Building the Foundation

I’m using AscMogul, as a long term subliminal. In the past, I have used subliminals more as a short term fix. This time I will try something different and stick with it.

Expand my business over the next 12 months by taking on the responsibility of doing my own work, rather than the lesser responsibility, and money, of subcontracting for others.

Wanting to improve:
Confidence (social anxiety), motivation (procrastination) and social skills (avoidance).


Week 1

I did have a daily post written up this week, but I decided not to post it, mainly because I don’t think I can sustain that effort long term. Instead I will write a weekly reflection.

This week I made the mistake of running the subliminal two days in a row. This resulted in bad anxiety and brain fog. I am now on the one day on, one day off, schedule, which seems to be working well.


  • Social playfulness increased
  • Thinking more of others
  • Dreams have related to fears or frustrations
  • Overall a small reduction of fear and anxiety

So far, so good! I had a productive week, nothing to write home about, but steady progress is good progress.


I was about to say, ‘You are a Wise Unicorn’.

The tone of your entries is solid, grounded, and realistic. And with all of the choices going on around here, most beginners don’t realize that starting from Ascended Mogul is one of the smartest possible ways to begin.

Then I clicked on your avatar and saw that you are no beginner. You have more experience and time here than I do. And it all made sense.


Wisdom comes with experience.

I think your success is inevitable and I will enjoy witnessing it. :muscle:t6:


Thanks, brother!

I’ve been part of the subliminal community for a few years now, although not always active. The free upgrades have allowed me to experience improvements to the subliminals and I’m impressed with Qv2. I like the one day on, one day off, listening schedule and the subliminal appears to be packing quite the punch!


Week 2


  • Dreams making me feel stuck, like fear holds me back
  • More urge to workout
  • Less use of porn and masturbation
  • Returning to daily habits; exercise, diet, sun exposure, cold showers, meditation, nosurf, etc

Not a productive week overall although it appears things are changing and adjusting within my mind. When I run Emp, in respect to productivity, it simply gets me going and keeps me going. AscMogul is not the same, instead it seems to be healing more than anything. Yesterday, I made the decision to add a loop of Rebirth Ultima v2 on the “off days” and continue running AscMogul for one loop every other day. I had some profound dreams last night and feel changed, so perhaps the Rebirth Ultima was a good call. On to week 3!

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Week 3


  • Started to get angry at family too much
  • I had high confidence, almost an invincible feeling, but felt too aggressive and annoyed
  • Continued eating healthy and working out
  • Being consistent with daily habits

A mixed bag this week, I may have been experiencing reconciliation, so I decided to stop for a few days and I began to feel better. We’re also in another lockdown, so that would have attributed to feeling angry too. I have decided to drop back the usage to AscMogul (Qv2) on Monday and Friday, and Rebirth Ultima (v2) on Wednesday. I’ll monitor the effects of that usage schedule, but it may be more difficult to judge with being home all the time.


I would put anger at people as a good thing for the most part

What did they do to make you angry


I know what you mean. It was mostly directed at my wife, I get sick of her shit at times. I could have been doing too much PMO too, which usually makes me angry. Feeling better, since the last post. No porn and reduced subliminal use.

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Well you could be directing it at her bc the pmo, like she may not be satisfying you enough. It could also be you are angry at yourself for continuing the pmo even tho you know it help anything

What is your listening schedule like

Week 4


  • Sticking with training program and diet for the most part
  • Less obsessive with daily habits but still following through most days
  • Still some anger but not so bad most of the time
  • Relapsed PMO one day and could notice big drop in mood

Not that much to report on really. The state I live in is in lockdown and my area has a bad covid outbreak, so I’m pretty much screwed in respect to making more money right now. I’ve been productive at home, getting jobs done and helping look after the kids, but overall it is quite a depressing time.

I have wondered if I should put AM on the back burner until work goes back to normal, because I worry it might be having a bad effect because I am home all the time and cannot take actions to align with the subliminals scripting? What do you think?

The only subliminals I own that may be compatible with this situation are primal, sex mastery X, rebirth ultima and power can corrupt. I was thinking primal but perhaps I should stick with AM, even though the situation sucks?

This past week I did one loop AM on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Did not use the rebirth ultima at all.

If AM is a long term solution, then stick with it! You’ll have all that experience listening to AM behind you when things are more back to normal.

Not sure about your situation, but maybe AM will manifest some business possibilities from home.