Golden Dragon Transmutation - Dragon Reborn Stage 1 + ElixirU (FINISHED)

Am guessing you are quite sensitive to energy flows. Good going, bro

I’m pretty sensitive in general so… please, don’t hurt me, baby, don’t hurt me, no more :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been always susceptible to subliminal programming. I guess it has something to do with what you said - energy flows.

I think DR is a great base for running Alchemist and Quantum Limitless and I shall consider those titles at the end of that journey. I want to unlock and activate my spiritual/cognitive potential and rechannel my energies before moving to building my new me. I think that’s the right path for a Magician to follow.


Interesting. As more of a lover archtype, it isn’t surprising that am more drawn towards titles like Primal, Primal Seduction and Sex Mastery. But I keep postponing it since my financials is not in order. Maybe I should do something like Primal + Mogul after Dragon Reborn. Or return to Emperor + PCC. There is time to decide though. Loads of time.

Haha! Sure! Won’t hurt the dragon baby. Said this other dragon baby :grin:

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Day 2


I increased the number of loops for DR from two to four last night and it feels good so far. It may be a bit too much if I take into account what most of the users running it do. We shall see. Apart from that, @Simon gave me an impulse to change my approach to that particular program and now I see the need of being precise if it comes to setting my goals for healing/physicality/cognitive improving programs where there’s no clear archetype and there is a lot of issues to be addressed. I was not precise when setting my goals for Stage 1 so I’ll try to be now.

So I would like DR to help me:

  • overcome procrastination
  • leave my comfort zone
  • get rid of a little bit of social anxiety which is still there from time to time
  • reduce the negative self-talk
  • root out negative and destructive thinking
  • become more distant to my sensitivity
  • more immune to negative life circumstances and people
  • more connected to myself in a healthier way
  • learn more about myself, my limits and true potential
  • be more relaxed in my approach to life
  • be less concerned about negative things I have no control over
  • be closer to my real and ideal me
  • be more energetic and motivated
  • believe in and love myself better
  • prepare myself for running my ideal subs; Stark, PCC and HoM

Looking forward to following this one as I did your RQ and Elixir journey.

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Hmm. This is a very good point. I normally make goals when running other subs but why didn’t I think of doing the same when running a healing title? Not good at all.

These are excellent goals, @Sub.Zero and I will make my own version of it for my Dragon Reborn run. Thank you and @Simon too.


I chose to make that list since that sub is focused on many issues and there’s no clear archetype in it since it’s meant to help you discover yourself and grow towards your ideal you. And of course to heal you. :slight_smile:

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This list is super helpful, I will review it when I run DR.
The dragon does have three general archetypes

The powerful beast that represents our greatest fear/or challenge -behind which is our greatest treasure

The spiritual source of creation and destruction

In the jungian evolution of the archetype from introverted to extroverted -the Dragon has become the symbol of the rational mind powerfully in control of the unconscious.


So I want the Dragon to do it to me… Twice! :slight_smile:

Yes, it seems to me it should strengthen Warrior (power), King (control) and Magician (Wisdom) but it may do something good to Lover too if it comes to rechanneling our energies since sexual energy is one of those in our body.

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Day 3


It seems to me I’m stonewalling due to the number of loops. I see other people on DR (and not only) getting very good results on 1-2 loops a day if it comes to the Q technology. I shall take two days off, see how it goes and then most likely I’ll cut down on the number of loops to 1 or 2.

People suggest a wash out to deal with stonewalling. Saint suggests cutting down on the loops or just being patient:

Cutting down on the number of loops is the most effective way to overcome stonewalling. You can’t really brute force your way past it, as the subconscious will simply stonewall even harder.

The second (and more difficult strategy) is suppressing the lust for results. Constantly looking for results can actually short circuit the process. You just need to run the sub and take action and let the alchemical process occur.

It’s not about being impatient, I’ve just seen it works for others and Saint mentions it as the best method of dealing with stonewalling. But let’s see what two days off bring.


Report here how you feel on the washout…
This will give u indication if you processing the subliminal.

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Day 3 (update)

When I went to the market I felt really solid and grounded and had control over myself (emotions, reactions).

I reflected on what had been happening recently on DR and I concluded that the feeling of stonewalling I mentioned may be misleading since when I was doing Khan Stage 1 (Pre-Q) I felt nothing yet it prepared me for the whole program. I think it’s related to over five years of alpha programming which had strong elements of healing. On top of that, I just finished running Regeneration along with Elixir which I’m still running therefore the transition is so swift. I definitely felt the energy of the Dragon three nights ago and last night before going to bed. It’s something which was described on the sales page:

If you are sensitive to energy, you will likely notice the powerful purifying flames of Dragon Fire coursing through your body.

It was not a powerful energy yet it was noticeable. I’m curious what will happen on the days off.

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Day 3 (update2)

Four hours before going to bed I started feeling a strong influx of dark-masculine energy which felt awesome. I ate a lot for dinner. I literally was wolfing like a dragon. It might be related to my realizations and finally figuring out the logic behind “negative” effect of subliminal programs. Namely; overload, reconciliation and stonewalling. Maybe my mind after racing finally found itself at peace and had more power to process… kidding :wink:
I’m listening to my stack now and… going to bed, uaaaah, goodnight, folks. :sunglasses:

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(Sexual alpha-ness, Authenticity, Frame, Affection). I would say Love instead of Affection but Love is a word used in all the wrong ways.

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Al the best for your journey Voytek

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Yeah, they deem it to be a feeling like teenagers do. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Love is your mindset and attitude towards the world, people, god (if you’re a believer) and yourself. Sometimes towards your special one too… hopefully.

But in that case, I was referring to the purely sexual aspect of Lover. The other, and maybe the prevalent side of Lover is, of course, love. You’re right on that.

BTW, running my 7th loop now :smiley: It’s a part of my experiment on the logic behind the “side” effect of subliminal programming. Feeling great so far. :slight_smile:

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I’m working on my alchemical transmutation, looking for new patterns and applying my findings to my experiment. I’ve just found the scroll of the alchemical transmutation Dragon Reborn is based on:

It’s the Ouroborous Transmutation Circle.

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What is this?

Something which inspires me to work on the alchemy of Dragon Reborn. It’s called the Ouroboros Circle of Transmutation Scroll.

What is your goal with this?