"Aiming" while healing

I’ve been listening to both Rebirth Ultima and Elixir Ultima kinda haphazardly. I can only listen when not working since my work headset can’t handle any frequencies outside the speech range. I do, however, listen to the Q-masked version of Rebirth on that same headset while on the phone with customers. (It’s low enough I can hear both the masked water sounds and the customer’s complaints…er I mean issue).

I was diving back in a bit to Faster EFT (Robert Smith’s take) and going back over the fundamentals of it. I know the tapping isn’t actually essential for EFT (something even Robert freely admits).

He talks about the need to “Aim” at the problem you’re looking to fix.

My understanding of EFT/FEFT is that you’re basically just scrambling/replacing the mental patterns that give rise to the issue at hand. Scrambling it with the mental focus on the tapping and the new affirmations/statements.

My idea I’ll be playing with is to “Aim” while listening to Rebirth/Elixir (whether Ultima or otherwise).

I’ve noticed that I tend to “live in the past”…thinking and rethinking on past stuff that pisses me off, or stuff that I feel like I could have responded to better.

So what I’m doing now is as I think of the stuff, I’ll add it to a list (the same as Robert has his clients do so they can burn through as much of their list as possible in the 2-hour sessions).

When I listen to Rebirth/Elixir or Regen when I buy it…I’ll “Aim” at one of those memories or issues by just remembering it and immersing it while listening

I’ve listened to the healing stuff before but usually, it’s passive listening without any specific issues in mind.

I MAY even do this with Khan TB to see if there’s a difference. A/B testing between Khan TB and Rebirth/Elixir/Regen.

I’m posting this as a journal since I’m not really asking a question but plan on doing this to see if/what it helps me heal faster. I’ll update this if I have any interesting results.


Well, I did this today while listening to Khan ST1/TB
Here’s what I sent to a friend about the experience:

I just did Faster EFT tapping on that feeling I get when I’m staring at the clock KNOWING I need to work but just can’t bring myself to do so.
as part of the “positive side” affirmations after the ‘releasing’, I said to myself stuff like “I’m a reliable employee. I’m a great employee”
I started to verbalize “I can be a great employee even as I’m building up my own empire”
I got 4-5 words in on that and the words got stuck in my throat,
something there for sure.

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Your journal is evidence that people take different routes to healing or whatever path they are on. For me I run multiple loops of Elixir and RegenerationQ. It seems like a lot but to me it seems and feels incredibly minimalistic which is what I was going for. Other folks can add or take away from their stack , add in EFT or hypnosis, or whatever works for them .

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Just a reminder for writing down ALL limiting thoughts. :slight_smile:

Looking forward to learning your results of this testing. :+1:t2:

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To revisit this, I’ve found that Dragon Reborn ST1 definitely seems to hit harder if I am listening while not actively doing anything.

Say if I’m “meditating” sleeping, or otherwise just “zoning out” and letting my thoughts go where they will, stuff seems to come up much faster.

If I listen whilst working or driving (for Instacard and/or Uber), I don’t seem to notice much in terms of mental content. Maybe it’s still running in the background, but directing my consciousness seems to indeed have an effect.