Can paragon heal ADHD?

I’m not a fan of the term illness either because it implies there is something fundamentally wrong with you. Whether that’s true or not. I’m a bit sensitive about how ADHD is labeled or categorized. I remember seeing psychiatrists when I was a kid and back then it was called Minimal Brain Dysfunction. My parents ran with that because in their warped minds it gave them a excuse to tell folks that I was partially retarded as the reason for me being such a weird kid.

A kid or child doesn’t have the mental or emotional processesing skills to understand why his parents are divorced, why he only sees his father sporadically, and when he does some of that is monopolized by a very needy mother.


Yeah I don’t have experience with paragon, but I have ADHD so I’d be interested to know what subs here could possibly improve that. A lot still isn’t known about ADHD and also there’s a lot of overlap with other things so who knows.

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I’ve been running DR st1/st2 and Paragon, and I’ve felt a bit of my ADD-symptoms being alleviated. Better focus, more sturdy inner self, less being “all over the place”, less forgetfulness, better executive and cognitive functions, less mind fog, etc. I’ve also been more motivated to move and exercise, so that’s an added bonus :slight_smile:

Although, I personally believe it is just as important to examine the food and building materials you give to your body. I’ve been doing Dr Goldner’s (free) Hyper Nourishment program for a couple of weeks, and some days I feel like I’m on modafinil… I know I’ve felt improvement, but check for yourself! I’m sure there are people with ADHD that has also seen improvements.


It’s basically what it sounds like; you flush your body with micro-nutrients with DIY green smoothies (whole food plant based no oil, so yes, it’s vegan :sweat_smile:), and Omega 3’s from plant sources to replace the cell walls in your body built with omega 6, with omega 3’s instead, which rapidly improves neuro-transmission throughout the body. It also lessens and fights inflammation in the system. Breakdown of omega 6 causes the release of Arachidonic acid, which has been directly linked to inflammation, which stresses basically every function in the body. Check out Dr Goldner - Goodbye Autoimmune and her other books, if you are interested.

As for alleviating ADHD/(ADD) with subs well, I think it’s possible, but it could also depend on what the hell ADHD really is. Some say it’s an expression of sorts from childhood trauma, others toxicity, others… something else. And others think it’s a evolutionary role necessary for the tribe, having people trying things and being all over so that the others can learn what works or not… I personally think it could be (in part) the result of hyperfocus gone wrong in a world where everything craves your attention nonstop, which eventually lead to catastrophic failure of the body and mind expressed as “executive and cognitive dysfunction” - so Paragon could help ease the stress of the body, and thus ease the stress of the mind, making it easier to focus = “less” ADHD. Though I am by no means an expert and only have the experience of adult ADD to draw from…

Have you had the chance to try any of the mind/focus-oriented subs, like Limitless, or Beyond Limitless?

im running stark and ldu and rm

im planning to make a custom with those above and also add limitless or QL

but definitely i would add either limitless or QL i think they would help

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@Athanaxos There has been a long standing belief that ADHD is the result of unresolved trauma and issues. If that is the case Dragon Reborn run in it’s entirety should be the priority and focus


I havent had any ADD symptoms after DR. It definitely seemed to have helped for me.


What stage did you run or which helped you the most?

That’s good to know. Thank you for sharing.

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I have severe ADHD and Quantum Limitless ZP has helped me a lot so far with working on how I think and respond to things in the few days I have been running it
I honestly don’t think there’s anything that can cure ADHD but there are tools available


Also consider The Elixir and Dragon Reborn
Dragon Reborn St 1 did a lot for me in terms of mental and emotional maturity and growth
The Elixir is for emotional stability