JCast Whatever šŸ¤˜

I have decided to completely shift my focus at this time to income generation and wealth building. I will run Dragon Reborn again in the future

  1. Mogul QV2
  2. Ecstasy of Gold QV2
  3. R.I.C.H. V2

My decision was cemented reading the testimonial on the sales page for Mogul


Youā€™re on your way to becoming seriously wealthy. Good luck brother, you got this. :fist_right:


@Apollo :fist_left:

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Running a single stack of EOG. Focus entirely on healing my mindset and beliefs regarding money and wealth


isnt MOGUL included in EMPEROR?

Yes by virtue of Ascended Mogul script being in Emperor.

Experiencing heavy reconciliation as @SaintSovereign stated. Intense frustration with and extreme drive to change my current situation.


Feeling super frustrated today but Iā€™m looking back at how I ran the first stage of Dragon Reborn and how that felt


James, Iā€™ve been following your recent threads, and I just was reading my EOG journal. Iā€™m in a different spot mentally with financial goals, but reading my journal livened me up. I still have aspirations to continue EOG, post major healing with DR. One thing I experienced is posted below. Iā€™m wondering if youā€™ve had any similar thoughts or impulses come up. And this was me only running EOG with Regen sporadically.

Note: this post mentions Iron Throne, a solo sub now which Iā€™ve never run. But in the Kahn sales page, it mentions how IT scripting will constantly remind you of opportunities you could have acted upon. It was mentioned by a few that that scripting was in EOG, and from my experience, that inner reminder in EOG is VERY real.


This is how Iā€™ve felt every day on DR Stage 1 since Qv2 came out.

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Probably doesnā€™t help that QV2 is way more powerful

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Agreed. Hits hella deep. I was so depressed. Stage 2 definitely felt better but I need to do Stage 1 again at some point.

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I have been fighting the urge to run EOG and Dragon Reborn together. 90 days each stage. Yeah itā€™s a year but Iā€™m feeling it will be worth it. I know people that have claimed to have gone to therapy for years if not decades and havenā€™t gotten a fraction of what I have with Dragon Reborn St 1


@Brandon The downside and potentially very frustrating part with running Dragon Reborn is that you very quickly realize how much of any immature dick you have been and you start noticing that behavior in most people you know. I feel at some point Iā€™m going to be forced to run Inner Circle because I desperately need my Wife and I to be surrounded by high quality people


I wish I had the patience and willingness to go through Stage 1 for 90 days but I canā€™t ensure that hell right now as my studio is opening and my class is coming back too. I will be alternating the stages tho - once Iā€™ve finished with Stage 4 for 30 days Iā€™ll go back to Stage 1 most likely. Clear out any shit that continually comes up.

Choose EoG. Youā€™ve been with DR for a while. Donā€™t run them both just yet.

Inner Circle has been great for me. Its gotten rid of some vile people but Iā€™m trying to find a replacement for them hahaha.

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Yeah Iā€™m sticking with EOG but down the road when Iā€™m way better financially I have to take the time to run Dragon Reborn in itā€™s entirety.

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Last day of the week for listening. Taking two days off after today. May do some brainwave meditation. Not entirely sure.

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I like it! Have you read the Millionaire Fastlane by MJ Demarco?


I am about two weeks into DR ST4 QV2 and figure on just letting it run by itself until at least the start of August.

I did 49 days of ST1 in its original version. I am wondering what your thought process is in wanting to go back to just ST1 rather than just continuing with ST4, as ST1 is incorporated into that?

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For me itā€™ll change the focus. Stage 4 has 3 other stages in it, right? Thatā€™s gonna be massive and a massive load on the subconscious. Changing back to Stage 1 will be lighter and will focus on just the clearing and trauma.