A theory on sub levels, lifestyle and mindset

So I’ve been thinking about something for a while, and planning on trying out this theory to test the validity of what I’m about to tell you all, but seeing how the subs have been getting updated to Qv2, something clicked in my head: what if we use one Qv2 sub for the main lifestyle we want to achieve, while using a Q level sub for the mindset we want on the side?
Like think about it, there are multiple people who tried stacking Stark and Emperor and felt like they were being pulled in 2 different directions, right? Now what if the stack was StarkQv2 with Emperor Q, or vice versa? According to my theory, it would be much smoother and wouldn’t be as bad in terms of recon from having two different directions that a sub would pull you in.
This could apply to a stack like PS and Limitless, where one might push you to go practice your pickup game, while the other pushes you to study, if one is kept at a lower level of Q with the other on v2, this could end up making the stack more efficient.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this, especially @SaintSovereign

If your hypothesis is that “the source of recon was equal quantity of listening,” then members can play each file for a different number of loops – and optionally, on different days of the week.

Qv2 is also designed to produce lesser recon that Qv1, so there is little point in going back to the older versions – which won’t be an available option to new buyers anyway.

Here’s a different hypothesis: “the user should have a clear vision of the combined identity/archetype of his stack.”

For example, PS and Limitless can work beautifully for a College Student (archetype).

Stark and Emperor however, is a stack that doesn’t lead to a unified identity. There are no “Famous and Social Lone Wolf” role models. It is not an impossible stack, just that it will fit very few visions/goals.


I was gonna say that I’ve both tried and read some journals that lead me to believe that multiple Qv2 level subs in the same day is too much to process, but then read about listening on different days, which I still feel like could be a bit inefficient, in the sense that, let’s say you’re doing one Qv2 sub (main program) on sun, tue, and thur, then playing ur other one on mon and Fri, wouldn’t it still be taxing on the brain? More and more people have been using even less loops per week with Qv2 because of how much they feel their brains are processing, aren’t they? I mean me personally, I was doing 2on1off with wanted and that still seemed too much to the point where now I’m doing it alternatively every other day instead, and since some people already have Qv1 subs, my theory was mainly for them :slight_smile:

I completely agree this and I actually think that more people should try to dissect the subs and find the similarities in their stacked subs that would strengthen each others’ effects before even starting the stacks, however, I still think that when people do 1:1 ratio with their stacks (doesn’t matter if it’s more than 2 subs, it’s the ratio of equal listens I’m referring to) it could push them in multiple directions if each sub has different required actions, like studying and doing assignments vs going out to pick up new chicks, it could be possible to do both, but with an equal ratio of listening to both and taking action for one sub could and would lead to recon from lack of action for the other, if that makes sense.

But thank you for giving me your insight on this, would love to hear from you and others :slight_smile:


Yes, I support @Simon’s perspective.

I’ll add (or elaborate if it’s still the same point): Let the subliminal serve the lifestyle, rather than trying to make your lifestyle serve the subliminal. Choose the subliminal strategy based on the lifestyle that you’re already actively building. Then a great deal of contradiction-based reconciliation will dissipate.

and also because I like puzzles:

I can see a possibility for a Stark Emperor stack. That’s the Explorer archetype, who travels alone to trailblaze and face the unknown (Emperor), and then returns to share her/his discoveries with the less intrepid masses (Stark) and also to seek patronage for further exploits (Stark).

So a literal or symbolic Explorer might be perfect for a Stark Emperor combination.


In my experience, the recon of not taking action is only really present if you arent taking action for a large amount of time. I cant imagine any sub being programmed to truly have you taking action 24/7, that just wouldnt be viable in the slightest, not long term at least. Take the example of PS and limitless for instance. Id say its extremely doable still to both go out from and meet chicks, while also focussing on getting good grades, so i cant imagine the recon really kicking in unless you completely neglect one of the two for a way to long amount of time.


Woah, I like this way of thinking about subs, now this makes me feel like I could still make HoM work for a governmental sector job even if I’m not trading or involved in finance

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and that means that you are developing:

a clear vision of the combined identity/archetype of [your] stack.


While I don’t want to dismiss anything you just said (plus it’s really interesting to see different perspectives) I feel like while it would be extremely doable, it might require you to up the loops for either of them depending on the main goal for the week or day, otherwise I feel like you might not be 100% with what you’re doing, like correct me if you think I’m mistaken, but if you’re stack is 2x PSQ and 1x LQ, your cognitive development wouldn’t be as good as someone who would be doing 2x LQ and 1x PSQ, but you’d have better seduction game, right?

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So in this sense if I did Wanted and HoM, it would end up creating an archetype of a sexy leader :thinking:?

And depending on which mindset I wanna bring forth more, I up the loops for that one :thinking:?

Would you say the same for the modules (or specific suggestions) inside the sub?
What about the multiple cores in a custom? :wink:

Not saying there is no difference between 1:1 vs 2:1, etc; but you’re giving more weight to it than it deserves. Over a period of weeks/months, it doesn’t actually matter. :+1:t2:

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Hmmm now that you mentioned it, I understand your point better, thank you.

Yeah this makes more sense, the more you listen over time, it will be easier to blend them and you’ll probably have a better conscious control of the effects you desire to achieve.

Thank you for helping me figure it out

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I actually had never really thought of it like this. Im not confident if switching it on a week to week basis would work though, as theres also the fact that the script better executes when you have less loops/rest days, it could also be the switching from more loops one week, to less loops the next week. Would mean that the sub is now more heavily executing and thus will be more pronounced.
This is definitely something i want to experiment with though and see how it goes.

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I think the number of loops/days you’d give to each sub would affect the level of effectiveness you’re getting from each individual sub, but in the long term as @Simon said, it won’t matter as much, but it would certainly have some effects in the short term, like first few months, especially in determining which direction you want to consciously guide your subs to, like in the case of the LQ and PSQ example, you could guide it to make you more of a Genius with good seduction skills, or a seductive badboy with good intelligence. I know they sound similar but think of it this way, one gets to be in a university’s dean list, while the other gets to be in every women’s pants :wink:
Hope that makes sense.

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I feel like someone will see this and be like “just use stark and be both” that’s not the point here though :slightly_smiling_face:

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“just use Wanted and get into the dean’s pants.”


These days he’ll just use Stark … because he will be Vlogging everyday. :joy:

The Explorer would have more use for Survival Instinct than Emperor.

I’m with you in that Stark+Emperor is a puzzle worth working on. :sweat_smile:


I think this is a very accurate point. I have been running wanted and wish to pair it with ONE other major program for status and I decided on Stark despite intially think they were incompatible.

although based on this theory emperor seems better because it more closely matches the idea of a ‘mysterious’ man…I find myself thinking Stark would be more highly effective for me in combo with Wanted…see wanted’s script description (and effects observed) don’t necessarily involve the lone wolf aspect so much as giving you that aura of misechief, playfulness, rogueness, flirtness alongside a sense of being ‘magical’ since your inner world appears larger then life to others…

Imagine that combined with Stark’s intelligence, romance charisma skills, fame components and empire building skills…


I think Wanted is infinitely stackable. It should enhance any sub, without creating conflicts.

I hold the same opinion for some other products too… RICH and Limitless immediately come to mind.



Oh :slightly_smiling_face:

While this could be true, people need to keep in mind that it’s really heavy energy wise.

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Shit THIS is more like it! I love the idea of getting subs that support MY vision for myself. I asked about the stack I should use in my initial thread but I’ll post my vision for myself here:

A sigma male. Only friends with people I choose. NOT a “social alpha” as I detest socializing for no reason.

I do what I want and pick up women when I choose. In my mind they will be hot and totally into me because I beat to my own drum and don’t fit into any social standing they are used to.

I’m creating my own “tribe”. Have plans for multigenerational ascendant alphas coming from my lineage, but I am the one building it, so no time to conform.

Like a vampire, I have to be invited in and I don’t believe in forcing my will on others, they have to want it.

What stack is best for this?

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Emperor with wanted, use emperor for a month or so and then add wanted to it, with libertine as an Ultima whenever u choose to go out and pick up chicks when you choose.

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