Find People And Handle People

I seriously considered adding in Khan Q ST4, but I’m concerned that would just overpower and drown out the other two cores. I do know Q does some “balancing.”

I find subs effect my state and state effects my experience and actions which create results and feedback that reinforce growth and identity.
So my favorite subs that I like to walk out the door after having run are
Emperor and BLU tied.
Libertine close 2nd.

I believe Khan may drown out the others in state/self effects but there’s no way it would diminish the others programming or results-Khan may influence inner circle to manifestation more sexual partners,
harem? :rofl:, and PCC was designed to be stacked with Alpha subs Emperor/Khan-so it would integrate well.

I’m not sure what this means exactly.

Also, now you’ve got me intrigued. I ran Khan as my main subliminal for quite a while and went through all four stages (before looping back to ST1 because that has been the most efficacious during quarantine). I really wonder what would happen if I did the Khan Q ST4 + Inner Circle + Power Can Corrupt Trifecta, along with my other cool modules that I have listed (still have room to reach 20).

Pinging @SaintSovereign to confirm that Khan Q would get properly balanced with these two subs.

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I wouldn’t give it too much thought,
I just meant for example the dominance and productivity of Emperor can overpower the social or easy going aspect of another sub-when stacked. Or it may create an an improved ability to be social, but still one doesn’t enjoy it, cause they would rather be productive.

The combo your describing to me seems like the absolute most congruent of cores I could imagine almost lol. Inner Circle and PCC slip into anything and they have social, and social with external power goals. Khan also has social and inner power goals, as well as external dominance. So I would imagine they go really well together

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Hmm, it seems that if Khan Q were to be added then Invincible Presence or Iron Frame may not be as crucial.

Selection (17/20)

Khan Q ST4 Core
Inner Circle Q Core
PCC Q Core
Attachment Destroyer
Limiting People Remover
Gratitude Embodiment
Love Without Attachment
Transcendental Connection
Negativity Shifter
Sexual Manifestation
Long Range Seduction

Additions: Khan Q ST4

  • I ran the main sub of Khan already.

Removals: Invincible Presence, Iron Frame.

  • I thought these might be redundant due to Khan Q ST4, but I could be wrong.

In any case, I am continuing to evaluate what would be the perfect set of 20 modules. I have got quite a while before this is made.

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I’m really liking this build

I can’t get over how funny the title is though :rofl:
Literally every time I get tricked, I’m like AssasinQ is coming out

I would not leave out Iron Frame, that’s the essence of having things go your way.
Even if it’s in Khan why not strengthen it.

Invincible presence is confidence inner and outer, and presence-this would be a highlight but not a necessity for the goals of this build. Especially with Khan Stage 4 which has strong presence and inner and outer confidence.

I would drop manipulus, you already have defense sufficiently covered with PCC, that sub is insanely strong at that.

I know what the real title will be, this title just captures the purpose of the thread for forum readers quickly!

Have you experienced this module?

You really think so?

Iron Frame is just great, Ive been using it for over a month. If you want to stand your ground calmly but firmly and not be forced or manipulated in to someone elses frame, then it will be a great addition to your build


Indeed, Iron Frame is also awesome when going through tough times. Improves one’s endurance and stability, both in calm and intense situations. Keeps your frame in order.
For me, it helps when one is under reconciliation. Sure it won’t stop feeling uncomfortable, but slowly builds up your mental strength.


Never used it, at least not in a custom (maybe in Emperor)
but I gleamed its power through Mind’s Eye :wink:
And had read of it’s effect and knew others who had used it would plead it’s case
as invaluable for ‘handling people’

I don’t understand. Please clarify. If I’m pulling in the right kind of people in my life, why would I want to be able to handle them? I am just trying to understand. Would the right people in your life try to manipulate you?

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I am referring to this.

@khan, you are correct. This was brought up earlier by @Azriel. Still, PCC and related modules are going to be useful throughout life when working with people, although not necessarily with the same people who I am going to attract with Inner Circle. In addition, both IC and PCC have been on my plans for a while (I really thought I was going to start PCC by now, but of course COVID changed things).

Btw. @Azriel why do you like to refer to PCC as PPC?

Selection (20/20)

Inner Circle Q Core
PCC Q Core
Khan Q ST4 Core
Attachment Destroyer
Limiting People Remover
Gratitude Embodiment
Love Without Attachment
Current Invoker
Transcendental Connection
Iron Frame
Negativity Shifter
Sexual Manifestation
Long Range Seduction
Direct Influencing Aura
Approachability Aura

Hmm. Even though I have 20 modules here I still feel like this needs further inspection for optimizations and for whether there’s a better, more effective selection.


Looks like a solid build to me, just take your time though. You’re better off not rushing this process

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Great minds think alike. There isn’t any healing. Is that intentional?

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I’m not sure what you mean. There are quite a few modules in the latest selection which are healing, such as Attachment Destroyer and Limiting People Remover.

You guys don’t run PPC for more success in Pay Per Clicking?
lol-nah just careless mistake

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