Conscious guidance in ZP: how does it work?

Action is infinitely easier and manifestation is better on ZP and I think this is because it resonates with you on a more personal level


You don’t need to.

It’s not your job to understand why ZP is better than Qv2.

That’s their job.

Your job is to use the best tools that are available, follow the recommendations and get results.

A year from now, everybody is going to be too busy experiencing incredible changes through ZP to even think about Qv2…

New people here won’t even know what Qv2 is.

I suggest you get up to speed or you’re going to get left in the dust, and if you prefer doing that then by all means go ahead… it’s your choice.

In the article with a great analogy from @malkuth, he said that the

“Reality is ‘moved through you’, rather than you forcing your way through reality.
Reality seems to simply ‘morph’. Rather than needing to be forced into shape.”

The forcing is more of a superficial and unnatural form of growth in my opinion.
I personally believe through months of experience of both technologies and what I’ve observed on the forum, that ZP is completely built around deep congruence… something that I feel Qv2 was lacking.

I have many reasons for that, off the top of my head, for example you can notice individuals who have run subliminals like Khan, or Ascension for many months but don’t seem to have embodied it on a deep level. It’s moreso that they’ve embodied it through action, and a present state of mind in a way that meshes with their current core, like a deep state shift.

The way it seems to me that ZP works is by starting from your deepest core and then pushing outwards. Qv2 seems to work by starting outwards and pushing inwards towards the deep core like a force, with the deep core (your current congruent self) resisting it.
This manifests as a certain level of outer embodiment but a lack of complete and deep congruence.

All of this is just a theory, lol.

But it doesn’t really matter… Those articles offer enough information.

Stop overthinking shit.

Start a sub/stack and start getting results like everybody else.


@shahinshah - what @Luther24 wrote above is brutally honest but true. It won’t really help us to have this conversation each time there is a new build. And there has been conversations like this before and I don’t doubt there will be again in the future comparing old build to new build.

What I recommend is to forget the comparison and read a bit about the new build itself alone. Meaning, read about ZP and its advantages (other than the 15 minuted runtime).

You might or might not understand everything, but that’s okay. Not even those in the forum who know more will be able to grasp the full extent of what went into making these subliminals. Because if we did, we could make our own too. But the technology is a corporate secret for good reason.

Again, just read about ZP a bit, choose a stack, follow listening instructions, take action, journal and the rewards will come.

Else we will only be doing mental masturbation lol.


THIS so much.

Don’t get me wrong, QV2 worked great, but imo ZP is longer lasting because it changes you at a deep level. I get this feeling that QV2 worked best if you keep running the sub. On ZP, I still get results months later from a sub I don’t even run anymore.

It also FEELS different and imo it works quicker, stronger, and BETTER because it goes much deeper (that’s what she said).

Also, in general, why is this thread even a thing? Even if ZP were just quicker and just 15 minutes, then its already better over Qv2. Tech upgrade. I don’t understand why one would question this so much.

Let the guys develop the tech and use it to your benefit.

But maybe I am just feeding this thread :wink:


Hey @shahinshah,

Here’s a post I wrote when I was asking the same question as you.

This was my opinion of the contrast between how the two programs work.


@Palpatine @Malkuth @Lion @AlexanderGraves @Luther24
So the last question: Q2 makes all the personality changes that are described in the script, would the ZP do the same? Let’s leave out for now how they differ, what is better and what is worse, etc., but just take a look at what they ultimately give a person. I know that the results of the ZP will be better, but just the fact itself: will the ZP give all those properties of the archetype, starting from which the sub was created, or conscious guidance can make it so that the user does not get some of the properties of the archetype? Because I want to run Emperor + Stark stack in the future and I’m afraid I would get those archetypes if I “unconsciously” do conscious guidance that would lead me to another results that I didn’t want and I would not get what I want.
Conscious guidance in ZP still is a big mystery for me.

Edit: I’ve renamed the topic into more proper title since my question are mostly about conscious guidance.


Concious guidance is only really necessary for things that slightly differ from what the script intended. For example if you have a “vocal story telling” scripting in your subliminal but you want to consciously guide it towards having a “writing a story” skill

Basically, there is nothing to worry here.

Yes it will. And on a deeper level too. Because ZP scripting is made that way. To change you from the very core of you.


When I first learned how to drive, I used to feel a bit tense about making sure I kept the car in the right line and centered in my lane. There is a very high cost of making a mistake in a machine like that. I was very tense about focusing on the car and making sure that it would not hit anything.

I had a friend a few years older with more driving experience who gave me a beginner’s tip.

Where you look is where the car will go

I had never thought about that before. I raised my focus from the narrow circle of the car and shifted it ahead of me to where I was going in the distance on the road. I found that I relaxed and the car naturally followed my line of sight.

At the same time, I could react to things in my peripheral vision, and regulate the movement of the car. Those skills grew stronger and stronger as I gained greater comfort behind the wheel.

This is what conscious guidance is about to me. In driving cars and in driving subliminals.


Not your focus on the subliminal; your focus on your life (the context of the subliminal).

You “guide” the subliminal by focusing on your life and on the projects that you are working on in your life.

That focus is the guidance.


@Lion alright, so I have nothing to worry too.

@Malkuth the analogy is excellent!

Thank you, brothers, for a spent time to explain all these to me


Yes this is so true I experienced this with Mogul


You are right. That’s why i support the idea that SC keeps Qv2 titles some more time in store.

As it came out, we would get A if we want A running ZP titles anyway. But the changes would came from the core of your personality and they are very adaptive, that’s why results vary, but still the end results would be the same for everyone. If I understand that in a right way, of course.

Take into account that many successful users used Q titles for a long time before trying ZP. They built up a foundation.
Some others tried a more powerful ZP version in a exclusive way.
If you read the forum some ZP users don’t get the benefits they used to get with QV2.

In my experience, Qv2 accomplishes what it promises in the Sales page.

To those intellectually curious about Qv2 vs QZP … please visit Part 1 of the now-system-locked-10k-posts Main QZP Thread – and read SaintSovereign’s posts.

There are 653 of them, but you can skip any post with less than 20 likes.

Us members have forgotten the details.

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :grin:


Conscious Guidance just means:
"Having Clear Intentions for Your Subliminals Stack (preferably Written)".

Write everything – goals, details, plans, fears, role models, books, ideas, whatever.
The more, the merrier.


It is ok to follow a “lets play this audio and see what happens” attitude.
For better results however, writing down your personal version of success (with the stack) – is more beneficial.


Everyone playing Stark will feel guided towards actions that will, over time, culminate in wealth, fame, etc.

But the person who runs Stark with the intention of "Becoming a Top 10 YouTuber in my business niche / country" – will progress much faster.


Edit: CG can also include Daily Journaling of results / effects.
“Tell the Subliminal” (or your Subconscious Mind), … which ones you like and want more of.



Damn never heard of this before .
Will hereafter follow this in my journaling . :+1:

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Have any sources?

For example, i remember some users asserting that EmpZP lacked the productivity drive that other versions had.

Maybe SC can improve certain ZP titles or adjust certain aspects of ZP. This was the objective of the experimental phase.

Don’t wanna appear as a ZP detractor cause i’m not.

All i know is that Qv2 delivered what was promoted in sales page.

??? I am curious to see the posts that relate to this. Even though I ran EmperorZP for a short while I did experience a noticeable and big boost in productivity and drive.

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