Regeneration + Elixir

Day 1 - I decided to start a new journal strictly for running Elixir and Regeneration although I have been running primarily these two for the past three weeks to a month. I have seen and felt changes in myself that honestly I have never felt with any other subliminal or company SubClub included. If you aren’t running SubClub you are wasting both your time and money. These two titles have done more for me than any so called self improvement program , book , audio , therapy, or other subliminal programs have and I am just scratching the surface here. I implore anyone with trauma , self esteem, or self worth issues to run these two long term as I intend to do. For so long I fought to understand what a mentally and emotionally mature and functional adult. Now I starting to see and feel what that means. With that said today is the official day one


Currently running one loop of Regeneration. Will run more as well as a couple of loops of Elixir later


I ran Elixir for one loop and the second loop got interrupted. I will probably run another loop before bed but I really want to run a loop of Executive here in a bit. The combination of the three has really struck a chord with me even though right now I feel like a lot of what I say sounds cliche I genuinely mean it. Going to start working out here this Monday and I’m researching and reading up on how to become a freelance copywriter to earn extra money to save and get old bills paid off. The more money I have even if it’s not an extraordinary amount the less I am focused on my well deserved mistrust of our current living situation. Because of my past immaturity and paralyzing anxiety I have allowed others to dictate our lives to the point that we were living in constant fear. I can’t and won’t let that happen ever again. I will sacrifice whatever I have to, to do what needs to be done to get us to where we can have breathing room. That is my main goal and objective at this time.
To me a huge sign of being emotionally mature is taking complete responsibility for my life and that’s what I’m doing as much as I can now and will continue until I am self reliant .


Thats very powerful! I can tell you are already moving in the right direction.
I will be checking your journal to see your progress man.


I lost count but I am fairly sure I ran only one loop of Elixir today and at least six loops of Regeneration. I should be able to get a couple more loops of Elixir in tomorrow along with a few loops of Regeneration. I feel good. About to go to bed and just thinking about how much I have changed. My wife pointed out earlier tonight that I’m slowing down , being patient, and not acting like I’m in a hurry all the time. I’ve been reading a lot more instead of watching shows and I found a one book about self control and one about being a better listener. They both will help because for a long time I have a bad habit of interrupting people in conversations which is weird given that I’m an introvert.


@James how many loops of Elixir can you handle in a single day?


@SubliminalUser I believe the most I have run in a day is five. I may try six tomorrow

Elixir doesn’t make you feel bad when you run that many loops?

Actually the exact opposite.

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What about Executive? How did you stack it with both subs and how is it going?

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@Sub.Zero I haven’t run Executive in a few days. I have been focusing mainly on Elixir and Regeneration since my time free time was a bit limited. I will probably run it Executive today and tomorrow because I want to start working out either Monday or Tuesday morning. Executive seems to pair really well with Regeneration and Elixir. I have definitely noticed that as the healing accelerates that I don’t have to fight myself to get things done. I just do whatever it is. It’s as if I’m asking myself beforehand " why put it off or create any unnecessary and avoidable drama and headaches?".I am getting to the point where I don’t understand how or why people waste time. I have always been that way but now it’s even more prominent.
The biggest frustration which I have posted about before is wishing like hell I could have been like this in the past instead of feeling the massive amount of regret I have at times.


Thank you.

Could you kindly describe your current subliminal routine, please?

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@Sub.Zero There isn’t a specific schedule at the moment although at times I wish there was. More or less running loops of Regeneration throughout the day with Elixir added in for at least one or two loops often more. It does seem though that the more loops of Elixir I do the more grounded and stable I feel to paraphrase the Elixir sales page.


Day 2 - Running Elixir right now and I will run Regeneration afterwards following a break between loops. Feel ok although I didn’t sleep well last night. I still got most of what I need to done this morning.

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Reading two different books right now. One on becoming a better listener and the other on empathy. For most of my adult life I felt showing any vulnerability or empathy made you an instant target for people that might want to manipulate or gaslight you. Or that it would be seen and taken the wrong way or out of context as " nice guy " traits. I am now only beginning to understand how really not just listening but really hearing someone as well as being empathic are characteristics of mentally and emotionally mature person. That a person can be non reactive, uninterested in interpreting the actions of others, and have zero desire to gossip or judge other people. All of that seems and feels like a huge waste of time now and distracts someone from what’s important. I have zero desire for conflict and want to get to the point where I don’t worry about what’s out of my control.


This catches my attention. I met with some guys to discuss our startup progress last night, and I finally spoke up about a financial block which I’m facing. One of the guys said to give him a call today…and I am avoiding calling him. Old beliefs are emerging and justifying why I shouldn’t call. And I think…no, I know…that he knows people who could help. Old beliefs or old fears?

I’m listening to RegenerationQ presently, planning on running ElixerU after this. Would you think it’s worth jumping straight into Elixer once done with Regen, or should I put some time between runs?


@subliminalguy I run them back to back and it works for me. Right now it’s sometimes the only way I can get a decent number of loops in.


Running another loop of Regeneration currently. I lost track but I think this is the third loop. I have run one loop of Elixir today so far as well. Feeling a tinge of anxiety because of some stress related to where my Wife and I live but it isn’t too bad and nowhere near what I have felt prior to running Regeneration and Elixir. I guess I just don’t understand how or why it’s so obviously difficult for someone to be a good person and not some delusional , self absorbed, entitled, narcissistic overgrown 69 year old toddler


@James–an update

I made the call AND completed another important business thing which I’d been avoiding. And I had almost put on Executive to do this. I clearly remembered Saint saying only 2 Ultimas per day, so I held off on Executive, and I’m running my custom now. I guess Elixer and Regeneration really do work on the things stopping us.

Plus, I’d been in the Ultima thread, and someone left a message which worked for me: “just start”. I did, and I’ve felt no pushback. I got my busy work DONE.

Edit: thanks for sharing your experience. I simply thought “he’s doing it successfully. I can too”


Yesterday I only got one loop of Elixir in but at least four loops of Regeneration done. Running Executive at the moment as I have a bunch of things I want to get done today. Hopefully knowing me most of if not all of it by noon or so. Get it all done so the rest of the day is mostly mine. As of right now I plan on starting working out Tuesday morning. Another reason why I will be running Executive a bit more often. I want to feel good physically or at least a whole lot better than I do right now.
I do feel a bit anxious this morning and I’m not sure why. I haven’t slept the best the last two nights which may have something to do with that . Yet another reason I am excited to finally start working out again. I will probably sleep better and hopefully hurt less.
I feel like sometimes my lack of motivation has more to do with being tired than anything else.