Can I Listen to Audible Affirmations while listening to a subliminal track?

What I know is that mixing anything that changes the brain’s condition often loses its effect or crashes.

The most desirable thing is to use only the product of SC.

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We don’t know what he was listening to… just that he was interested in audible
(out loud) affirmations. It may not even
be another “vendor.”


Since you’ve rushed into an unsolicited judgemental advice,

I’ll give you one too.

Run Quantum Limitless for a year, them come back and read my initial post. See, if you can understand what I asked for. See if other product names magically appear. See if other vendors magically appear.

Good day sir!

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@mecharc i am not here to argue with you over something fruitless lets agree to disagree ok ?

Peace be with you…your friend DA

@unusualfellow we do not know the full story and perhaps we will never know but my thoughts remain unchanged regarding this topic.

Peace your friend DA

@TheBoxingScientist your enthusiasm about Subliminal Club is appreciated.

Although there are other producers making products that may get others results, I would guess some genuinely want to help others.

Again please do not mix Subliminal Club products with other products.

As for your specific question @mecharc would you please enter a support ticket for a definitive answer?

No, I will not! I did nothing wrong here. I used some general terms while asking for advice from my family here about their real experience.
It’s not my fault some people are overthinking and being judgemental for no reason! Ask them to not derail my thread!

Edit: I’m really pissed off coz he derailed my thread for no apparent reason and then he asks you to lock it… i mean…what even man?



Edit: @RVconsultant Please forgive my tone. You are amazing

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I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but taking this extreme position, actually makes your comments sound as if you wanted to turn off people away from subclub while “defending” them, if this is not the outcome you want, maybe consider taking a less extreme more flexible position.

When we take the “fanboy, must obey the gods and I will be harsh with anybody who disagrees or dares to experiment” attitude we do more harm than good.

There are other great vendors, no one has ever said mixing products will affect mental health, and while there is the possiblity of recon, people must be free to experiment, and try new stuff.

Please do not take offense I’m trying to be constructive.


@TheBoxingScientist Your comments have been getting more and more inflammatory these days. Not sure what you’re running atm, but you should probably cut down on loops or get off the forum while your recon clears.

You saying something like this is highly problematic and I’m surprised that no one has reported your post yet. You aren’t a forum moderator, you cannot dictate how we should think or act.


I don’t think you did anything wrong, as well. I was wanting you to enter a support ticket so you could get a definitive answer.


Bro, I think you are misunderstanding @RVconsultant he is always very helpful, and besides his opinion and ours, he always recommends opening a support ticket aditionally (not in place) of the thread. So you can get an “official recommendation” and maybe even post it here for us to discuss.

I have done that, and many others have done it.

And yes your thread was derailed so going back to the topic, I would just try it. first i would listen separately, maybe after or even 12h appart (meaning if one in the morning the other at night), see how that works for you.

And then experiment at the same time.

In my own opinion, and I might be wrong, people take instructions waaaay too seriously it is not like you are really gonna get hurt, to me it is funny how people act afraid of recon. Man you might get moody, or stressed or a headache or flu or whatever, so? If you can handle it you keep going if not you stop listening.

in fact I think it would be beneficial to have affirmations.


@AlfaX thanks alot brother for that indepth advice! Much appreciated.

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Wow, that is a lot of energy expended on a relatively simple and innocent question. Especially my semi-namesake going into combat-mode over this.

@mecharc, this question has been asked often before and I’m sure you can find threads, much like @FireDragon did.

My personal opinion is this:

  • Simple audio affirmations are highly unlikely to get in the way. I usually do a couple throughout my day simply to keep myself aligned with the right mindset, from simply making positive statements about myself when looking in the mirror or exercising to doing the daily morning Reiki affirmations (Just for today, I will…). I have also in the past used some sleep programming affirmations by Dick Sutphen (some of which you can also find on Audible), but not for a while.
    When running long tracks of affirmations, you shouldn’t run them while running subs though. Probably best when run before your daily dose of subs or several hours after running subs. Keep in mind that after subs your brain will be busy translating subs, so it might be best if your affirmations are at very least in line with the subs if you run them then.

  • Binaural beats… this topic has been discussed often. During the Q era there were several discussions about brainwave states and scalar waves and binaurals. At the time several users, myself included, wondered if going into something like Theta would make the brain go faster and help the subs process faster. There might still be users listening to subs while meditating in a deeper state, with 15 minute tracks this is certainly much easier. Ultima was meant for state-shifting and I recall Saint stating once that no binaurals would become part of the subs but that subs would be instructed to go into the best state possible while processing.
    This is something you could experiment with, keeping in mind that the official rule is not to mess with them while listening to the subs.

  • Hypnosis/trance work. This is a bit trickier. Officially hypnosis aims to put the listener into a trance and then speak to the subconscious. I think that hits a little close to home. That said, when running Alchemist or Sage I myself would definitely do (guided) trance-work to support them, as esoteric arts often do trance work. And for others, doing strong visualizations can also be a good thing, and visualizations at their best will definitely put you in a mild altered state.
    Never do guided hypnosis while running subs, only do guided hypnosis that is in line with the goals of the subs and do them on a different part of the day, not directly before or after subs. However, I see no reason why you can’t put yourself in a trance without using guidance if you have practice in this, and can even do this during subs as far as I am concerned as it is doubtful you can override the subs using conscious effort. Although if you can, you are awesome!

In all cases, keep in mind that SubClub subliminals do a lot to your mind even when you are not listening to them so if you get odd results, the first thing to do is to stop doing any other mind altering work, be it conscious or subconscious. Only once you are only doing subs and are still getting odd results, should you come to us with questions about that. We are pluriscient, not omniscient, so we can’t predict every possible side-effect to doing things in combination with the subs and we can only write so much protection into the subs before making them less effective.

As for as the official response would be, I would guess it is something along the lines of: “Using any mind-altering products in addition to SubClub subs can lead to diminished or adverse effects. Also, SubClub would not be able to provide accurate support in these cases. So please don’t do so and run SubClub subs exclusively.”

@TheBoxingScientist although I/we appreciate your passion, I feel you made this a bit bigger than it was and that wasn’t needed here.

SubClub may have the distinction of making the best subs out there, or there may be somebody in a garage somewhere with powers over the mind so vast they can do better but have never gone public. Other known subliminal companies and even some YT producers can make working subliminals and were doing so before SubClub came around. They may or may not work as effectively and in the case of YT…


But although a lot of scammers have popped up since subs are becoming more popular, not everybody is one. One should NEVER combine subliminals from different vendors. But if somebody wants to try other venders between washouts, I won’t stop them. If SubClub did its job right, people will always find their way back to us.

I will agree in saying that the more powerful the SubClub subs become, the more exclusive they should be run. When putting 3000 things in motion simultaneously, the mind may very well be very sensitive to interference, well-meaning or otherwise. I’d like to think Saint and Fire make sure at least 500 of those things are there to keep the other 2500 from falling over like dominoes, but consciously we can help by limiting such interference. Most meditation and trancework and affirmations should probably only be done by the subliminal user themselves and not a third-party recording.


Thank you for some brilliant advice. I better stayaway from the grey area.