About stark innovation and creativity

I am thinking about Stark and it’s emphasis on innovation, problem soving etc… and I wonder if it’s purely on technological innovation like the character Stark or general creativity and innovation?

I love Starks social aspects and fame/magnetism. I want to use it for streaming on Twitch again in the future, and would love to hear your guys thoughts on this.

I mean finding your niche and innovate ways to create content to stand out plus fame aspects sound amazing.

What do you guys think? If you had to pick subs for this, what would you pick? Perhaps stark is best so far for this specific dream, but all ideas and thoughts you have are interesting to me.

So far, from my thinking and past similar questions it’s Stark, GMX, Inner Circle and Wanted that I’ve heard. I’m also been curious about True Sell, selling your stream, your content, getting people to choose you.

But I must admit all subs seem to have benefits to the goal, one way or another, and I am a bit lost and perhaps your thoughts and ideas might help me unravel this.

I am also expecting unfoldings from runninh RoM, but my impatience pushed me to ask this. Why not?

Pardon my ramblings.

@SaintSovereign has already answered this.

I think this is one of the possible use cases for Stark. There’s no better sub for that.


Oh my god, I’ve read that but totally forgot about that reply. :sweat_smile: thanks man :handshake:

That settles it then, one reply and things seem clearer.