Business and finances on Khan

So are you saying that the value in stacking large titles is the path can be incredible defined however that path has to be in the Venn diagram where the two large titles intersect…in this case the stacking of bigger titles will create support for those paths, but only THOSE paths, but if I get pulled into the paths of each individual title without transferring where they meet in goals and action, I risk it taking longer, slower results or failing?

So with Khan and EOG … a path that would create being social and wealth.

You mentioned you were conflicted when running these together, and from the journals I"ve read combining the two, they seem to be conflicted in general. So perhaps one could handle this with the right overall vision, execution, and action but perhaps a task not worth taking unless one is hell bent on something specific.

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You got it. :+1:t2: :slight_smile:


It’s best to see Conflicts as subjective, not inherent to the products.

Simon 2019 was still learning the ropes. :smile:

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I appreciate the insight,

It this manner is would seem Khan and Stark would be a great fit for those driven to make wealth as influencers, coaching business, personalities, and content creation.

A year of learning the ropes is worth a lifetime of never needing to figure it out again lol

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I’ve actively avoided anything that would shine a spotlight on myself… The one concession I’ve made is agreeing to be a podcast guest on a show that has previously featured several greats, including Tim Ferriss, Jay Abraham and Seth Godin. I’ve had numerous other opportunities, and have turned them all down so far… so, in that regard Stark itself isn’t compatible with my goals. The creativity aspect and the playful mindset are what I’m after though, which is why I’ve been so excited about Q since it first launched… as I can make my own version of Stark to emphasize certain elements and eliminate others.

As for Emperor… I would love to give that another go, but if anything things have become even more bureaucratic since the first time I ran it, and I already spent most of the past 2 months butting heads with people over various issues… I might find myself without a job if I pushed much harder. :grimacing:
That being said, I am working on a couple of new side hustles… one of which has the potential to match my monthly salary now, with lots of room to scale. Another one is expanding my internet marketing/affiliate marketing projects, and there’s no real limit on the scale of that either… although the latest news about iOS14 and tracking pixels will definitely change how marketing is done… and is frustrating enough that once again I’m looking at Android phones instead of Apple ones, out of frustration with what the company has become. But, I digress.

One last thought on the social side of Stark and Emperor… when I started with subs last year, I had a few close friends that I hung out with… dinner parties if they’re “couple friends” or just going for a coffee or a round of golf for guy buddies. I haven’t spoken to one of my guy friends for about a year now for whatever reason, and that apparently doesn’t bother me. I just don’t miss people…

There are 2 big exceptions. 1 friend who I went to school with that I also really admire. He was a millionaire by age 30, and has the most incredible ability to compartmentalize thoughts and emotions that I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen him receive news that would have DEVASTATED me, and his response will be on the order of “Damn, that sucks… anyway, what were we talking about?” and he can just shut it away, to deal with later.
The other is my wife’s best friend, whom I’ve also become very close friends with too. She and her fiance moved to another city earlier this year, and while we do Zoom dinner parties it’s not the same as actually getting together. They’ve never even met our daughter yet, because of COVID… I really miss them.

This has become fairly rambling now, and I may have lost sight of what my point was… :laughing: I think it was that while I may be able to run EQ and SQ simultaneously, I’m not sure either of them as-is meet my goals or intents. Now, a custom with Emperor core and parts of Stark… (daredevil, perhaps… definitely trailblazer, etc) plus a few other elements like Mastermind, plus EoG… now that is something that I’m absolutely interested in. It would absolutely need some modules to soften the Emperor edge though.

But yes, if I were to leverage to full reach of my personal and professional connections, I think I could make a big impact… and I do intend to, things are still just a bit uncertain as to what IP is owned by me, vs what is automatically owned by the company that employs me. That right there is an ever-present brake on my aspirations to launch my own empire.

Something to look into in 2021, for sure.


DR Goals. :smile: