A Navigation Guide For Newbies

Now that’s a great response.

Looking forward to seeing the highest level products and technology now :pray:


What kind of handholding is this?
You want us to wipe their ass too and change their diapers? Lol
The long term members don’t have time to refill someone’s milk bottle, they’re too busy getting results.

Which sub you should use depends on what your goals are.
How long to use them is easy - until you get your desired results. That’s up to you.
When to change subs, depends on what your goals are and what your results are. That all depends on you.

If anyone needs excessive handholding, the go to sub is to probably listen to Ascension until they stop looking for handholding. Paradox kind of


Just threw the question out there out of curiosity. Point made! Thanks everyone. Happy subbin.

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