AM + DR(ST1) + AP Powerhouse

How’s it going so far with AM?

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Yeah going ok, I can’t really say I’ve noticed much apart from some strange dreams. It’s still early days though, I’m doing one loop a day and am thinking of upping it to two from week three


What would be a major breakthrough?

What would be a minor breakthrough?

i dont know but so far life has not been or felt any different

Since I’ve joined twitter a few years back I wanted a business of mine to escape the rat race.

Rn I’ve actually gotten a good idea. Rn I’m refining that idea with a friend and we’re gonna implement it.

Is this AM that finally pushed me to take this seriously via action? I hope so.

I just want to build this thing and hopefully sell it for millions so I never have to work a job or wake up when someone else tells me to do so.

Other than that may be Khan is still working in the background, have nothing to show for it other than maybe anger and impatience with people.

DO you guys know about Morphic Fields? It’s energetic music. No affirmations or anything. Please check it out. Is it okay to listen to them while using subclub?
@SaintSovereign @Fire @RVconsultant


i am contemplating adding EOG ST1 one loop daily… I may need clearing of some wealth related issues ig… Do I need special healing or is it covered in AM?

If it is covered in AM, can I directly move to ST4 of EOG?

I would encourage you to go through each stage in order. However if you want to try going to stage 4, you could.

yeah the thing is I dont think I have any/significant money blocks as I’ve received some results with other creator’s money sub

I think RECON is hitting again, I’m getting angry a lot.

I had a 3 dreams. 1st one where we were in school and this guy that i’ve never liked was turning my best friend against me and I wasn’t able to do anything. I hit this guy then, drew blood. but he continued acting all innocent. i felt I’m being dragged in his game and there’s nothing i can do. it sucked. i dont like that guy still.

2nd. we sliding down bumpy grass and having fun then suddenly there were ppl there to kill us. But i killed them with their own rifles. i dont think this has anything to do with my childhood or anything.

3rd one, a woman i knew in the dream has some sort of eggs in her house. bad guys lived around her and wanted those eggs. I cautioned her and made her cover all doors and windows to hide…

weird shit

I dont know what is khan and AM doing here

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Of course you can experiment as you wish. If you’re feeling angry, I’d ask you to consider reducing your number of loops, or listening every other day.

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Maybe i shud do 2 loops each, rn im doing 3 each

but I’m not feeling any of the breakdown stuff that most people have described
I KNOW that I need a lot of healing and shit

I think I have lots of limitations and bad stuff inside me that needs to die

Can Dragon Reborn ST1 replace Khan ST1…? @James @Lion and others who have experience plse answer

I want shit ton of cleansing and healing

I have time now, so depression and no productivity wont cause much harm

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Yes very much so


what if I just add DR ST1 to my current stack…

Khan + AM + DR?

ABSOLUTELY YES! Infact DR1 can replace any “breakdown” title like Limit Destroyer, Khan ST1, Regeneration and Rebirth (although Regen and Rebirth has other stuff that will be more than covered in other stages of DR)

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I would recommend DR1 alone. Dragon Fire is too strong and will override AM and Khan. After you complete DR1, you can resume with stacking. And you can also skip Khan1

By the way, if you are running both Khan and DR together, must warn you that would possibly be too much.

If you are focusing on Khan and AM, you can do something like this:

Month 1: DR1
Month 2: Khan2 + AM
Month 3: Khan3 + AM
Month 3: Khan4 + AM

But if you want both Khan and DR , then do:

Month 1: DR1
Month 2: DR2 + AM
Month 3: DR3 + AM
Month 4: DR4 + AM
Month 5: DR4 + AM + Khan2 (notice you don’t need Khan1)
Month 6: DR4 + AM + Khan3
Month 7: DR4 + AM + Khan4


what do u mean override? im using AM for money and stuff and DR doesnt have that

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Override as in both Khan1 and DR1 are too powerful to be stacked with productivity subs

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thank u for this

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My pleasure, @Prome. Good luck, my friend