Empire Virtuoso - Making a Positive Difference

My communication style has already shifted noticeably after only three loops of True Sell this cycle. I’m a little more chatty now in general, and even more with select people, but I can always shift gears into a more stoic and silent frame anytime I want because I’ve had plenty of practice with that…and having Emperor plus Hero in the stack enhances it.

Besides feeling more “loose” with how I talk to folks, I’m also far more aware of the non-verbals. Not that I have my attention focused on it more, just that “the noticing” happens automatically. I get a sense and an impression of the intent the other person has with what they’re communicating and how they’re doing it.

That’s nothing new, we all do that all the time, it’s just obvious that that sense has become sharper for me.

It’s also enhancing my ability to really listen. I’ve always been observant and a good listener, but even that experience has…expanded? become sharper? deeper? I’m not sure how to explain it, but it ties into the heightened sense of understanding overall.

I think I might throw True Sell in a custom with Emperor in the not too distant future. It’s a good combo.

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So the scripting in True Sell to help with marketing works…

My personal profile on FB has basically been in a deep coma for the last year or so, no activity whatsoever, and on Friday I get the impulse to post basically a straight up offer to my tiny friends list.

I never do that. And never think to. In fact, I didn’t think a single person would respond because I haven’t used that channel to network with business owners or creators.

Well, I got ONE!

Which tells me: I need new friends. :laughing:

Good thing I’m using the best networking sub in all the land…lfg

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I haven’t written much about New Emperor experiences, so it got me thinking why that is…

And all I can come up with is that the influences of the script have normalized. I mentioned this in an earlier post about my baseline energy increasing rapidly then leveling out, so I no longer feel the “acceleration” of the change.

After reading the sales page again, and remembering that this is now my 6th cycle with Emperor in my stack, I see how I’m in the stage of “laying the foundation” for my empire. I have a clear vision of how I plan to operate in commerce and handle all of my endeavors privately going forward, but the learning curve is steep and doesn’t happen overnight, or over a month of study…the concept for this formulated around 3 months ago.

And that’s where New Emperor is shining. It’s taking my natural tenacity to not give up on something I have my heart set on, and it’s cranking it up.

I’m almost ready to make my first major move away from the norm and the next couple of weeks will be focused on making sure I have my t’s crossed and i’s dotted…

Building this out in 2024 is going to be fun.


Talking with a friend before training, we were having a deep discussion about which traits we each think the other has based on the characters from Lord of the Rings…

The first thing said to me was, “You’re like Gimli. You like to fight and talk shit.” rofl…that is not inaccurate.

“You’re definitely not like Sam. You’re not a second-in-command or support type character. And you don’t whine or complain like Frodo.”

“I guess you’re also like Aragorn in that you don’t want to be the king, but you’ll do it if it has to be done.”

And that basically sums up the way Emperor has been expressing for me, lol.

I have a call coming up this morning to explore a potential deal in the watch market…a market I know zero about…and I’m totally calm. Don’t feel any worry about closing, or losing it at all.

For me, that’s a clear sign that my internal sense of abundance has bloomed, and my stance has changed…because I didn’t have to “try” to get into this state. It feels normal.

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Dreams were cool last night…

There was a major theme around cloak and dagger tactics, espionage, and discovering hidden truth. I can’t remember what I discovered though, lol.

(I haven’t watched any movies in a good while, so I’m not sure where that theme emerged from…no wait, I watched a part of the The Princess Bride like 2 nights ago. That’s probably it.)

As for the call yesterday: I didn’t make a deal. Because there was no deal to be made. His business didn’t fit some of my criteria, and even though I like the guy and could help him out with his issue, that’s not the type of business I’m looking to do any more.

That’s a big step for me in that past-me would’ve made it happen just because there’s money on the table. And saying “no” to an opportunity without feeling the scarcity mindset kick in feels awesome.

And I turned the call into a win naturally by adding him new to my network as a potential referral partner, and I got a couple of leads from him that better fit my criteria.

That might sound like basic business 101 for the veterans here, but networking has never been something I wanted to do…until now. And it was kind of fun. I got into kind of an easy flow…

Guess True Sell is coming through a lot clearer and faster than I expected.

After the new drops, I wanted to run the New Primal Seduction and have some fun, but after reading the above quote I’m going with Primal for that business world crossover effect…

Considered switching up Emperor since this will be the start of my 7th cycle with it, but I want to keep milking it for the resilience and for business development. The next 3-4 months are crucial for me to create some big wins.

As for Hero, I’m considering a custom with LoTS and/or Spartan since training is a forever thing for me.

Tomorrow’s cycle starts with Emperor + Primal.

Trying a new listening pattern too:

7 min Emperor + 3 min Primal, then 7 min Hero + 3 min Primal, etc, etc.

Should be fun.

Ran my first loop of New Primal yesterday AM, and it felt really smooth at 7 minutes. There weren’t any strong sensations or noticeable shifts in my energy.

But even though I didn’t feel any overt shifts internally, I did notice changes reflected back at me…

  • while buying crabs, the guy went out of his way to make sure I had the best pick of the available crabs – I had to wait a few extra minutes, but he found the biggest ones which he made sure to show me – all I did was say hi and ask for the crabs and I got 5 star service, lol
  • noticed more smiles from women who made eye contact with me
  • also noticed complete eye contact avoidance from others
  • my vibe seemed to have more influence on those around me
  • I was simultaneously more forward with my opinions and more empathetic in conversations where there were disagreements about various things…they resolved naturally and things kept flowing positively

Seems like the NSE makes things far more subtle or transparent…like the changes happen so naturally at the identity level that the reflection from the external isn’t jarring. I like that.

I ran a shorter 5 min loop of Emperor in the PM, and tomorrow will run another 5 min of New Primal in the AM followed by a short loop of Hero in the PM.

I think exposing to New Primal this way will speed up the integration between the subs and help me develop the charisma and social skill sets a little more quickly.

If my calculations are correct, January will be :fire:

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@RVconsultant would you please change this journal’s title to: Empire Virtuoso - Hero, Emperor, NR, T$, Primal

The addition of Primal to my stack has been crazy good the last few days. I was at a dinner the other night and basically infected everyone with my enthusiasm about certain topics I’m exploring to the point where everyone sat at the table chatting about those things for about 5 hours, give or take. Even when a couple people bowed out and went into the next room, they came back and rejoined in the conversation.

Noticing more friendly deference from women and men, too.

Something that happened organically is that I haven’t listened to Hero for 12 days now. I didn’t choose to cut it out of the stack, but after adding Primal, I had this sense to keep exposure to subs to a minimum and have only run mini-loops of 3-7 minutes of Primal, and Emperor.

The combo of those two feels fantastic even at these low levels of exposure.

The next phase I have in mind is to expose myself to Spartan or Legacy of The Spartan for a few loops this cycle instead of Hero because I’m going to throw those two plus Hero into a custom finally.

I want a boost in the fat loss department (from all the indulging the last 10 days or so) so either LotS or Spartan should do the trick until I finalize the hero training custom within the next couple weeks.

This is crazy. I just started a Primal - Spartan - LotS stack on Monday. Looking around the forum, this seems like a very popular stack. :smiley:

Primal + Spartan + LotS sounds like a recipe for badass.

I’ll have to check out your journal.

I broke the inertia last night after about a week of indulgence and zero working out…and it felt terrible, lol.

But, I managed to only pack on 4 pounds over the holidays between all the food, drinks, and sweets, so I see that as an absolute win.

I’m not into chastising myself anymore, and I’m fine with living a 90/10 kind of life: 90% of the time, I’ll eat clean and be disciplined. And 10% can be for a little bit of the junky stuff when I’m out socializing and having fun…

For some reason, I found that I’m naturally not eating too much of anything that’s outside of my preferred diet anyway, like I just don’t feel a desire for stuff that I know won’t keep me close to peak performance or that makes my energy feel like trash. So, I’ll keep that stuff to a minimum and be fine. The math works out.

That’s probably a result of New Emperor combining nicely with New Primal.

And in a twist of events, I opted to run Mind’s Eye instead of Legacy of the Spartan, or Spartan…

Got an email about a situation that’s going to test my mettle with contracts and administrative processes…

So, the training-focused subs can wait, lol. (New Emperor and New Primal have provided enough juice to be disciplined in the working out department. At a 4-day streak already after getting back from holiday travels, without running Hero but probably still getting bloom effects.)

I initially thought to run Limitless Executive to help with the research and finding a good solution, but a clearer, calmer, more certain signal came through that told me Mind’s Eye would better help me find the superior strategy to use.

So far, after two mini-loops of Mind’s Eye, I had an idea of which area to review first and found a great resource for it.

I think the combo of resilience in Emperor and risk-taking in Primal are combining nicely because I feel really calm about this situation which has the potential to create some trouble for me if I mishandle it.

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I like listening to successful people talk about their experiences, and today the 1-3-1 rule came across my feed:

1 Specific Challenge
3 Viable Options
1 Specific Recommendation

Basically, boil the “problem” down to its essence. What specifically about it is the challenge?

Come up with a few options that can be deployed, and have sound reasoning for each.

Choose the ONE that you’d recommend first. (This was in the context of a director reporting to the CEO to solve an issue, but if I play a little “alter ego” game with myself it works the same. I report to me, lol.)

Nothing complicated, but it was a good reminder to adjust how I’m framing the challenge ahead.

Is this a Mind’s Eye manifestation? :thinking:

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Daydreaming is something I used to do a lot of when I was a kid, I was a voracious reader and my imagination was always creating stories…

So, I can “act out” or kind of “live in” something I imagine, but actually “seeing it” vividly when I close my eyes doesn’t exactly happen…

It seems more like the imagery happens “behind” the darkness of closing my eyes, if that makes any sense.

Anyway, I remembered yesterday that there was a method to enhance visualization called Image Streaming that someone shared here a long time ago, but that link doesn’t work anymore, so here’s the new one that does:


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I was concerned that removing Hero from my stack this cycle would somehow reduce or extinguish the results I’ve been experiencing with it, and I’m happy to report that that isn’t the case…it helps that training is a consistent part of my life.

Breaking the inertia of holiday travels was far easier this month than it was in November, and that was due to the help of New Primal. Also, this sub’s fun scripting is awesome and has led to some good belly laughs in various contexts the last week or so. Over the next few days I’ll have a chance to see how New Primal enhances my business conversations and negotiation skills.

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I’m experiencing some of that New Primal :fu:-“authority” energy in a big way today. In combination with Emperor, I’m taking a direction that I’ve always felt within, but didn’t know what to do with or how to realize it…

Today was the first day I can honestly say I felt like I completely stood within my true authority and drew a definitive “line in the sand”. I know where I stand. I have a clear vision. I know my next steps.

(Four mini-loops of Mind’s Eye was clutch in helping me see the next steps.)

But this profound sense of authority only solidified because of an action I took today (although I’ve been preparing and learning for months). It’s done. Irreversible. I’m committed now. No takebacks.

In fact, I feel even more motivated to move faster. To hurry up, but not rush.

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I got the impulse to hold off running subs the other day, so I did. It’s a happy coincidence that new drops are happening this week…I’ll be washed out and ready if anything really good piques my interest and lines up with what I’m doing.

Training yesterday was fkn great…we explored a bunch of unorthodox starting positions to dig deeper into principles, and during randori I did something from a flow state that I’ve never done or even thought to do before, and it was so cool we got stopped to make it a conscious thing.

And I left randori on a high note, even though “I” couldn’t take the credit…

It’s such a cool and odd experience to know that “you” didn’t do it…IT did it all by itself. I think that’s what makes the feats and practice of athleticism beautiful. At that point, it’s art…

And there are mountains of trashed rough drafts under it, lol.

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It’s hard af sometimes to extract our subjective emotions and perceptions from an issue to solely address objective reality as it is (not as we imagine it is or “should be”)…

…but when you CAN do that, the result may blow you away.

Here’s what I just did to address a growing issue:

  • stated the facts, simply and directly (zero rhetoric)
  • asked them if they would do something based on those facts (I didn’t assume their intent or accuse them of anything )
  • gave them a reasonable amount of time to respond (a grace period with an end date)
  • proposed a solution if they chose not to do said thing (not an ultimatum or threat)

Basically, I stayed in honor and treated them with honor, even though they were in a position that seemed questionable (intentionally or not) with respect to our agreement.

There was no complaining…it was a matter of facts and resolving the issue.

The result?

I got an immediate response and apology. And not only are they going to honor our agreement, but they improved the terms for me, which I accepted.

Full disclosure: my first draft definitely did not come out that honorable :sweat_smile: …this takes practice.

Side note: Hero’s virtue and honor scripting helped remind me how I’ve fallen short of this more times than I wanted to remember, but the results are worth it.

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Today is the 7th day of washing out…and man, I could use a boost in the energy department.

A loop of Primal would feel good right about now.

But, I’ve had Alchemist and Quantum Limitless on my mind for a couple days, so we’ll see what happens after the drops tonight. Something in my stack may have to change.