Custom Subliminals anyone can afford

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You’re making a lot of dumbass assumptions here.

A first custom, if you max out at 20 modules, and don’t have an elites discount yet, comes out to $398.80 without solace or any power upgrades.

How do you know people don’t have a job, or that they waste money on tobacco?

I really wish you’d put thought into what you type more often before hitting publish.



I totally agree with you, but as someone from Central Asia (the -stan countries), I can tell you it’s pretty hard to collect 400 dollars within 6 or even 7 months, because salaries in the region are 100-200 dollars per month and 90% of that go away to bills, food, rent and so on. only 10% is what you can save up. despite this fact, I collected a necessary sum and yesterday I ordered my first custom. To do this, it took about 9 months.
So, yeah, sometimes you need patience and go to your goal no matter what. But still, life is unfair, and one was born in the USA, second was born in Uzbekistan. It makes a huge difference.


I am basing my assumption on what i have read on this forum.

That’s some mad delayed gratification. I’m impressed! Hope that custom of yours will serve you well :wink:


You have a fair point looking forward to hearing your results.

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Ok thanks for sharing.


@TheBoxingScientist - brother. Please settle down. I understand your passion for SubClub and your protective nature but such comments aren’t necessary.

Your points on getting a job and saving up are valid and could use more polite language on a forum that is focused on self-improvement and encouragement.

Speaking of which you need to consider applying the same logic to some of your similar posts and tone down the harsh language else newcomers will feel discouraged from joining.

Hope you take this in the right spirit, my friend.


they said listen to RICH CRYPTO …

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You are correct thanks @Lion

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Wow, 4 likes and 4 flags, what am I to do? :slight_smile:

I could tell you a story about a guy I used to know who dug himself out of a massive financial hole, but parts of the methods he used are in a moral grey area.

So let me say this. For anything up to a 100 I say “you can afford this if you really wanted to.” and as such SubClub has continued to impress me with its pricing.

However, since I have known that guy and his story, I will always assume that when somebody claims they can’t afford something, they probably have a good reason for saying so.

There is a lot of poverty and suffering in the world, and although I personally would spend what little money I had on other things than a subliminal, a phone to listen it on and an Internet connection to get it, it is not up to me to judge. I will advise one of our single-stage standard subs and wish them all the best. If they say they still can’t afford it, I will let them be. I gave them the most affordable option, I’m not going to fund them as well, that’s what GoFundMe is for.

In the case of this post/thread, in handling it I would first consider if I would go up to a man asking for money at the train station so he can rent a bed for the night and tell him to get a job, stop wasting his money on tobacco, alcohol and drugs and invest in himself while 50 people are walking by and can hear me.

After considering it would make me feel like the Nobel prize winner for Inconsideration, I will adhere to the flags and keep this thread unlisted for being too harsh for public consumption. Without saying I agree with you or not, if as they say the truth hurts, it should therefor be applied in moderation, not all at once.

I’ll leave the “thanks for sharing” in though. It made me laugh and I’m sure the emperor expected some reaction to that sentence.

EDIT: Darn typos…


This is why we offer major titles at just $34.99. Customs are a premium, more advanced product. We actually steer new customers away from buying customs because there’s no refunds, and we want to make sure that they will actually receive benefits from our products.

So, to those who cannot afford a custom: don’t rush it. Just wait until you can. Stick with stacking major titles – much more affordable and allows you to gain the perspective needed to even create an effective custom.


I want to make sure we keep a few things in mind, many of which have been pointed out:

1 There are products at the main shop that are viable to reach many goals people have: wealth, sex, friendship, love, status, and health.

2 Examining one’s expenses might help, such as limiting or eliminating junk food, processed food, restaurant food, alcohol, recreational drugs, “going out”, etc.

3 Exchange rate is a big one. Remember we have an international group here. India, China, central Europe, central Asia, Switzerland, Canada, Germany, Norway, Sweden, UK, and USA are just a few of the countries I know are represented here. Generally, the Euro, Swiss Franc, and Sterling Pound are strong against the dollar. Other currencies, are not as strong. Unfair. Unjust. And yet, that’s the world we live in.

4 The more you productively participate, the more discounts you can earn.

These are just some things to keep in mind.