1 vs 3 Subliminal

I’ve seen others have a heavy stacked custom along with 1-2 main titles.

I’ve never listened to customs.

@Palpatine has good experience with this.

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I’ve got only one core

According to the Master Class, the less dense your stack is, the quicker the results. So, if the custom you are using covers your objectives, I would stick with that to see results quicker.


that’s not 12 subs then

afaik the standard recommendation is 3 or less cores. One core is a full title, one sub. And then there are also modules, which you referred to. Also it’s quite light custom

But as @Simon (I think) pointed out, if you listen to, for example, Khan only, then your subconscious is looking for ways to make you a Khan. It has limited manifestation pathways, but let’s say there are 100 of them

And then you listen to Ecstasy of Gold + Khan. Now your subconscious has to make you someone who embodies both Khan and EoG. Let’s say there are only 500 pathways to this combo and the subconscious will take longer to manifest it (because the amount of possible pathways is limited + more overall goals)

Kind of like that, though I don’t think that this is how it works

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I always believed that 1 custom equals to one title
even the ones with more cores?

I run one custom with 3 cores
and two other main titles on the side
making it three subs.

It doesnt feel any more dense than if I were to run three main titles in my experience. Custom with more cores does not count for more subs.


well, what I meant to say is that a custom is one sub but one core has full script of the title.

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ah I see! understandable.

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You will definitely get more and faster results if you run solo sub. I think I ran stark at the very beginning but it was a long time back so I cant compare it much. Delay or not? Im not sure. As long as you follow the listening instructions, I dont think it matters. You will get the results and each cycle there will be progress.

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Depends on which three. If you’re running three subs that have similar goals, you might see deeper integration and more rapid and consistent results. For example if you run RICH + Mogul + EOG. You might also face more recon if you’re not taking action.

If you’re running three completely different subs, you might be spreading yourself too thin and the results would take much more time. Now if you’re the type of person who switches subs non stop, that also diminishes your chances of seeing consistent results.

When I run three subs, the third one is always a complement to one to the first two. Major sub 1 + Major sub 2 + Complement to MS1 or MS2.
For example EOG + Emperor Black + RICH (as complement to EOG3).



Put a different way, I’d say that running 3 separate titles solo, each for one month, would get you approximately the same results as running 3 titles simultaneously for 3 months.

But at the end of month 1, you’d feel like you’re getting crazy results on one solo’d sub, compared to the end of the first month in a 3-title stack making you feel like you’re just scratching the surface… over a long enough period of time, it would balance out though.

However, I never run 3 subs, uless they’re all tied to one goal. It’s not a subliminal-efficiency thing, it’s a life-efficiency thing. If someone’s running 3 subs, and they have 3 goals, they’ll get way slower results IMHO, because you can take 10x more action on 1 goal than you can on 3.

My favorite stack is a 2-title stack, and then that third slot is there if I need a booster of paragon sleep, sanguine elixir, love bomb, etc.


I’ve clearly experienced while running a physical shifting sub (BDLM) on its own that when I added a second and third sub the flow of energy was very much deviated or spread thin from the original concentrated flow I felt with the one goal only.




Original post…


I have a custom sub whose only core is Lots and other physical shifting modules…
If I listen to Wanted black and BDLM with it, Will it be good?
Also, does wanted black november has wealth scripting too?

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Makes sense however cant just stop running my long term permanent growth titles, been running dr for a year and still feels like i need more cycles, then 1 for current life goal and 1 for another multi stage journey like khan black


on that note, why ever stop running a sub that’s getting you good results.

Some people say they’re “happy with the results and want to move on.”

Well… if you’re happy with the results, why not aim to make them “permanent” by having them long term.

Plus if you’re happy with the results, it means you’re experiencing flow factor, which means you’re not in recon, which means that if you stack a sub that you succeed with alongside a sub you struggle to get results in, the good sub will help you get results on the stuck sub


Do you believe that the results they would get so far are somehow not permanent?

Yeah dragon reborn 4 seems like endless value sub and dont feel like quiting it remotely soon

I find that results are permanent when someone has listened to a title consistently for 6+ months, taken lots of action, and seen their life change in tangible, measurable, objective ways with the help of that sub. A few changes beliefs and positive emotions doesn’t cut it. I’m talking about major life milestones, like a new job, a successful relationship, a side hustle that gets off the ground, a commitment to never date xyz type of person again, etc.

That’s “embodying” the objectives of the subliminal, in my opinion.

It takes those real world results because your environment is always what programs your subconscious more than anything. Audio files are just trying to counteract the conditioning happening around you every day, and hopefully helping you create a better environment so that you can positively condition yourself.

If you build a business while running EOG1, and it becomes successful, but then you stop running EOG1, you’ll still be subliminally programmed by your work, your colleagues, the newfound respect you demand from others, your title as CEO, your day-to-day task list being infinitely different than it was prior to running a business, etc. So the results will be permanent.

You’ll be programmed by the new goals that you set. And you’ll be able to achieve much bigger goals than previously because you’ll be able to say you did XYZ, why can’t you do ABC? And then when you achieve ABC, you’ll be subliminally programming yourself AGAIN.

This is what’s already happening, but in the reverse direction. We negatively condition ourselves every day by living in lives we don’t love and telling ourself it’s because of one of our traits/experiences.


interesting take

The pace and the scope of the results depends far more on what action you take and to what point than on how many subs there are in your stack. Naturally, the fewer subs and the more the subs’ goal oriented action you take the faster and more profound the results are. For example, if you want to be great with ladies and you run Primal only, in theory you’re going to get far faster and more pronounced results, given you were taking the right action, than it would be if you were running Primal and Mogul, being focused on ladies and building wealth.

The whole idea behind stacking is tailoring your stack to the areas on which development you want to focus the most. Just don’t run scripting that would stay dormant due to not taking proper action. For example, it wouldn’t make much sense to run Khan if you’re not willing to put the effort in building wealth and you still struggle with approaching ladies. In that case, it would be best to run Mogul to shift your beliefs about money and instill in you the required work ethics, and run Primal to make you comfortable with approaching ladies and leading the seduction to its conclusion.