BILLionaire Custom

My first custom will be called BILLionaire. It’ll be 2-3 weeks before I can build the custom (Money stuff).

A while back, I built a spreadsheet (of COURSE I did) I can use to plan out a custom.

It’s got some fancy bells and whistles:

Tell me if I’m under the 10-module minimum or over the 20-module maximum.

Projects the cost based on the modules in there, and factors in which modules I’ve already licensed (this will only factor in and become useful with Custom #2 and up, of course).

Anyway. I figured I’ll post the cores/modules here. Not so much as I’m looking for feedback/module suggestions as I am posting it so I won’t be tempted in 2-3 weeks to put this off any longer since that money "could be used for this bill or this card payment. If I post this, and I don’t have a way out other than buy the sub and let it help me reach my financial goals.

Goal: To get to the point financially where I can decide on, say, Monday morning I want to build a Q custom, order it by Monday afternoon…and not have to plan out when I can save up $$$ for it or sell shares of stock to cover it (as I am for this one). My employer (fuck I had that goddamn word) grants
Restricted Stock Units each year which then take 2-3 years to fully vest.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m GLAD they do that for me and my fellow employees (ugh lol) but I’d rather be ina position financially to not have to rely on that for my self-improvement purchases.

More on the financial goal: I built yet another spreadsheet (a few years ago) to help me determine how many hours I need on each 80-hour paycheck to cover my nut.

I actually need the 80 hours plus just over 8 hours of overtime on each check. It’s hard enough to make my 80. I usually fail at that due to workplace angst…anxiety…whatever it is.

So my goal here is to increase my income (from my own endeavours…preferably as passive as possible) so that I can gradually see that 88-hour calculate dwindle until it’s exactly 0.00 needed from the job.

Anyway…the Modules:

  1. Ecstasy of Gold ST1 Core
  2. Ecstasy of Gold ST4 Core
  3. Ascended Mogul Core
  4. Regeneration Q Core
  5. Informaticon
  6. Dominion
  7. Deus
  8. Carpe Diem Ascended
  9. Raikov
  10. Merger of Worlds
  11. Pragya
  12. Omnidimensional
  13. Limit Destroyer
  14. Yggdrasil
  15. Potentiator
  16. Emperor’s Voice
  17. Mosaic
  18. Lion IV
  19. Sultan
  20. I AM

For 20, I was considering “Limiting People Remover” or possible “Manipulus” … but given I’m sure who this would push me to limit/wipe from my experience, I’m holding off on that one for when I make a custom more focused on stuff like Power Can Corrupt as the main core. I’m 95% sure if I start trying to remove certain people from my life, I’ll need the skills from PCC (among other modules) to back that up.

I’m on the fence about whether I’ll go with Terminus or Terminus Squared.

T2 is appealing from the standpoint of only needing to listen once a week to start. More time to get shit done. EDIT: Another appealing aspect of T2 is I could make 5 T2 customs for different goals, listen to each one once a week, M-F. END EDIT

Terminus appeals more to that part of me that wants to feel like I’m actively “Doing something” to reach my goals, so listening once a day (in the morning) might be a good habit to get myself into and still get my goals/results.

I decided not to go with Q strength, just because I’d rather not go through all the “hassle” of finding my sweet spot for daily listening, since it seems from other journals that Terminus digs deeper than Q and also makes for less required loops for the same punch.

Anyway. That’s BILLionaire.


Nice list! I like the name too. :rofl:

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I actually had Inner Circle in there before I realized it was a Core. So I swapped it out and put I AM
Pushing it with 4 cores I think, 2 of which are healing/breakdown-ish focused.

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When I saw the name of your custom, I was wondering what the BILL meant.

Bill Gates?
Bill Clinton?
Bill clients?
Or paying Bills?

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My name :wink:
Plus I wanna create insane amounts of wealth…so I wouldn’t mind being the world’s first publicly acknowledged trillionaire.

I say “Publicly” since I read once that it’s “likely” the Sultan of Brunai was worth far more than $1TR at some point at least. Not sure if that’s true since that’s more of a private wealth fortune.

There are lots of publicly acknowledge trillionaires in Zimbabwe and Vietnam. :slight_smile:

Anyway I heard the Putin is a trillionaire too.

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I’ll still shoot for it, regardless. It sounds fun

Custom looks awesome but If you haven’t pulled the trigger on this I highly recommend you pull regeneration and go three core, especially in Terminus. I have few customs at this point 4 cores in Q, terminus 1 core, terminus 2 core etc…Adding even one core more core in terminus makes it massively more difficult to process and a 4 core in Q takes a lot longer to kick in and go into gear. You can always stack regeneration. But of course-you’ll be drawn to what your drawn to so if you are inspired for 4 core obviously trust yourself. :slight_smile:

I know 4 is probably pushing it. But healing is definitely needed. I know of some stuff from my past that needs released, and I bet it’s safe to assume that for every incident I can consciously think of, there are several that I either don’t remember or I might remember but not realize the underlying connections and associations.

I definitely appreciate the suggestion there, and had considered it. I just figured if Q-Engineer says these 4 should be OK, then having the healing of Regen built in for each listen would free up 1 or more hours of not needing to listen to regen by itself.

IF I do need to cut a core, I’ll def cut regen and keep AscMogul.

I just realized I didn’t put Debt Annihilator in this. LOL. That one seems important.

I know I said in my post I wasn’t looking for feedback or suggestions, but I’m glad you took the time to post this.

I think even if I can keep all 4 cores, I’ll be swapping out one of the modules to put Debt Annihilator in.

Much love, compadre.

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I totally understand you want everything needed in one stop :slight_smile:

3 is suggested and 4 is the limit in Q, I assume the same applies for terminus.

I missed this lol, glad it worked out that way though.

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let’s be billionaire together bro and then we will throw a rich subliminal club party :smiley: :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:

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For reference of how my job makes me feel most days,

There’s a little bit of:

Some more of:

And some:

And too top it all off, quite a bit of:

As I’m (im)patiently awaiting the money I’ll be using to build BILLionaire, I realized I was feeling pretty dull on the LexaPro I’ve been taking to help with my “work-related anxiety.”

I stopped taking the pill over a week ago (Don’t tell my family lol). My daughter noted before that I am a lot “Nicer” on it. Not as “mean”.

I’ve come to the realization that I think LexaPro is just hiding the triggers I have that point out I got shit to work on. Also, I’m wondering if the pill holds the subs back from working their magic.

Yes, I’m “Nicer” which I think really means that I’m just more prone to subjugating my desires/ideas to those of others. Family mainly. Not just wife and/or the daughter, but my dad too. He (among other family members I hardly talk to) are why I originally bought PCC.

as I need more alpha assertiveness while still building an empire of wealth, I’m rethinking my core modules for BILLionaire a bit. Just wanted to post here for feedback on my options.

Current cores (posted above) are:
AscMogul, EoG1, EoG4, and Regen

Option 1:
Emperor, Khan1, Khan2, AscMogul (This option would require me to buy Regen to listen to outside the custom. which is acceptable to me)

Option 2:

Emperor, EoG1, EoG4, AscMogul (Same implication for Regen)

Option 3:

EoG1, EoG4, Khan1, Khan4 (I know this is dense, but if I went with this and give it the time it needs, stand back y’all)

Option 4:
AscMogul, EoG1, EoG4, Khan1 (Forego Khan4/Total Action and use AscMogul to fill in the blanks)

I do like the idea of Regen’s healing being included in each loop of the Terminus custom. But I’m already pushing it at 4 cores, and I know that.

I am kinda liking the idea of ST1 and ST4 of both EoG and Khan and using Regen and/or Elixir and/or Rebirth as a standalone to aid in healing.

So I’m officially opening the floodgates for suggestions/feedback on the 4 options above…(5 if you count the fact I may keep it as originally outlined)

It isn’t that my original plan seems flawed to me. I’ve just had way too much time to rethink and second guess myself. And I really would like to be able to assert my own desires without people I care about just write me off as “complaining.”

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If you go alpha too early, you might not cultivate these traits, especially if you forgo fixing the nice guy stuff. This is the reverse of what you have now, which is negative reinforcement (holding back personality for others). Once you go alpha too quickly, you get positive reinforcement towards emerging alpha behavior, but you don’t cultivate the EOG traits, since they do not always pay off.

Khan 1 should fix the personality split of the nice guy, EOG will make people feel abundant (Good) around you. The two should combine to where you aren’t too generous/stingy, in relation to the personality traits, since you know what you like (khan 1+2), and what other people like (EOG), and you won’t take anything personally (Khan 1), since you define yourself.

When starting Khan just take it easy as well, the same applies here to alpha subs, giving the freedom from self imposed limits increases choice/freedom, but no restraint is selfish which is again against the rules of EOG.

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