Foundation - Emperor, Wanted, Daredevil - A Boundary Pushing Journal

Washout #2 Day 1/12 - Fast Prep Day 1

Update - More Data

Yes, RoM DOES increase meditative abilities, and it does so after one loop–or did for me.

Here’s a quick story. I started experimenting with brainwave entrainment and bought some high-quality tracks. I used them for a specific purpose–to learn what different brainwave states feel like, so I can more easily enter them on my own. The experiment was a successful failure because I learned what the states felt like, but I also learned that for whatever reason, brainwave entrainment caused massive recon. So I stopped using the tracks, but I also got what I was looking for.

Based on my experience with the tracks, and the predictable physiological symptoms associated with different brainwave states, I can say with full confidence that I just entered a deep alpha state of mind, possibly light theta, and I did so effortlessly.

Yes, RoM works as advertised.

This is very exciting!

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Washout #2 Day 1/12 - Fast Prep Day 1

Update - Even MORE Data

Today concludes my testing phase, I now have full confidence in the stack to fulfill my goals moving forward in a way that is flexible, holistic, and in the direction I want to move. I now know that…

Stark Wanted and RoM stack well together for me. No noticeable internal conflict or feeling like I was getting pulled in opposit directions like I experienced with some of my other stacks, namely the ones that included EmP. No recon after all three loops.

Had positive social results.
Positive romantic results.
Positive physical shifting results (less reactive to excessive calories)
Motivational results
And performance results.

Tonight I preformed live again…and…I did very well, better than I’ve ever done. Very little preparation but did very well.

So, I now know all I need to know in order to move forward with this stack.



Ran another loop of RoM and Wanted today and will run another loop of Stark on Saturday, then washout for 8 days before starting my next stack.

After my loop today, I had the idea of changing the stack for the next journal.

I might run Stark, RoM, and EmpFit for a while before adding Wanted back in. I was looking at LotS, but EmpFit appeals to me more due to the nutrition and physical healing aspect of it. Now might be a good time in my life to overcome my limitations related to health, fitness, and nutrition…

One thing at a time. Stark is a winner, RoM is a winner, Wanted is a winner. But what weak links are most important for my journey right now? That’s the question I need to be asking. What is the most important weak link to push me toward where I desire to be?

Wanted is probably pretty damn well integrated into my subconscious at this point, and what I’ve gained is here to stay. That’s the blessing and curse of the subconscious–it’s hard to change it. Once you change it, for better or worse, it tends to stay that way. In my case, this is a good thing because it means that the changes from Wanted are here to stay unless overshadowed or altered by other subs.

So, if I stop running Wanted, I can expect to stay at the same level (or close enough to be satisfied) while I focus on other aspects of my life, like health, fitness, and changing my relationships to food and substances.

Wanted doesn’t really help me eat better because I don’t need to eat perfectly to fulfill the goals of the subliminal. EmpFit might be the targeted strike I need. It will also cover my physical shifting goals.

How long would I run EmpFit? Ehh, I suppose until I’m satisfied. Maybe 1 cycle per stage, and then ST4 for a few cycles to really feel satisfied that I’ve overwritten the old subconscious programming of having an eating disorder. I guess I would just run it until satisfied and then move on toward other, more pressing matters.

I don’t need to be perfect in every area of my life, I’m not looking to become a fitness model, but focusing on my health would be a wise call and would boost my manifestations.

I might have just talked myself into it, time will tell.

Other News

Stark, Wanted, and RoM continues to pay dividends. It’s a great combo for me that really seems to target the most important areas of my life with no recon to date and smooth, fast results. I can’t find hardly anything lacking in the stack. The only thing lacking is some much needed physical healing and a change in my relationships to food and substances.

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RoM has finally shown me that I do not need Wanted anymore as my goals have shifted a bit in regards to romance. In short, I just don’t think I fully resonate with the Wanted archetype of a coquette anymore. I also now realize that many of my frustrations in life have been results of Wanted that I haven’t had the knowledge or expertise to capitalize on.

Wanted isnt ruled out…actually, RoM might be showing me HOW to use Wanted more effectively.

To much to say at this moment.

As always, these are good things.

Still firm on Stark, RoM, EmpFit for some time when I start the new stack.



Ran my final loop of Stark to conclude my little micro cycle. Now I rest for 8 days. I don’t think the fast is going to happen, that’s okay, soon I will be starting Emperor Fitness which will take care of my dietary l issues once and for all.

I’ve been piecing together my thoughts on Wanted but I still don’t fully know the answer. Wanted puts me in a position of power, it causes others to be intimidated by me, and therefore, ironically, requires me to make the first move in most situations: from friendships to relationships. It makes sense to me now, that’s the life of a coquette. People are so scared of being rejected by the coquette that they protect themselves by standing back. Imagine meeting your idol, you might be so nervous of being rejected by them, that you’re scared to say hello.

I now understand that Wanted gives me incredible power, its just that I haven’t fully known how to utilize the power of Wanted.

As always, it comes back to journaling and taking action.

I feel like I’m at a fork in the road and want to quit. That’s great news! That happens just before reaching the next level. So, onward to the next level.


Update Again

Stark hits nice. Stark hits real nice. Seems to balance the coquette vibes of Wanted. DD didn’t do enough, but Stark + Wanted, that’s the only way I’ve found to make Wanted work for me so far.

Of course I knew that all along, but I need RoM to make it obvious.

Both Stark and Wanted represent core aspects of my personality that have existed since childhood. So running Wanted in isolation unbalances me. Never ran Stark without Wanted, so we’ll see if Stark alone is also unbalanced.

Given the complexity and breath of Stark, I think I’ll be okay taking a break from Wanted for a while, while I focus on my health.

Such great DATA.

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Final Update 4-22-2023

Wow, so I absolutely crushed it at work today. It was ridiculous. I’ve never been in such a pure state of flow for so long. It lasted hours. My body was flying, but my mind was like a still pond with only occasional droplets causing ripples.

Wow. RoM + Stark = instant skill acquisition.

I knew that RoM and Stark would help boost brain power, I didn’t realize it would trigger flow states in stressful situations. God, it was amazing.

Also, also. RoM seems to be boosting the physical shifting of Wanted. RoM really just seems to be boosting everything while slowly changing my outlook on life to one of calm, confident, power.

This is my micro review of RoM:

Feel better than ever. Everything is easier. Everything is better.

My review of RoM in a word:



I need a girl that can keep up with me. 3 weeks ago I was depressed. 2 weeks ago I slept with 2 women in the same day. Today I see the true power of my mind being unlocked.

So beautiful I could vomit.

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I’m angry, and it’s a good fucking thing. I’ve spent so much of my life in fear, guilt, worry. It took all this time for me to realize that anger is actually a higher state of consciousness. I wouldn’t have listened anyway, I’m such a stubborn prick, I would have had to learned it for myself anyway.

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Update - RoM + Wanted - I fell to the Serpent’s Temptation

Connection to the subconscious RESULT

I had a long conversation with something at work the other day. The skeptical alchemist I am, I won’t venture to say what it was. Could have been my subconscious, could have been God, could have been the spirit of mushrooms, no idea, regardless, it’s voice came to me following a meditation and visualization session on my break.

It spoke clearly, slowly, and with a certain commanding quality that it did not appear to be my ordinary internal dialog. Whatever it was, it didn’t seem to be concerned that I didn’t know what it was. When I asked if it was me, it said “Yes.” When I asked if it was God, it said “yes.” When I asked if it was outside me it said “Yes.” When I asked if I was just talking to myself it said “no.”

It lectured me about power and corruption by guiding me to certain conclusion.

Essentially what it told me was not to be naive and that I am not only susceptible to corruption, I’m even more susceptible than many people around me. Why?

Because I’m intelligent, I’m creative, I’ve been traumatized, I have a very active ego and I have seen partly through the illusion of reality. Not only that, even with limited resources, I’ve already fallen to the temptations of power and social influence.

It’s warning was clear, “don’t become a tyrant.”

It’s advice was equally clear, “don’t forget what you are.”

Dont let the ego control you, don’t become a tyrant, don’t forget that you are a spiritual being.

It had one final message, “don’t be so foolish as to think money won’t change you. Money will change everything about you, your life, and your relationships.”

Money changes everything. Every interaction I have with people, regardless of their status relative to mine, will be colored by money. Invisible doors will open. Money will change every aspect of my life, only a fool would think otherwise.

The voice gave a Parting gift of advice, “money and power changes all. Now more than ever, you need to discipline yourself spiritually to make the changes positive.”

Intuitive Learning RESULT

At work yesterday, my boss showed me how to improve my technique at an artistic task. I watched him closely, and replicated his technique almost flawlessly after one try. My boss has about a decade of experience that I don’t have. It was pretty amazing.

More Thinking About The Coming Stack

What about Ascension? Why not? I’ve spent a year on all these other more advanced subs and frequently have lamented a need to heal my masculine core. Just read over Ascension, well, that seems like the perfect program for me, doesn’t it? Overcome fear, procrastination, limitations…

Maybe a few cycles of Ascension before running Stark would do me good. After all, I stopped Stark, despite the results, because it didn’t feel masculine enough. Maybe the problem wasn’t with Stark, it was just my lack of a masculine core.

What RoM has shown me about Wanted (not skilled enough to use it properly) might just apply to many titles. I’ve been running advanced titles, been getting results, but have been blocked constantly by minor things like fear.

I’m going to extend the micro cycle to the 30th of this month. That’s 4 loops of each program. Then I’ll take another washout until the 11th of May, and by that time I’ll have figured out my Stack.

Seems like the Stack is going to be more complicated that I originally thought.

RoM will be part of it for a while.

RoS will NOT because it conflicts with seduction subs.

PS might be making a return.

Stark will be part of it.

Ascension seems like it might be part of it.

Emperor is a no.

Emperor Fitness seems like a good idea.

Wanted wouldn’t come back into the stack for a while because there is innergame work to do before I return to it.


RICH is my sweet angel baby.

So maybe…

Block 1
Ascension, EmpFit st1, RoM x 2 cycles

Ascension, EmpFit st2, RoM x 2 cycles

Block 2
Stark, EmpFit st3, RoM x 2 cycles

Stark, EmpFit st4, RoM x 2 cycles

Block 3

Stark, EmpFit st4, PS, x 4 cycles…?

Time to work out.



I’m glad I’ve decided to extend this mini cycle through the rest of the week because it seems like the insights keep coming and coming.

Today I realized that RoM is, to use a term that @Luther24 used to use all the time, bringing me into congruence with Wanted and Stark.

I suspect this has something to do with the FLOW that I keep referencing. Since I more easily drop into states of flow, I’m more congruent with the subs.

At least, that’s what I’m thinking. Flow factor correlation with congruence and therefore more effortless results.


I’ve also mostly stopped drinking, been eating better, meditating more, and I’m working out again. The interplay between RoM and treating my body better is also worth noting for the DATA.


New Stack Update

Yeah, Ascension will be in the first stack for a while. It going to help me build foundational inner skills that will increase the results of all future subliminals I run after it.

I think a year of Ascension might be a good call.

So, first stack is

Ascension and RoM. Third title is yet to be determined. Might be EmpFit, probably will be Emperor Fitness.

That stack will finally give me that solid foundation I’m looking for.

Now that I know from experience that if subliminal x is too advanced, then you can run subliminal y for a while and then return to subliminal x and it will be a better fit and will give you better results.

I mean, that what I did with Emperor a year ago. Emp was too intense, so I switched to Stark, Wanted, and PS for a bit, then when I returned to Emperor, it was easier to run. Actually, everytime I return to a sub after taking time off, it seems easier and more effective. The recent growth with Stark might be related to the months I spent on DD.

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Personal Update

I’m feeling really grateful right now :pray:. I’m currently sitting in the most beautiful home I’ve ever lived in…and it’s mine.

These subliminals have manifested straight fucking magic for me. fuck.

A year ago I was ready to die. But this?

I’m feeling a bit of imposter syndrome. I’m unpacking boxes and it’s finally sunk in that this is my home, it’s my home. I now have a home. Not just a place, it’s my home, and God, it’s beautiful. It’s the exact home I asked for too. I’ve never journaled about it because it’s been on the back of my mind and I’ve been bust chasing girls and doing inner work…but I now have a home. A real fucking home. It’s got a balcony, and a garden, and a fireplace, and it’s mine.

I’m honestly a bit overwhelmed and there’s a part of me that feels guilty…but I asked for it and I got it. I asked for this specific house and I got this specific house. I asked for this, and I got it.

Never let doubt, indecision, or fear get between you and your manifestations.

Fuck man, fuck. This is almost too much, but it’s what I wanted, and I fucking got it.


New Stack

I think I know what I need to do. I need to build a tight custom that targets my hyper specific goals like height, male enhancement, and hair and a few others.

Then I need to rotate subs and trust my intuition while I correct the weaknesses that stand between me and my goals. Easy.

More to come.

3 loops left before washout.

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An interesting result of RoM is that the increased connection between the conscious and subconscious mind seems to be making me more in tune with my body.

Today, while working out, on pretty much every exercise, I knew at the start of the set how many reps I would be able to do. All the rep counts were higher than expected too.

Had an intense and visionary meditation session today.

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Stack Update

RoM + Wanted Ran

I’ll just be realistic, I’m going to need to full washout before I gain any clarity on my stack for the future.

RoM seems to be helping me overcome the limitations that I’ve faced with Wanted.

Since running RoM with Wanted, I’m losing weight, getting stronger, looking better, and getting EVEN MORE attention from women.

With results like these, I just can’t seem to get any clarity on the situation. Every loop is a change to me, which means I’m trying to hit a moving target. I’m trying to pin down what I’m doing and “make a plan” but with so much growth so fast, I just can’t think straight.

The fear that’s plagued me since my TB days is gone. I’m fearless now and I’m happy with the direction I’m headed in, but oven the greatest rewards are in the cave that you least want to enter.



Used the 30 second micro loop strat the last couples days as a recon killer. To my delight, it worked.

Tomorrow I will run a loop of Ascension instead of Stark to get a feel for it before I commit. Then then theb, the washout begins. I’m excited to see how this little mini cycles blooms over washout. Also pretty damn excited to gain some clarity on my coming stack.

I’m pretty sure that my stack will consist of

A new module only custom that should stack with anything I’m likely to run.
And an archetype title: Emperor, Ascension, or Stark.

Today I gained the final clarity I needed. I’ve reached my limit with Wanted. Wanted has been a true friend, but he wants to go places that I no longer care to go. Him and I no longer agree on how to get what we want. He wants games, I don’t anymore.

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Stack Update

Did a 30 second micro loop of Stark today for recon. It bloomed and has now moved up to the primary archetype spot. No questions asked, Stark is MY archetype.

RoM + Stark = absolutely will be part of my stack.


RoM + Wanted

I’ve decided to just finish the cycle. Every time I think I have a solid plan for the next stack, some result happens, or mental shift, or new state of meditation is achieved that gives me pause.

Last night, while meditating, I reached a state of meditation that is tough to put into words, but I’ll do my best.

When I was a small child, I have vague memories of being in an odd, dreamlike state of consciousness, where my whole body felt very, very, heavy. It wasn’t just heavy, there was a distinct “feel” to my body that was completely non-normal in a way that I struggle to describe. It was as if my body were larger than it actually was, as if it were expanding, melting even. Maybe I felt like candle wax. I must have been between 4-7 years old when this would happen. It was rare, it would only happen when I was going to sleep, or after awaking from a dream in the middle of the night.

Time went on, I forgot, I grew up, went to high school and college and became a beta male, then found sub club and ascended to the level of a baby alpha male learning to control his inner power and social influence. I’m the stone rose.

A few weeks ago, I was experimenting with brainwave entrainment, and I entered that candle wax state of being that I used to enter as a child. It freaked me out TBH, but it brought back a flood of memories.

Last night I entered that state AGAIN for the second time since I was a child, and I did it naturally–no entrainment, no music, just me meditating in a chair…

What the hell is that state? Well, now I’m a grown up and I don’t know what it is, but I know how its done. It’s clearly associated with a brainwave state below beta. When I did it with entrainment I was listening to alpha waves. So, I have to guess that this candle wax state is associated with a deep alpha level of mind, possibly close to theta.

In this state, the mind becomes very strange, it’s very close to a psychedelic state of consciousness. You start to get mild visions and you start to lose the ability to directly “control” the state as the subconscious begins to take the dominant seat and the conscious takes the back seat…but I’ve only entered it twice as an adult, so I’m certain that the more often I “get there” the more control I’ll have over it.

The Stack

RoM Stark…???

What is that third title? It will come to me, it will come to me.