Dragon Reborn ZP St 1

It could certainly smooth recon. It’s probably better to let that pain come up though. DR is going to drag you through hell in order to heal you… and if Love Bomb is trying to pull you back up into heaven, you’re only slowing down DR’s work

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Yeah . You’re probably correct

I’m not sure at times if it’s getting older or the healing I am experiencing but there are so many things and even people I wasted so much time and money with.
Some random time or situation will pop into my mind now and I think to myself " how did I ever find this interesting or worth spending time on? ".

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I did three months per stage simply because three months on four stages comes out to an even year.
That should do it for most people. If you still need more, then it would probably be good to either spend more time on stage four or go through another year the same way.


I smiled when I read that. I’m 50, and I started in a counselor’s office at 19. I’ve spent a lot of time and money supposedly seeking a solution, and now I realize I was just seeking to cope with it. Obliterating it was ONLY a fantasy. So was forgetting forever. I also did 20+ years in 12 step groups, ultimately only recycling family history. I began seeing myself as “that guy”, the one who always has problems, even around my sick family. I saw myself as a failure in life–since I hadn’t learned that it IS possible to be happy and mentally healthy. I identified with my history and problems MOSTLY.

SC provides some powerful tools for healing. I’ve been on and off them for years now. I even think I’m fully willing to do it for multiple months since…well, I shared my coping strategies already. The traditional system honestly isn’t designed for healing. It’s designed to keep you there for YEARS. It’s not a system I wish to support anymore.

So, 12 months for all of DR? Is that all? I’m tired of recycling my sh**. Doing the other avenues provides little true hope for me. I’m in.


I’d love to see more imput and challenges on this thought. I’d originally seriously considered adding LB to my DR schedule. What I don’t know is “will it inhibit or lessen DR’s work, especially in St1?”

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Damn you sound like me. Toxic family and all except for me it has always been about being able to know and do adult things. I always felt I was some how missing something that was or is always obvious to others
There are times now where I honestly believe most people walking around are just making it up as they go along. That there really isn’t any magical or profound knowledge that I’m missing.
I see people lose their minds over things probably could have been ignored , walked away from , or resolved in the time that a fit was thrown and think that I used to be like that


Currently my stack is
Emperor, chosen from within and dragon reborn ST1
And sometimes stark too

Am i good to go?

Dropped St 2 for now. I am just going to run each stage of Dragon Reborn ZP by itself for 90 days each.
I also feel significantly better than I did yesterday. I feel like I am working through some issues.
I do have a question for anyone who knows anything about dream interpretation.
I keep having the same reoccurring dream that I am stranded a considerable distance from home with no resources to resolve my situation. I have no idea what this means



Paging @Palpatine

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Hey, I know that dream! :slight_smile:

My first instinct is to ask you how that makes you feel. Does it make you feel completely helpless or hopeless? Like there’s no way you can ever get home? Does it make you feel resolved or annoyed? Like it’s gonna be such a waste of time to get home, time you could be spending on other things. Or maybe terrified of the unknown, having no quick way to your safe place?

Dragon is emotional healing, so you should figure out which emotion the dream brought forth.

Also, if the dream wanted to keep you from getting home, you’d be at the bottom of a well or find yourself without legs. Instead, what would stop you from picking yourself up and start walking? To find that resolve and keep going even in the face of a seemingly massive challenge?

Have you ever noticed what’s around you in the dream? When you find yourself in unfamiliar surroundings and outside of your comfort zone, there may be an opportunity to learn something new, to overcome perceived limitations and grow. Whether or not you were aware of your surroundings in the dream might indicate there’s something to learn from where you find yourself rather than how far it is from what you call home.

Maybe I’m sprouting nonsense. In these cases I just start typing and see what comes out. :slight_smile:


What does “home” seem to represent for you when in that dream mindset? What would change if you had been able to “resolve the situation”?

If I put myself in that dream scenario, I’m so far outside my comfort zone, I have no fucking clue what to do.

In that case, I’d ask anyone for help or just ideas of what to do next


@subliminalguy I think you asked me a question in the most recent 24 hours or so, but I can’t find it. Did you get your question answered by someone else? If not, would you please link to the post so I might help.

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This is what i am afraid of if i ever use DR ZP it hits deep down and for middle age men we have so much emotional baggage buried deep within ourselves that we are not even aware off. If i wasnt working I would give DR ago.


DR ZP is powerful. I have played 3 loops of St4 in since release and it was really going deep for a day or two that I have not listened to subs. I’m thinking of running it maybe 1 or at the most 2 times a week for that reason.

I’m getting closer to 40 now, but also have done a lot of healing last couple of years. I do think it’s a good idea to have some techniques to use if the recon gets bad. Often it’s very simple things for me, such as mindfulness, journaling, physical exercise, or just clearing and cleaning your personal space.


I am feeling a bit of anxiety today. Not entirely sure why. I actually slept well last night.


I was feeling irritated earlier. Listening to Slipknot’s first album
Feeling a bit better

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Running a single loop of DR ZP St 1 solo per the ZP listening instructions. I was doing two loops but I was feeling really fatigued all the time
Making sure I get enough water daily


Are you feeling any difference in this ZP version of DR ST1 compared to before?

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It feels like it