Sage’s Rise: the Wanted Son of Lightning

After running Paragon, I rested for a bit with a loop of PMP 3.0, and then did another loop of Rebirth Qv2. I’m going to take tomorrow as a rest day to see how this increased use of Rebirth feels two days from now.

Also, I have completed my custom quicker then expected (it might have a little to do with having set intentions earlier but who knows right?) and I’m happy with it. Three cores, seventeen modules, and it feels solid.

I’m going to sit on it for a bit and decide if this is the final draft or if I need to tweak anything, like enhancement modules, switching things, etc.

Ascended Mogul
Inner Circle

Faith Unyielding
Gorgeous Manifestation
Lifeblood Fable
Dragon’s Tongue
Direct Influencing Aura
Carpe Diem Ascended
Eye of the Storm
New Beginnings
Financial Success: Reality Shifter
Secret Source
Virtue Series: Temperance

The thing I like most about my custom is that there is not a single thing that does not synergize with or complement something else.

In other words, there are no neutral “island” modules hanging out selfishly. Pretty much every module goes with at least one other, as well as contributes to at least one or two cores.

For example, Mastermind will help AM, IC in ways, and could possibly help Primal. It also goes with Carpe Diem Ascended well.

Potentiator will assist Inner Circle as well as Ascended Mogul, and also enhance Mastermind, Faith Unyielding, Jupiter, Mystery, etc…

It fell into place very, very well. Thanks to @RVconsultant, @Azriel and any other person that contributed with advice, constructive critique and devil advocacy that I forget with my ‘nearly the witching hour’ brain sludge.

Also, I still have stayed tobacco free with little effort since October as well. @Apollo you still on that streak too, bro?

Smoking damage to my lungs is another thing that Paragon will definitely help me, in quality of ways in the very least.

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Indeed I am brother. Still get tempted here and there, specially when stressed out but I’ve remained smoked free since EQ.

Also bought Paragon and EF to repair the damages. Congrats to us both, this perk alone is priceless

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Right on man! Take your time. At some point you’ll look at your list at whatever is in there and be like “Yes! That’s it!”

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Phase Two, quality check and licensing time :fist:t3:🥷🏽

On this day in history…

And now… We wait. Lol.

I really tried to figure out a place I could place Transcendental Connection @RVconsultant but I just couldn’t take one thing out without throwing off a bit of synergy elsewhere. I really wanted that one or Chosen of Venus but that’s okay. I can make another one later on if it’s that big a deal later on :slight_smile:

I feel no worries having submitted it for approval by Q, though. It feels right to me as is so I’ll run with that.


The important thing is that you did it. Rather than getting stuck in overanalyzing without action, you got from about 30 modules to a number that is within the acceptable limits.

Congratulate yourself man!

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Indeed, indeed, indeed… It’s a happy waiting feeling now! It feels more earned having struggled with it but it was well worth it.


So today, I have been out and about with the lady. We went on a tour to Zak Bagans Haunted House Tour which was, unexpectedly, a great experience.

Completely by coincidence, the Conjuring 3 trailer came out today as well, which is about one of the things we saw there.

It also seemed today like women just adored me.

My girlfriend and I went to get our eyebrows done, and the Asian lady went out of her way to tell my gf that “she made me more attractive and she better not let me go anywhere by myself” lol.

Our tour guide (female) kept rambling on and on to us when I asked a simple question about the Ed Gein display like, talking, leaving the room, coming back and talking a second later, and repeated this for about 3 minutes lol. I mentioned it to my girlfriend who thought it was strange as hell.

One of the girls on our tour also kept checking us out my girlfriend told me later. She wouldn’t or couldn’t keep her eyes off us, even though she was also in the tour with her 18 inch arm boyfriend, who was just a doll.

Today was a strange day. I slept hardly at all last night, I couldn’t stomach my Denny’s omelet more than two bites and I’ve just been in a good mood regardless.

Ascension will definitely be missed. I may just play it in my secondary Q slot cuz I feel like it may just be Beginning to shine through for me.

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You are becoming more and more sexy.

Also remember your gf is also pre-selection or social proof. Is she running Seductress?


Son of a gun, she is :thinking: how did you peep that?

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What is this? Like, a person’s mate is a qualifier for that person’s status to others unconsciously?

That’s the general idea.

If you are seen with another woman, other women think you’re more attractive.

So there are multiple things in your advantage.

  1. Your natural awesomeness.
  2. The subs you are running.
  3. The subs your gf is running.
  4. That you are with your gf.
  5. That your gf is attractive.

Also when did your gf get interested in threesomes?

Has she had a gf before?

(Yes I have a hypothesis, but I want to ask a few questions first before I say why.)


Let’s see… She’s always been curious about women, but besides messing around with girls growing up, she has not had the chance to explore. She feels as if she likes girls too and wants to both dive into that (no pun, no pun) as well as allowing me to have novel experiences as well.

I was honest with my girlfriend when we first got together 5 years ago and I told her I just don’t think she’s the last “*****” I’ll be inside of. (Hint: that is not a female dog asterisk)

Of course that might seem strange to people reading this, but for me it just felt right to say. Perhaps it’s my Sagittarian nature, but I loathe lying to people. My mentor has sagely shaken his head at me on more than one occasion for being honest about things that I don’t “need to be”.

However, her natural response was to one day tell me she wanted to bring other women around for us to enjoy, which I am just fine with, lol.

I thought I was polyamorous and maybe I am, but like most men I’m pretty sure it’s just the desire for something novel. I’m by no means bored with her sexually though, so the common desire to go cheat is negligent.

I did not know a thing, this was, but it explains why when we’re in a relationship, that’s when prospects start showing up.

It also makes sense energetically in that silly, silly paradox that once you don’t want what you want anymore, what you want wants you.


Not yet. :wink:

I am looking forward to hearing your possible insight on whatever’s coming 🥷🏽

Cool! Thanks for elaborating. I was wondering if perhaps Seductress made her more open to exploring her own desires. I want to be clear, I was not thinking that Seductress made her bi. I was thinking that maybe it made her more confident telling you what she wants as well as her more able to think about what she wanted sexually.

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I’ll have to check my journal for when I first bought her Seductress but I feeeeel like I did get it for her afterwards.

It didn’t read this way, or at least it shouldn’t for anyone who reads it lol you’re good bud. How’s your day going?

Really good!

DR has been a one of the wildest rides of my life. But it’s getting A LOT easier. I’m slowing going out more, and noticing some of the odd reactions I’m getting from people, which soon will feel normal.

Men and women are giving me that deer in the headlights stare. I saw one woman staring at me from across the room. Funny, a few months ago she wouldn’t give me the time of day.

Also working out ways to screen out women. Rewind a few days, I approached about 11 women (actually some approached me) and I realized I disliked all but one. I have to work on ways to filter them more quickly.




That’s wassup. What’s funny is, I assumed you were married with a family for whatever reason. Imma have to catch up on your thread, I’m like 500 posts behind.

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