Anyone went back to the old pattern?

its human nature to always blame others. human likes to be on the safe side.

if they blame the other. they feel better they got it out of their shoulder

thats why sometimes you see people blaming their mental illness and sickness on their trauma that they got from their parents

of course the blame is on them for doing that to you.
but now its you to blame to solve this problem and fix your trauma. not them

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And then they go on failing in lifeā€¦

The people I see around meā€¦ I just donā€™t get them.

hahahah welcom to the club buddy

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If you want to use the Advanced Pattern, go ahead.


Iā€™ve tried the old listening routine and found that I got exactly the same results but just felt more tired


Sounds like recon. Youā€™ve read the recommendations and are capable of making your own decisions as others have said.

I remember when I have started to listen to SC. It was of course old pattern and was listening to 3-4 titles per day except for two days of weekendā€™s rest. My boredom went through the roof and I was listening to titles like Ascension, Wanted, Rich, Primal, or SM. So recon in its pure form.


This was my first thought when I saw this thread, RECON. Maybe Emperor is too much for now and maybe you could try Ascension or AM instead of that.

For me I got way too much recon on the 1:1 for some reason so I have been using the 5:2 and itā€™s been working for me alot better, at the end of the day only you know what you can or canā€™t handle.


I was listening to EmperorQ twice a day. Some times 3 times a day for 5 days. Then my procrastination skyrocketed. I would spend hours online going from website to website aimlessy. It looked like the sub was having no effect whatsoever. Then I decided to take a whole month off. The funny thing is that even after a couple of weeks off, I was still having crazy dreams and I felt that I was still processing the sub.
Now with the new pattern, I can clearly identify area of my life where Emperor is doing its work.
Itā€™s one thing to cram subliminal input in your mind, another thing is to give your mind time and space to process it.


One loop per 2 days is enough, and itā€™s good to just pay attention to the experiences or study behaviors that can be expressed.

Thats interesting that recon can be in form of boredom

Never faced that, mine was being sometimes disconnected from my purpose and my goals

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I appreciate the insights

But not everything is recon in my opinion , made this thread to see some experiences from members to see if people found maybe the other way around of the old pattern fitting them more

true, than you my friend

Good luck my friend with your journey

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3 loops a day is a lot for emperor or any major program like a dense one

I do 1 loop of each title, safest way :+1:t3:

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