Easier to be yourself

Here is something I noticed since I have been running subs : it is far easier to be yourself than trying to be someone else with the help of subs.

Basically instead of running subs to become someone else and ultimately struggle or be unhappy. It is easier to allow the sub to bring out the best version of you. You are still you but without the things, the beliefs and the fears that once held you back.


I think the idea is to develop yourself. Learn from experts draw from their good practices and intertwine it into your personality.
Don’t try to be someone else but develop your self in all areas.


in my experience (running subs and other mind tools for a decade). the results we are after like behavior and mindset changes are within us from the start. the subs are enabling us to access it making it more obvious option to use everyday and removing the clutter of social conditioning that we have internalized. we are naturally confident, strong, calm, witty, attractive, spiritual, intelligent, fast learners, tough, resilient, and creative from the start but social conditioning from society, culture, family, and peers kept us from accessing it consistently.

Subs are a great tool and catalyst that provides us a framework, self-assurance, mindsets, and strategies to reach our goals hence the state change we feel consistently when we listen to it.


That’s the reason why I’m running Emperor diligently.


I vote “go with your own flow” as its easier. We all have weaknesses and blind spots in our personality, what’s the point spending endless time working on perceived shortcomings? This concept comes from corporate work culture to substitute actual work for bullshit. Awareness is enough. Other people will fill in your gaps.

Sub wise, the first gen products were fine however the bigger titles highlighted the need for a synergy with the goals and personality type.
Khan was great, but I know deep down I’m never a fighting, f_cking alpha machine. StarkQ had a different easier vibe - but I’m not an intellectual - in this lifetime, been there, done that. Emperor made me short tempered laser focused and cold.

I’m keeping an eye on Renaissance Man since art and creativity is a deep soul need. Who knows?


I think that if you listen to the right subs, they’re not changing you as far as changing you into a different person. They are helping you realize the potential you have, you will still be you. People are raised by imperfect people that may not have supported growth. We were taught by imperfect people. Even if you went to elite schools, people are imperfect. Nobody really knows what their potential is. The subs help you to develop to your fullest. You don’t know who you really are.


I agree with you.

if someone has been tought since childhood that he is never gonna achieve the things that he wishes,
he grows up as a broken human, with broken self esteem and self worth.

so when he uses subs which help him realize his true potential, he start to realize all the bs that been tought to him since childhood has never helped him grow…

but i believe that, if you take a child who had lets say communication issues since very little age, and you let him use subs it does gonna change who he believe that he is. because lets say since small age he believed he couldnt be funny or socially charismatic, then by using subs it can actually reverse his own self image of himself and make him see himself as a new person that he didnt know existed
ofcourse with the help of emotional healing…

so yea in a way the subs don’t really change your quirks and core attributes, but it just amplifies the great stuff about you and remove the toxic limiting beliefes that your environment has imposed on you.

we were all born confident, full of joy of life and super smart, i belive that the situations in life
limit us and create false belief systems in us that limit our true potential.


Subs give you an upgrade in life basically in any number of ways, so while it is changing it’s more like fixing and upgrading

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It’s definitely way easier to be yourself especially now that Renaissance Man is here. Takes self expression to insane levels. I can see that being problematic as well with people around me wanting me to remain the same as always and not change but that’s their issues not mine. I can’t sit around watching TV shows or movies all day like they do. To quote a Judas Priest song " One life . I’m going to live it up ".


I nowadays subscribe to the idea that it is better to be yourself than to try to be someone else.
That’s why I prioritise working on what’s already good about myself and not working that much on what I am not. Only working on the weaknesses is probably the tougher road, an uphill battle.

In the past I always wanted to be someone else, but now I can appreciate my good sides and accept my weaknesses.

Every human being is unique, so why should I want to lose this uniqueness and become a clone of someone else?

I am introverted, maybe even a bit autistic, but I still can have my needs fulfilled without becoming John Malkovich.


hmm, have you tried HoM already?

This is especially thanks to SubClub’s technology. Why? The scripting here doesn’t enumerate exact characteristics for a person. Rather, they embody certain archetypes and high-level goals. It’s why several people here can run the same sub and turn out different.

My Khan will be different from @pacman’s Khan.

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@aaa Haven’t tried Medici yet. Do I want to be financially secure, sure. A wealth baron? No. That’s the point, it just wouldn’t fit my personality.

Soul goals (your ultimate reason for being on earth) plays a very important part in your personality makeup. Which is why Renaissance Man sounds like the perfect fit for me.


Renaissance Men is absolutely what you have been looking for @Michel.

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I think there are people who run subliminals because they want to get out of their comfort zone…and sometimes with their existing type of personality, it is hard to achieve their goals.

Like if someone who is introverted by nature wants to be more self-confident and good with women as his goal, he has to run some subliminal that turns him into a more confident person and makes him attractive to women. Perhaps feeling comfortable/natural with his new self is more important than wanting to stick to his old self.

So in a way, when you mention “easier to be yourself”, I would prefer to think of it as making it easier to be comfortable with your new self.


I think this is a good insight @King! Thanks for posting this!

or easier to be the fullest version of your self.

(since the self is not necessarily a static, lowest-common-denominator state, but a living, dynamic entity that contains unexpressed heights and depths.)

I don’t want to change my underlying self, but I do want to use that self more wisely and skillfully; explore its untapped potential; face its unflattering aspects; and bring to bear some of the best that it has to offer.

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Maybe it should be “easier to be your self”, rather than “easier to be yourself”.

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I feel the combination of Dragon Reborn and Renaissance Man has made the desire to post sarcastic or trolling comments almost if not entirely pointless .
I’m sure that will make things easier for @SaintSovereign @RVconsultant and @DarkPhilosopher

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