Extraordinaire’s Journey to Fame and Fortune

Hi Folks, going to start my journal here for my own logging purposes in addition to personal journaling.

My Current stack:

  1. Khan Black stage 1
  2. Wanted Black
  3. House of Medici

Current focus are wealth, aesthetics and sexual energy.

My Subliminal history and the results I’ve experienced thus far:

Khan - My very first sub I ran roughly a year.
Has been my foundational sub to this day. Started out jobless and worked up way up to a manager level at a Fortune 500 company within a year. Lots of stories I can share on Khan, maybe I’ll post ‘em later.

Wanted - Ran throughout most of 2022
Hit 8% body fat, and started a fitness instagram channel that amassed 3k followers by the end of the year. my favourite aesthetic subliminal in SC. So many manifestations I can share later.

RICH - Ran through most of 2022. Ended the year the top salesman in the entire country for a Fortune 500 company, competing against 75 other reps. B2B Mid market sales. Got head hunted for a better paying position at another company and increased my base salary by 35%. Some other minor manifestations along the way I can share later.

Dragon Reborn - Ran for 4 months through each stage this year. This sub changed my life and completely changed my outlook. The word Dragon Reborn is fitting, like a pheonix rising from the ashes.

Quantum Limitless - Ran for 3 months through stages 1-3 this year. The most powerful cognition sub I’ve tried. Much more organized, better processing abilities, and overall fluidity in my communication.

EoG - Ran 1 month each of stage 1 and 2 this year. My budgeting and money managing skills have skyrocketed since. I probably cut my spending habits in half. Have a more intimate relationship to money.

that’s all I have the capacity for on this post; currently dealing with some recon.

A taste of more to come


Couple of observations I’d like to note for myself:

Observation 1: Artisan line subs hit way harder than regular titles.
-I ran Wanted with no issues for almost a year on full loops and got great manifestations on it.
-I ran the first full loop of Wanted Black as an experiment Monday and I’ve been in heavy recon for days.
Lesson: Do not treat Artisan like a regular title, cut back on loops to 30 seconds to start.

Observation 2: Don’t try to force an outcome but rather follow the flow of the current. If I am dealing with heavy recon, I take that time to rest and allow my subconscious to process everything. I am way more focused and have momentum AFTER the recon ends and I experience a “blossom” effect. I think of it like a muscle; there is a time for rest and recovery, and a time for action.

Today, I woke up with recon, so I extend another rest day. No subs until all recon subsides.

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Todays report:

Khan black:

The libido boost I am receiving from Khan black stage 1 is absolutely absurd, border line uncomfortable lol! I’m still adjusting to this new Reality.

It’s like it opened the sexual flood gateswithin me, and I have a ridiculous abundance of sexual energy.

Even after lovemaking I don’t feel any energy loss, and in fact feel recharged. It’s incredible.

It’s sexual abundance truly.

Wanted black:
Was on the elevator back to my condo unit after my workout at the gym. There was a gentleman and a girl on the shaft with me. As we’re going up, Both the guy and the girl repeatedly starts double glancing over at me very noticeably. The guy eventually gets out, goes to his unit, then proceeds to turn around and look at me again right when the elevator was closing lol. Whatever wanted black is doing is drawing a lot of attention.

Had a productive first meeting with a client today. Working in mid market and enterprise level sales, clients are few and far in between. So to have this come into my lap, is manifesting beautifully.

The journey continues


I’ve strayed away from a rigid conventional type listening style to a more dynamic intuitive listening style as I’ve gained more experience here.

This is my new listening routine:

The rule I’ve taken on recently is something I took from another user here:

I create a schedule around my recon levels. Basically I first rate my recon out of 10, 10 being the highest and you’re completely dis functional, 1 being minimal.

Then you find your sweet spot.

The sweet spot is to aim for is a score of 3-5 on any given day. That’s just enough for it to be doing inner work yet not too much where it’s impeding your productivity.

Since every sub has different levels of recon, you can then adjust your listening to adapt to that formula above. If it’s a heavy hitter, you may run it only once a week. If it’s something you’ve been running a long time and you feel good, you can run it every other day potentially.

The key is staying in your sweet spot.

This has been a game changer and I’m no longer being bogged down by heavy recon.


Something I’d like to fine tune more towards tail end of this year: Visualization.

This is key to more streamlined manifesting.

Taking a week off to wash out and reprime my brain.

my mood has been improving, and I’m able to better enjoy my subs bloom effect.

For artisan lines the notion of less is more really applies!


Khan black has opened up the chakras within me or something, and has enabled me to love make 3x more without any energy dip.

I always knew I had an insane amount of sexual energy but felt blocked.

Kb stage 1 is breaking it all down and releasing the gates.


In the process of finalizing my first Custom. The focus is going to be Health, E-Healing and some physical shifting.

I carry a lot of excess tension, emotions, stress etc, that manifests in restlessness, anxiety, overstimulation and less than optimal energy/sleep.

I’d like to be in better control of my emotions and be in a calm flow state of focus.

I’ve shortlisted the following:

  1. EF Height Inducer
  2. Epigenics and DNA modulator
  3. energetic development
  4. Serum X
  5. Ares
  6. Discorda
  7. Ego adsum
  8. Foundation
    9.SPS Bone
  9. Stonelike
  10. Omnidimensional
  11. Stress displacement
  12. Sps endocrine
  13. Sps nervous system
    15.Harmonic Singularity
  14. Iron Frame
  15. Negativity Displacer
  16. SPS immune system
  17. Asclepius

Need to finalize my list to 17 subs to fit in LoTs, DR stage 3 and DR:LD.


So you find RICH good for sales?
RICH didn’t help much before for me -maybe with some bloom after I stopped running
My new custom has True Sell and RICH. I overdid it the first week and tanked but in the right doses it seems lethal.

HOM is amazing sales sub. True Sell is extremely good but if I had to pick one for sales it prob be HOM.

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What RICH did a great job doing is creating channels for sales. Manifesting clients was a big reason I performed so well.

I will always the remember the look on the country sales directors face when she was announcing the monthly sales performances during the slowest month of the year. Everyone was in the negative except for mine at plus 167% MoM. I performed that from converting a massive client and got a huge pay day.

The actual sales skills itself HoM and true sell are great for due to social aspects.

I just started HoM and it seems to be manifesting clients too. Might be a new favourite for wealth


HOM manifests prospects REALLY well. I’ve cycled it in and out with True Sell, RICH, and EOG.

And it does a better job then any of theme for lead quality. EOG is also great for that. RICH has not yielded anything that I noticed but I believe it’s starting to work really well. True Sell is great for proficiency and driving the calls in control.


Good to know! I’m currently running it. I usually only run one wealth sub at a time and HoM seems to be something I’ll be running for the next while.

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Listened to yesterday

30sec wanted black
30 sec khan black

-the biggest changes i can observe thus far:

  1. Massive libido boost
  2. Features and aesthetics flow better.

Theres been a lot of change happening within, and yesterday I called it an early night to crash and recharge my batteries.

Artisan lines seem to be energy intensive

Good strength and engagement in the gym.

Keeping recon down gives me more energy and bandwidth to go about my day to day.

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Are you going to keep them in your stack with your custom? So many choices… so few slots

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I know I’ve been trying to figure that out the last few weeks mate.

Inevitably khan black may have to sit one out for a cycle.

My blueprint looks like this in the next week or so when I get my custom.

LotS custom - focusing on health, physical shifting

Eventually I’ll be running a WB custom along with LotS but I want to build up my tolerance to the major first. It’s so dense. Even 30 sec loops jacking up my recon

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Pretty sure it’s KB, or possibly WB but sexual stamina is through the roof. Orgasm control and ability to stay engaged really something I’m noticing in my love making.

Growing up I’ve always been in awe of how the adult performers were able to have stallion like performances. For the first time im breaking the third wall and seeing the possibilities of me being that guy.

I ran a few loops of dr:ld last week, and this might have something to do with it too.

So much processing. So little time. But gotta stay patient and give myself the rest I need.

I was a habitual over listener the past few years and I’ve realized it all stemmed from a view point of lack.

As I get closer to my goals I’ve really started to see that in hindsight and break my shackles. To see life in abundance and limitless possibilities.

Unending potential. We are creators. I’m thrilled but staying even keeled as there is much more to unravel. My goals are massive and these are all mini goals I slay along the way.

The journey goes on!


For all the hate porn gets…

A lot of the great ideas I got to furnish my studio apartment come from watching it. :rofl:

The lights, chairs, couches, etc
Rugs… hahahaha

I learned early on listening to self development speakers that ideas can come from anywhere if you’re open.


So true man. The power lies in the beholder!

That’s hilarious :joy: I wonder if you’ve gotten anyone point that out


No, not yet.