Emperor qv2 journey!

Well, I didn’t experience much recon from Emperor as it actually suited my personality. I was truck driving so the social indifference part of it didn’t bother me at first, but noticing my lack of empathy with my lady did.

I was honestly a bit worried though that I would experience recon continuing Emperor at home while healing and not doing anything productive other than bonding with my little family.


@drak Changes have to take place in the inner world before they are reflected in the outer world. The problem is that a lot of the real inner world changes take a very very long time and not in a matter of weeks.

Also, I find this scene in Limitless very meaningful. A lot of things are achieved through experience, and not an overnight rewiring of the brain.

Perhaps New Beginnings could help with Imposter Syndrome, so could I Am, but there’s only this much they could do to compensate for the lack of mindset, attitude, thought processes, leadership, wisdom and most importantly, real-life experience.


I found that module helpful.

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Which is why…

Action is so very, very encouraged here, on the same level as journaling :slight_smile: you’re absolutely right about experience, though.

Anything to report maybe?


I actually felt the same. So I had to dial down Emperor QV2 (after a week’s break) to 1-2 loops a day and added Sage Immortal and Ultimate Creativity to have a wise side to tame the ego of the emperor and the feminine (creativity) to use that confidence and masculine energy to express in all possible ways. That has worked out very well for me. You can read more about it in my post here: