Emperor: House of Medici + Spartan

New stack, new journal.

Decided to switch up the approach and set a constraint on my stack size.


Because I expect to see incredible results in the most important areas to me as fast as possible, therefore, this test. I’ll find out if more exposure to less scripting works better for me and the results I’m getting soon enough. (HOM alone is dense enough as it is.)

Here’s a sample of what I’m shooting for with each of these powerhouses…

Emperor: House of Medici (start of 5th cycle, 25 loops of exposure so far)

  • increased my income exponentially via brokering business deals and having cash-flowing assets that require minimal attention
  • made lucrative investments in the right markets at the right time
  • improved my family relationships and unity

Spartan (start of 1st cycle, 2 loops so far, last run back in April for only one cycle)

  • achieved peak physical performance and overall health
  • upgraded my mastery of weapons systems
  • enhanced my mind-body connection

And already, Spartan has increased my willingness to suffer…

I slacked the last two weeks, stopped running, barely worked out, and basically stopped making progress with cutting fat and increasing strength & endurance. But the day after the first loop, I felt Spartan’s iron will scripting kick in and have done two days of hard workouts, plus yesterday I added in a run in the evening.

Today, there’s another hard workout scheduled after a few hours of martial arts training, and I already know that I don’t want to do it, lol…but I will.

HOM has come through this week too and helped create a new opportunity.

It came out of nowhere (owner reached out to me) and it’s in a market I’d never considered before.

I’m excited, but weary though. Having my last agreement broken after work was started and being delivered left a mark. My sense is that I can trust this guy’s intent to grow the business, but I’m still entering into it slowly. I have another call scheduled for Monday to go more in-depth into their processes.

I might add True Sell back into the stack next cycle depending on how things go. But after running it for 3 cycles, I think the bloom will last for a bit.

That’s it for now. Think I’ll try for daily entries while running this stack and try to highlight more of the subtle changes rather than only focusing on the concrete manifestations.


Yo. Tell me more. PM if you prefer.

I’m on a similar trajectory, progressing slowly yet.

Looking forward to your updates.



Fail, lol.

When I wrote this, I wasn’t completely clear on my own definitions. In fact, I don’t know that there is a difference between the subtle shifts in my perception and “concrete” manifestations…

It’s easier to point to changes in results as they materialize and far more satisfying (for me) to talk about the concrete changes rather than the new thoughts or feelings cropping up because I know too well how new thoughts, feelings, and inspirations can fizzle into nothingness, especially if they aren’t accompanied by a change in my behavior…with action.

So, my default now is not to talk about them until there’s something to point to. In my experience, talking about a thing before there’s some traction or irrefutable results tends to sap its energy somehow, but maybe that’s limited thinking. :thinking:

Anyhow, here are the highlights for the past week…

Things I can attribute to HOM:

  • obsessively interested in a financial market – due to a new partnership forming and final negotiations coming up
  • came across some interesting information about crypto (I’m not invested in crypto at all currently) and am going down some rabbit holes there
  • tactfully put a new neighbor in line with renting one of my parking spots after I kindly let her friend use it without paying ONCE – of course, she assumed she could use it a second time with a “my friend drank too much” excuse, then tried for a third time, but that’s over and she paid me. For some reason, she’s not as bubbly and friendly with me anymore, lol
  • thinking about generating a million dollars per year in income doesn’t cause tension in my body like it used to
  • thought about finally teaching myself probability and statistics – after going through calc and differential equations years ago, I never wanted to study math again lol
  • rock solid confidence in talks with a company that’s larger than any I’ve worked with previously

Spartan stuff:

  • noticed a bit of recon after the first few days, so I dropped exposure to 7 minutes
  • pushing a bit harder during workouts this week – keeping strict form, connecting to movement and contraction more, conscious of staying just under my current limit to prevent injury
  • recovery seems improved
  • shoulders look a little bigger to me
  • plan to start tracking measurements this week
  • keep thinking of doing two workouts per day a la 75Hard
  • tracking my scale weight this week created a nice sine wave on Cronometer

And I came across info about willpower counter to what I’d read before once upon a time: that willpower is a finite resource and depletes throughout the day.

We’ve probably all heard that same thing.

I don’t remember where I read it this week, but this article seems good enough. It links to this specific study about willpower, which by the way is almost a decade old.

And surprise, surprise…it basically says if you believe willpower is a finite resource and depletes after demanding tasks, then it does.

And if you believe it isn’t finite and doesn’t deplete, then it’s not and it doesn’t. :exploding_head:

I think deep down, we all know we can do more, and don’t for one reason or another (or maybe it’s just me), but this really nukes ALL the excuses I have for not doing things…thanks scientists.

If anyone is well-versed in reading studies and wants to tell me how this study is absolute BS because of its design or whatever, I’m all ears.



The last week was rough.

Completed an obstacle course race at a decently faster time than the overall average (I didn’t do any specific training for it), felt stronger, and had better cardio throughout than an equivalent race I did last year.

They held it on the dustiest hillside they could find on one of the windiest days, so I not only got to bring home a participation medal, but about 5 days worth of sinus issues, head aches, and low-key brain fog came back with me too. Allergies suck…and I’m really interested in figuring out what I need to do to make them non-existent in my life, if that’s possible.

How ridiculous would it be to forge my mind and body into that of a badass Apex Warrior only to be undone by dust up my nose? :laughing: Worst Achilles heel ever.

Anyway, I felt a noticeable increase in my competitive drive thanks to Spartan ZP (I already have a healthy desire to win, but this pushed it into overdrive). I wanted to at least annihilate finish before my teammates so I deployed the ultimate strategy of no strategy called: Just Go Faster Than Them :tm: .

Obviously not the best strategy…and I came in second out of our team because of it. The homie in first place is a fit freak of nature AND came with an actual race strategy, so I have my work cut out for me over the next few months if I’m gonna beat him next time.

Next race I plan on using music to keep a pace and power walk any hills instead of gassing myself by jogging them, lol.

Live and learn – and study the winning strategies of others.

An interesting thing I’ve noticed related to Spartan and HOM is how fast relevant information is showing up in my day-to-day related to training and wealth in response to thoughts that have come to mind either same-day or earlier in the week.

For example, over the course of a few days I’d wondered about investing in crypto, started learning a little about it here and there, came across a few interesting options, put in a small amount to test, and am up 30% now after a week and some change. Not bad for following the bread crumbs of intuition, huh?

I know it’s volatile and could go to zero, but having that immediate bump has stoked my interest even more into learning about alternative stores of value and how events influence perception of value. I don’t want to become a trader at all, so my interests revolve around finding long term assets, cash flowing assets, and ones with hockey stick growth potential – along with most everyone else, right? Well, this is all something that’s outside of the previous norm for me, so HOM is having a more prominent effect this cycle for sure.

Limiting my stack to two subs was a good move to notice more irrefutable evidence that the subs are working away on my subconscious, but the reports on the experimental titles are slowly chipping away at my resolve to not stack hop or add a third sub…

Plus, I’ve been hesitant with pulling the trigger on a new partnership opportunity that could lead to a nice chunk of recurring revenue… there’s something inside stopping me from jumping head first into it and I can’t put my finger on it. The Universe served up an opportunity on a platter for me, and I’m suspicious of it.

Fear, doubt, and disbelief seem to be clouding my judgement on this, so I’m thinking that adding Mogul, or EOG St1, or even Limit Destroyer would help.

Ultimately, I just have to name my terms/price that I’m good with, then learn from the experience…and yet, there’s still a “but”. I’m obviously still influenced from the last partnership experience and getting taken for a ride after increasing their gross profit margin.

Which means I’m not operating in the frame of the present moment and holding onto a scarcity mindset, huh?

Well, now that I’ve written all of this, I feel a little more…present. And more clear headed about the situation.

I know what to do. I just have to do it. I have to press the “I believe” button – and also do my due diligence :wink:

So, if you’ve read this far, cheers :beers:

That was a mess of meandering thought I didn’t intend on writing. I can’t wait to look back at this from the future and laugh, smh.

Last loops of this cycle are tomorrow, so I’ll have a few days to decide whether to add a third sub or stick with the two.

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“Never be afraid to ask for more.” – a super wealthy guy I knew said this when I asked him for advice on sales and making deals a few years ago.

That snippet of time bubbled up out of nowhere early this morning and made me think about the call I had coming up. It also made me think about how I’d grossly misapplied that bit of wisdom several times over the last few years and negotiated myself out of some deals, lol. (I suspect self-sabotage played a leading role during those situations.)

Well, today I asked for more…and I got it. :muscle:

This is the start of my sixth cycle with HOM, second with Spartan, and added a third sub to the stack: EOG St1. Today was the 2nd listening day.

Ran HOM+EOG for 3 minutes each to reduce chance of harsh recon, and am running an AABB listening pattern this cycle.

Part of me doubts this change to the stack because I noticed more obvious influences from HOM last cycle and I want to keep that momentum, but there’s another part that knows I need to root out the deeper-reaching, negative beliefs regarding wealth and making money if I’m going to be able to take advantage of the big opportunities that show up for me.

Like my current opportunity…I started to doubt if it was a good fit and noticed that my mind had drifted towards and hovered on the downside. Which isn’t a terrible thing, mitigating risk is necessary if you want to keep your money. But what I wasn’t doing was looking for a way forward with that same focus.

Anyway, it worked out. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’m on my second day of water-only fasting (and almost a week without caffeine thanks to Spartan’s nudges) so I’m gonna cut this short and go vote – sadly, something I haven’t done for a few election cycles.

I’m much more interested in what’s going on in the world/locally recently, and figuring out how things shift on larger scales – didn’t realize this before but this is 100% HOM’s influence because I’d “checked out” on politics, and now I feel like I can’t not vote. The last two years might have a lot to do with this too.


Had a vivid dream where I trained with a master of martial arts. The training facility was on the side of a mountain and the areas inside and out had a Japanese aesthetic. Plus, there were these huge, elaborate obstacles made of wood and metal that stretched a good ways down the mountain.

I can barely remember what I learned at this point, there weren’t a lot of techniques shown, it was more about conveying the deeper concepts and underlying principles.

But the one thing that’s seared in my memory was the last thing he asked me, “Did you defeat your father?”

When I gave him some reasons as to why not, his expression changed to one of resigned patience as he looked away and told me his story. When he finished he simply looked at me straight in the eyes with an intensely discerning yet compassionate expression like he could see if its meaning had been transmitted.

Then I woke up.

It’s the 8th day since my last loop of Spartan – 4 days of washout + 4 days running AABB listening pattern, so first loop of Spartan this cycle is tomorrow. And I’m going to keep the runtime between 3-5 minutes and see how that goes.

Noticed something unexpected this morning during my weigh in: I wasn’t cold.

I felt the chill in the air, but it felt less shocking than previous mornings so I thought it was warmer in the place…it wasn’t. It was colder than normal because I’d left the heater off last night.

Why is this interesting?

Because somehow my body’s thermoregulation is better right now even in this fasted state (~60 hours now) than it was every other morning before…and it’s colder today. (Maybe I’m wrong here, I’m not an expert, this is just a guess.)

Also, fasting the last two days was fairly easy whereas in the past it’s felt much more challenging. I don’t even really want to break it today even though that was the plan. As long as I have enough water, I know I can endure the minor sensations that appear.

I actually feel energized and ready to jump on a call I have coming up. Still going to eat afterwards though, I want to get a hard workout in later.

I’m going to attribute this stuff to Spartan’s influence…

You will see your body starting to work like a well-oiled machine


I added EOG St1 into my stack for this last cycle and I ended up cutting the cycle short at around 15 days because the recon was pretty rough – and a major reason I put a lid on my public journaling and commentary.

I ran an AABB listening pattern for a 3-sub stack, and even at a low 3-5 minutes of exposure from EOG on listening days the recon completely stopped me in my tracks (kept exposure to HOM and Spartan under 7 minutes too). I became very indecisive about things. I started seeking more and more distraction from the deep unease I felt. Lots of not being present in the moment.

In fact, after a great run of HOM + Spartan the previous cycle where my routines and decisions were moving me closer to my goals, plus I had a ton of motivation to learn about different asset classes, how the banking system works, taxes, different ways to structure deals, etc. and was making good progress expanding my knowledge base…

…after EOG entered the chat (in my mind), that motivation and drive to grow all but disappeared completely.

It’s only now at the end of my washout that I feel that drive starting to rise up again…and my desire to cut EOG out of my stack is at an all-time high :sweat_smile: . It’s a familiar sensation to when I ran LBFH and at the end of the first cycle wanted nothing more to do with it, but I stuck with it and had a major emotional release during the second cycle that changed how I feel about my life at a fundamental level. (The subconscious can be sneaky with its protective mechanisms.)

So based on that experience, I decided I should keep EOG in my stack for one more cycle, then swap it out.

I looked at previous journals and I had serious recon when I ran EOG St1 last year as well. The difference between then and now is I have proof of my new skills to counter some of the limiting thoughts that came up, but my mistake this cycle was in seeking distraction instead of sitting square in the middle of the uncomfortable thoughts/feelings that came up and not continuing to take massive action.

Which means, I’m going to pair it with Emperor Black for one cycle.

The idea being: EOG St1 will dig up the deep poverty programming and beliefs that keep me playing and thinking small, and Emperor Black will help me stay with those deeply uncomfortable parts of myself so I face/integrate them head on, while still pushing me to take massive action towards my monthly financial goal.

Plus, I’ve been struggling for awhile in the clarity department with regard to my future. Emperor Black might be the ticket to help me dig deep enough to actually know the answers I have within and face the fears they might bring up.

I think it could potentially be an intense combo for me, so I’m going to start with very low exposure @ 3 minutes each.

Some highlights from HOM this last cycle:

  • I’ve actively started reconnecting with family; reestablishing, reinforcing and deepening my connection to each person I talk to…some of those conversations have gone for hours talking about growth, successes, current situations, lessons learned, and developing different mental models of wealth
  • during each conversation, I noticed my energy elevate and the same with the person I talked to; I noticed that I had a lot of influence over the flow and vibe of the conversations
  • I decided to spin up a new LLC, which isn’t hard but it is a bit tedious (paperwork is not my forte), and it made me look into the competition providing these services – there’s a ton – but I thought, “I bet I could find a way to differentiate and create a killer offer that crushes” – so even during EOG recon, seems like the strong impulse to dominate in a market was still expanding from HOM, maybe EOG played a part too
  • I keep thinking about spinning the situation with my last partnership (who broke our agreement) into a win by offering the strategy and tactics I used to increase their gross profits as a simple pdf download (or something) on gumroad…but there’s a huge BUT stopping me. Lots of limiting beliefs there – and a major reason I wanted EOG St1 in my stack. HOM is the source of the nudging though.

Some highlights from Spartan this last cycle:

  • workouts were not consistent – recon was that bad for me – but my diet stayed on point and i’m still trending downward with fat loss
  • developing the mastery of a weapon system to be able to deploy it effectively in any context has been rough going, until one day something clicked and I was able to better understand the underlying principles…no, I didn’t instantly master it, but I made a big leap in progress and unlocked a new ability in this video game
  • spontaneously had the idea to fast leading up to Thanksgiving, which lasted about about 48 hours give or take. Then had an even better idea to “simulate the hunt” before eating, so I worked out in the morning and even though it started off a little rough, I felt stronger towards the end of the workout
  • then decided to not eat until I’d walked to the store and back (about 1.5 miles roundtrip) – breaking my rule to never shop while hungry – and I ended up burning out each forearm carrying too much food back home (while carrying a latte :laughing: ) – I felt good though, and the food tasted amazing; made a roast to perfection
  • previous water-only fasts have been hard af, but I think dropping caffeine altogether for a week or so beforehand improved my ability to adapt – I’m not an expert on the science, just my observation

And that’s it for this journal for now. I’ll come back to it after a cycle of Emperor Black and EOG St1.


Really great summary. Daily journaling is awesome but I notice that when I take a break for a while, my summaries are always really informative and I have a lot to share, like you just illustrated. Glad to see you back from recon hell.

You had a dream where you were asked if you “defeated your father.” I found that fascinating because of how much emphasis men’s work, the mythopoetic movement, mythological interpretations, and even some spiritual circles put around the symbolic notion of “living as if your father were dead” and many other instances father-transcendent symbolism. Do you have a firm idea on what it means for you to “defeat your father?”

(Inspired to run HOM off this, and I think it’s a good move! I wanted to cycle off Emperor Black in preparation for a large mastermind where I wanted to meet a bunch of people and HOM may be perfect)

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Thanks…it was good to feel the clouds part and have the sun shine through even if only for a few days before I dive deeper into the dark.

I’ve never done any men’s work (with a group…all my development has been solo up to this point, which might be why it’s taken me longer than I’d like to admit :sweat_smile: ) and I had to look up what the mythopoetic movement was…it sounds like good stuff.

In fact, just yesterday I told a family member that I wanted to get the men in the family together for a men-only camping trip to reconnect in Nature far away from the women for at least a weekend, with minimal cell phone usage – another HOM nudge. Maybe I should research how to run one of those groups… :thinking:

Short answer: it still needs time in the slow-cooker.

First impression of that question: I took it along the lines of “if you meet the Buddha, kill him.”

I have a strong sense that “defeating my father” has nothing to do with him, and it’s only a part of my identity that is ready to be unraveled and let go. Or killed, so to speak.

If nothing else, I’m taking it as a clear signal from my subconscious to visit the dark places in my psyche, hence a cycle of Emperor Black.

Seems like you have some experience with men’s work. What was your take?

Sounds like the perfect sub for that situation, especially this bit in the script:

  • Intuit who will make excellent partners for any purpose.

Or, have you considered Inner Circle? Streamline making connections and manifesting people with only a fraction of the density of HOM.

Easiest place to start getting connected to men doing men’s work in men’s groups would be the Mankind Project. Check that out, they’ll have a group no matter where you are just about. I’d DM you but your account is restricted. There’s also Sterling Men’s group to check out, and, if you’re looking for some online groups, ARKA brotherhood is quite powerful.

There are many more! Just these are the ones I know and can personally vouch for. (Sterling I haven’t done, but know it’s quality)

Yes definitely. It’s a debate in my head. Wanted to make sure my subs were hitting all areas of my life though of course, financial and social included