Geek 2 Freak Journal

Hey, I’m new here. Just joined and I am actually in the middle of listening to the stack I am trying out as I type this.

I’m combining the Ascension Experimental booster with the LotS program and BDLM.

I did put it on my sleep playlist, but only for 2 loops of each. I will post more details later, but I wanted to note that I am experiencing an interesting pressure in a certain area while listening to the bdlm file.


hey mate! Nice journal name and welcome to subclub : )

I recommend you read the listening instructions if you havent already!
( 2 loops of each sub might be too much )
If your head hurts, drink a lot of water!

Looking forward to seeing your progress!

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In the middle of the Spartan file and I really feel like I need to find some dumbbells and start lifting.

I’m already looking forward to this stack and seeing where it is going to go. It’s interesting how I can’t help but find myself needing to visualize things. The BDLM effect feels like it is extended to my balls and performance as well as the rest.

In combination with my hypnosis and workouts, this should be an interesting year for change, lol.

Any suggestions on what might stack better with this? Definitely something that enhances masculinity, strength, dominance, confidence, and any idea on how to not fail miserably with dating

No headache, but I will read them again.

One other thing that I noticed is that I kind of feel the swinging sensation of what I expect a larger cock would feel like. I’ve only ever experienced that kind of feeling of having from a hypnosis file that is meant to guide you through the process of believing that you have always been big. Only a few listens and that is already a thing.

Its a good idea to first decide what you want to listen to and then start listening to your new stack of subs to avoid headaches from changing them up too fast : )

You can only run max three subs at once
( not counting the ascencion chamber )
for 25 days and then take a week off to let the results bloom and your mind rest.

It is not recommended to switch subs in the middle of a cycle ( which is 25 days )

you could try this schedule for listening:

day 1 : 1st sub + 2nd sub
day 2 : rest
day 3 : rest
day 4 : 3rd sub + ascencion chamber
day 5 : rest
day 6 : rest

and repeat.

There are plenty of subs for that! Primal and Wanted might interest you.

please make sure you know what you want to listen to before you continue listening to avoid any unnecessary issues. I know that there are many subs here that look very tasty but you can always change them after your cycle ( 25 days listening period) ended.

Im sure others will have great suggestions for you also


Spartan is definitely what I wanted. I thought about getting the big Emperor file, but it is around $120…

Maybe I should focus on just the physical changes for now? Add the other Spartan to the mix.

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How did you get this file ?

It was free in the store.

Ascension Chamber


@Omnibus212 Welcome to Subclub! Wish you all the best on your journey.

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Thanks. Interesting experiences so far. Hopefully I can refine things out for the best transformation possible


Wow. Only listen to it a handful of times a week?

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Yes dont go more than this. I myself take even three days break between the listening days. It is better that way.

Okay. How are your results? And I might add primal

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here are some of my results
All in all I’m very happy with subclub products.
Primal sounds like a great option : )

Yeah, it feels like it will round out my overall transformation goals. I’m not sure if I am reading your link right. Have you tried the physical change files yet?

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Some but I didnt do too much. Not enough to tell you about it. Spartan sounds good though I plan on running it soon also.

Cool. I think that I have noticed some stuff already. Mostly that I haven’t been able to stop visualizing my “Spartan form” and it has also been a lot more detailed than my usual goal visualization. Also felt a need to workout. Between this, my hypnosis sessions, and my amazing vibe this year, I think that I might be getting some insane results

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