Anxiety / Panic attacks

All my life i have lived in my comfort zone.

For the first time in life I am stepping out of it.

Getting anxiety and panic attacks left and right.

It’s not recon! It’s just me used to too much comfort.

I have stopped My entrepreneurship stack and started a panic appease stack.

  1. Elixir
  2. Sanguine.

I’ll add back ascension in a few days.

Would my fanily suggest anything different,?


what was in entrepreneurship stack?

Ascension / Ascended Mogul
Renaissance Man
True Sell


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I think you might have Rebirth in there.
Me and some other mate had panic attacks from Rebirth. Could be some form of recon.


Oh yes ofcourse. How could i forget rebirth.

Thank you for the remainder.

I had to switch the stack because the panic attacks froze me.

so at least 3 people encountered panic attacks from Rebirth.

I would say it was allready there, and Rebirth was the catalist to see a deeper problem.

Dragon Reborn
Chosen from Within
Khan st1
Alchemist st1


With all due respect and not with the intention of going back and forth…

But, this actually makes sense as recon.

Perhaps ‘recon’ has negative connotations for you as a person. In this, I’m not trying to cause you to resist what you’re going through but just reframe it a little.

Of course, I’m not you and I respect if you choose to not see it as recon. :relaxed:

Edit: just to be a devil’s advocate for the Rebirth discussion above; I have Rebirth as a module in multiple customs and I’ve used the major title as well as the Q-Store Core multiple times.

I’ve never experienced panic attacks.


Wrong section. Should be in Questions and comments. :blush:

Not a panic attack per say, but myself and another user have experienced extreme levels of anxiety when running Rebirth alongside a healing title.

That person also uses Rebirth almost all the time, with various different subs and considers it the best “enhancement” sub in the store because of how effective it is. It’s a great sub, but should be used with care.

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Be sure to pay more attention to external conditions; not just subliminals.

If you play the Dragon Reborn subliminal, for example, and then go jump into the middle of a campfire, you will probably notice that you’re feeling mysterious, burning sensations.

Our feelings are valuable and they exist for a reason. They give us necessary information about the current relationships between our systems and the systems around us. Anxiety is no exception.

@mecharc your calming and soothing stack looks good and makes a lot of sense. Make sure that you also take good care of yourself through your decisions in the world; as much as you can.


I was during covid alone at home with nearly no contact with people.I try to gather all the people around me but nothing really happened. I made Facebook and whatsapp groups. Inviting everyone every day to come in Nature and make party or walk down a mountain. Only 2 people came to take a walk in 2 years.

Afterwards the situation gets so worse with people that I willingly quarantine myself for a halve year.the amount of shit, coldness, depression, heartless, emotionless states the Swiss people had made me retreat into my home and the woods. I had more joy to collect wood and make a fire than be around people. I started to hate people for the first time in my life.

3 months ago I was going to the Jungle of peru.
The moment I arrived in Lima I had an energetic shock. I felt energy for the first time in 2 years.
Warm energy, alive energy. Then I flew into the Jungle. I slept in the hotel immediately after arriving. After my sleep I shower and in a “good” mood I left the hotel and go eating.

20 meters from the hotel was a good polleria.they serve chicken with rice and fries.
The waitress smiled into my face and was delighted to see me, she immediately grabbed me and start to talk to me and she had such a warm attitude towards me. I ordered quickly and sat down. My whole world was starting to turn gray green like vomit. I realized that I lost the ability to have positive conversations, I could not smile and be myself, I couldn’t interact like them.
I had joy inside somwhere but I couldn’t express it. I felt disabled,blocked, cold, alienated, not alive, worthless, asexual, antisocial.

I eat my pollo and a tornado started to form into myself. I had a full blast Panick attack at the table. I throw the money on the table and left.
Back in the hotel I vomited 5 times into the toilet.
I was unsure if I can handle Social interaction any more , I lost my greatest power, my ability to socialize and be positive with people. I was cold like a stone. I felt like I have nothing to offer or to react.

I was afraid that I can’t handle the situations I am confronted now. So I immediately left the hotel, ordered a mototaxi, drove to the supermarket, buy things I don’t need, like an apple and a water, drove to a restaurant ordered food again, take a walk and buy things for the Jungle.

I needed to prove myself that I am able to do things. I still wasn’t able to socialize but I needed prove that I can handle things.

After 6 weeks into the Jungle I returned to the Jungle city. 30 min before arriving I get another little panic fart. I could swipe it away with a smile.

I knew I am able to handle things.

And I did :cowboy_hat_face:


Something I recently learned is putting all focus on healing is not good. Because you focus on the unwholesome a lot.

And it’s better to focus on waking up feeling more love and Add some cleaning up here and There whether it’s shadow work , dynamic meditation healing subs.

I explained this to a client. And he changed completely in 2 weeks .

Cleaning up is important But in my experience it should never be your main focus.


And This is coming from me that did healing 24:7 for months.


Hi @SwedishBuddha could you develop?
What is shadow work? What is dynamic meditation healing?
For each, which subs/modules would you use to support this?

Your analogies crack me up

Dynamic meditation is a type of active meditation Osho came up with . Shadow work is tons of different things .

I find the 3 2 1 method most effektive as shadow work though .

If I would run a healing sub now i probably would run it once a week.

And if I really only had focus on healing and feel better. I run 2-3 lovebombs or spiritual subs/ meditation a week.

So your main focus becomes waking up to your inner radiance but Also cleaning up the dirty corners you forgot about.

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Hello there I’m a highly sensitive person(HSP). I’ve felt strong emotions, anxiety, and panic attacks in the past. Now knowing my condition and how my nervous systems work. I use this tool. It’s simple and easy to use anywhere anytime and fast.

You see as an HSP I’m perceiving lots of energies around me. From other people, things, places and entities. For very thought feeling and emotion I have I ask the question; who or what does this belong to? Is this mine or someone or something else’s? After I ask this question I get the awareness if this thought, feeling, or emotion is mine or not. If its not mine, then say to yourself please return to sender with consciousness and love attached. That way you give back what is not yours and it benefits the sender from your consciousness and love attached.

If it is yours, then you are going to have to change it. By asking these questions.

  1. What is this?
  2. What can I do with this?
  3. Can I change this?
  4. If I can change this, if so how?

Return to sender please :pray:
Return to sender please and thank you, I love you
Return to sender with consciousness and love attached

We are all connected and psychic, picking up what others are thinking, feeling and emotions. So if your are not aware that it’s not yours. You are automatically going to assume that whatever you are feeling is yours and yours alone. It’s actually not. Ask if it’s yours. Who does this belong to? Ask and you shall receive.

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How are they working?

Stopped listening to subs bro