Apple Spatial Audio Improves results

Anyone else notice results being 2x-3x better after enabling spatial audio on Airpods specifically Airpods Max?

I noticed this personally but don’t know if it’s due to me taking more action or if Spatial audio actually gave better results due to it’s tech so take this with a grain of salt. @SaintSovereign is this type of thing normal or is it just a random instance?


That’s interesting.

I thought spatial audio only works with content that supports that, as it involves encoding and mastering the audio tracks to create a 3D sound field?

I’m thinking support ticket.

@Forum_Ambassadors @AnswerGroup anyone have experience or recommend spatial audio with QTKS?

Should I make a support ticket for this?

I use airpod pros most of the time to listen to my subs, both with noise cancelling and spatial audio on and they work perfectly fine with QTKS subs.

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I seem to remember Saint mentioned to me at one stage listening to the subs on the Oculus with its spatialised sound brought some interesting results.

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Wasn’t it recommended to turn of noise cancelling if your using airpods or headphones that’s have it for subs?

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Interesting as in better results or different results?

I wish I could find the thread. It was a couple of years ago when I was just getting started with the quest. I’ll see if I can dig it up.

EDIT: Found it!

@SaintSovereign curious if this ever went any further than “a lot of Elite Dangerous” :wink:

It’s interesting that this thread came up on my suggested topics.

I haven’t tried playing anything with Spatial Audio or even with the noise cancellation mode turned on.

I’ll probably try it this coming cycle. Thanks for sharing.