Emperor Qv2 driven stack during lockdown

Were you running the masked track of EQV2 or were you listening to the mistakenly linked Emperor V2 ultrasonic file that Saint just fixed? :slight_smile:


masked, masked :smiley:


When you say it’s more “balanced”, in what way ?

EQV2 got me super curious gotta admit haha

Maybe because Q - V2 sends it directly into your subconscious? And unlike its previous iterations, where you felt it is because it was much weaker, so you could literally ‘feel the process’.

My theory is – Emperor Q integrates more naturally into who you are. @SaintSovereign will have to confirm.

Scratch that. Found out that I was listening to one loop of v2 like @ichigo alluded to.

@Azriel You are absolutely correct about the newer versions being less badboy beast. On Emperor Q, I find myself to be calm, unless I have to otherwise. But v2… My God… That shit is aggressive, in a sexy way.

MAYBE, @Fire made it less “open fire”, due to people having not control over their emotions? I have found that after gaining greater emotional control, v2 seems sick.


That’s what I meant haha. VQ2 seems an even more tamed version of Q, in terms of invincible feeling, bluntness, less attraction to socialize for the sake of socializing.

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You mean Q doesn’t?

@SaintSovereign or @Fire will really have to confirm if its a tamed version… or…

well, It’s been less than a week since running it. I used “seems”, because I didn’t use it long enough to say it actually is.

But I used Emperor Q long enough to know its much more chill compared to V2. And before that, there has been talk and subtle hinting by even @Simon that Emperor V4 is more ‘chill’.

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So… do you like the original Emperor more?

My preference so far is EQV2, I dont feel I’m missing out on everything else to achieve a goal.

To be frank with you, I’m kind of torn about it. I do adore the badassery that comes with V2, I think I might have a use for it in the future, so I’m going to archive it for that purpose. But overall, I would choose QV2.


some notes from the previous week:

  • communication style: I’m going more and more toward the essence of what I want to communicate, simplicity and brevity are describing my communication style
  • productivity: it’s there, but I no longer shy away from saying “enough for today”
  • I’m organizing my work, so I can have large chunks of free time for myself (work a bit more during the week, so I can take Fridays off)
  • tinder is a disaster :smiley: the new communication style is perfect for business, army (haha), but not to have a conversation going with a 20yo on Tinder. Adding S&S to see if it helps
  • libido to normal level: not horny all the time, just when I need it
  • relaxed: I’m no longer lashing at people(like for previous versions, especially lower than Emp v4), I’m calm and detached as with Khan Q
  • optimism, feeling good: this is not what I experienced previously with Emp, I’m cheerful, singing
  • deeper voice. I talk louder
  • I do get frustrated and surprised when someone says no to me

Great summary!

What are you wanting to happen for the next 2 weeks?

On Emperor, I always piss people off. You become extremely polarizing.


Please consider your playlist fidelity.

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You know why it’s such a difficult question?
Before EQV2, Stark was my favorite sub. Running these weeks EQV2, I saw ALL my major complains about Emperor being fixed (relaxed, detached, productive yet also saying “it’s enough”, not a machine).
It’s all good, but I can’t help wondering how Stark QV2 was revamped. And since there are no detailed reviews… I think I’ll just hop on the SQV2 wagon for a couple of weeks.


I want to see if stark and emperor could be more compatible then they were before

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yes, same we all want to know that.

This journal is now paused. I’m trialing SQV2 and I’ll start a separate journal for that.