[CONTEST] Main Disc. Thread - Ascension Chamber [2.26.22]

Did they say Ascension Chanber will be free? :kissing:


Yes. The title of the ANSWERS thread is “Free Holiday Gift”

I guess it will be free like DIAMOND was when it was released. As in free for a couple of days.


Ohhhhhh :star_struck: Now you’re talking!

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Omg Saint listened to me :sunglasses:
(or at least I’d like to think that he did :rofl: )

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If I understand it correctly it’s both. It will be in the app (free in beta, later with a monthly fee, only streaming, no offline use) and as upgrades for (hopefully all) the superchargers in the main store.

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This might help answer your question:


This quote may help clarify:

@SaintSovereign Not sure. Right now, we’re planning to just rewrite all 4 stages.



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Emperor ZP has script from mogul zp and limitless ZP? If so what about ascension?

I’d really like to know if emperor ZP has physical shifting in it.

It does not

Where’s this coming from? The original emperor had a fat burning module in it. Yet we cannot assume that it holds in ZP due to the extensive rewrite.


Oh sorry I forgot
But if It has it in QV2, it definitely is included in ZP.
If you reduce the objective, then what the point of upgrading?

More effectiveness in the objectives that remain. SC has confirmed that subs are becoming narrower in focus with ZP.


Oh shit really?
That’s not good looking to me
I hope older version of Qv2 is available after release of ZP
What do you think about it? Is it good looking to you?

I am wondering about the part of most of you will be able to use Ascension Chamber everyday without overload.

Would new users likely not able to handle a 3 title stack + Asc. Chamber? Would users need something like 3 months usage/experience with Subclub titles?

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ZP titles are shorter in playing time per loop compared to Qv2.

We would have to wait for tomorrow/ Sunday Dec 26 for the upgrades of Emperor, Libertine & As Above As Below. Maybe we get the objectives list and updated descriptions tomorrow as well.

For Emperor Qv2 vs ZP try it out. See which ones suits you best.

I guess it’d be better if you quoted where SC said that
I am sure he did not mean all the subs
Especially the PSZP
Multiple time he said it has the full script

I think it has QL lite, not limitless zp

Im not sure though, but i think its QL lite

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