drastically & I plan to implement more healthy/productive habits in the coming days & weeks.

I have enough free time and feel the positive urge to use it better in the future.

I was also thinking about stacking Emperor & Genesis for the next cycle and it feels like the right move to take things to the next level & really starts working more on the financial side of things.

Pretty few productivity urges on this washout & I need to really push myself to do things outside my daily routine.

I cannot wait to start the next cycle & regain more personal power, proper practical ideas & a clear strategy & path to reach all of my goals. Right now I feel I’m in a stagnant place.