Samoman's journey

Day 8
Nothing much to report. Confidence levels stayed the same. So did the motivational levels, so I’ve done a little work today. Other than that, today was much like yesterday. So until tomorrow, peace out!


Day 9
It seems like the motivation and kicking procrastination modules are kicking in more and more. Not only did I do my job well and efficiently, I was also motivated to, and did some work on my own goals. People seem to treat me with respect a whole lot more than I am used to. Random strangers holding the door for me, helping me out in small ways during the day and so on. I am also less tolerant (or rather not tolerant at all) of other people’s bullshit. No development so far with the ladies, apart from what I posed earlier, but I’m hoping that will kick in too soon. I’ve also noticed, that I stopped remembering my dreams. When I started I could remember them well, now for the last couple of days I didn’t. No big deal, just something I’ve noticed.

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Day 10
Today things continued along the same lines as before. Meaning slightly more confidence, slightly better social relationships etc. With one exception, motivation. That has again fallen a bit. To quantify, on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is the baseline (Day 1) and 10 is yesterday (Day I felt the most motivated on the Emperor so far), I’m at 6. It’s fine, you take steps forwards and back in any skill you’re learning and if the general trend is towards improvement, all’s good. And with the promised results being supposed to arrive at 3-6 months of usage, I’d say I’m on track.

To put in in concrete terms, 3m =~ 91 d and 6m =~ 183 d. I’m on day 10, which is ~11% of the way for 3m and ~5% for 6m. For results 0% is the baseline and 100% is the Emperor sales page. I break down the results in categories as I did the baseline:

  1. I’m still struggling with laziness/procrastination. I don’t do nearly as much as I could. But the fact is I take more action than before. I’d say I’m about 5% better off than before using the Emperor.

  2. Self confidence has been going great. I made massive strides in how I see myself, how I interact with people and also in how people treat me. I am also more confident in my finances and most other areas of my life. However I still don’t see myself nowhere near as an “Emperor” described on the sales page. I’d say I’m 20% there.

  3. I feel a lot more sexual energy and women looking at me. However I still haven’t had sex since starting the Emperor. I did’t even approach a girl, because of my fear. I’m not even close to the multiple sex/romantic partners mention on the sales page. I’d say 7%.

On average I’m there 10.6% of the way. I’m using the non experimental mp3 running in the background at work and at home, except when I sleep. I’m really looking forward to the enhancements that are coming. I hope they will accelerate the whole process.

I don’t know how am I doing compared to the others. I try to stay away from other Emperor journals so I can be really objective and also so I don’t get jealous. I’m not proud of that quality, but yeah, Emperors aren’t petty, right? :wink:


Last 2 days were essentially the same al all the others, except a little more. A little more confidence, a little more motivation… It’s boring to read and write the same thing every day, so I’ll make updates only when something significant happens, or when I’m evaluating my progress, like last post. Wish me luck.


So an update after a little more than a week. The confidence was slowly rising throughout the whole time. So was respect of others and interest from women. No major jumps, just a slow rise, like a tide. I’ve also experienced the manifesting part of the subliminal.

I hit 2 major roadblocks. Low energy levels/lethargy in general and a trauma from my past. First, though some really wierd and obscure ways I got two books, which detail a practice, that solves my low energy problem. It’s a process and I’m seeing the results steadily, but the way that I got it had such low odds, that I have to chalk it up to this. The trauma as well. I found a coach, who walked me through a process, that helps me deal with it.

Other than that, my motivation leves are somewhat inconsistent. For example, I am really motivated to keep my room clean, which is great, but I still procrastinate on my goals.

We’ll see how this all goes. I’m escpecially excited for the optimizations, that I hope will get me the results faster/ in more obvious ways. I’m also eyeing Primal. I haven’t had any luck with ladies so far, which again is due to my fears of approahing them and talking to them. I have no problem talking to women normally, but with the intent to have sex with them, I freeze up. That is also why I was a sucker for products that would attract women to me and make them seduce me. I’ll stick with just the Emperor for now, and see how I am in a month or two, before buying anything new.

So in summary, confidence - good, manifestation - kicked in, looking awesome, money - blocked by fear and procrastination, women - nothing so far.

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It’s time for another update. This past couple of days I have progressed a lot internally. In the last update I mentioned 2 roadblocks. I’m pleased to report, that I’m working through them, Not just bypassing them, but resolving them completely, making me into a different person. Especially that trauma was something that negatively affected me very much. And confronting it and healing it is a continuous process, that takes a lot of energy out of me every day. But I can already see the changes. And the changes are deep, at my core identity level. That manifests itself in me being a lot more relaxed, open to people, accepting of things I cannot change etc. So so far this looks great.

I really thought you were exaggerating for marketing purposes. Now I see you were telling the truth all along :grinning:. But to be fair, Emperor is merciless, but it provides ways of handling the situations as well.

In other news, at the begining of my journal you will find me going on and on about motivation. Now I find myself just doing what I want/need to, more and more, unconciously. I thought I’d get a massive drive to push through my unconcious obstacles. Instead I find myself doing what I need to automatically, like I used to come back from work and start a video game. This is something that just began to happen sometimes, but I’m really excited.


A small update on the ways Emperor pushed me. It’s nearly 2AM, I’m really tired, but I’m just amazed. Yesterday (2 days ago) I told myself, I would resolve a particular emotional problem I had. I didn’t feel it was holding me back in any major way, but it kept rising up in the past days, So I told myself to would deal with it. But during the day I procrastinated on it and then at night I was tired, so I told myself I would do it tomorrow (today). But my unconscious mind pulled the brakes on me hard. I could literally hear the voice in my head saying “You’re not sleeping until you resolve this!”. So I did. It was a surprisingly deep one, but I managed to do it. Now I feel good, but even more tired. It’s good that I have one less issue, but I wonder why this one in particular. I guess I will have to observe myself in the next couple of days. And now I’m going to sleep. Good night all.


A thing I’ve noticed in most other journals is, that the people are reading books about masculine ideas, and biographies and such. I have had a different experience. I have attracted books, that are brutally practical, with little to no theory. For example to book about increasing energy I mentioned a couple of posts back is nothing but practices and examples of people doing it. The author even states, there’s no need to know why or how it works, if it works. And I absolutely agree. I guess the Emperor is working in different ways for each and every one of us. :grinning:


Struggle is the word, I would summarize, my experience with the Emperor so far. I realised, that my posts, were focusing exclusively on the positive, while not mentioning the struggles and obstacles, because who wants to hear about those right? Well, this post, I will share something about that.

The Emperor semes to be changing me from my very core and identity, out. This doesn’t sit well, with the programming, that was in place for most of my life. And of course, the result is a lot of anger and resistance. Behind every success, that I shared here is a similar story, of me going about my life, and the being rudely interrupted and challenged by the Emperor. At times I wanted to switch subliminals, wondering if Ascended Mogul would be better for me, or just on the opposite side, wondering whether the subliminal si doing anything at all. The challenges as I said, shake my beliefs to the core of my being. So far, I have stayed true to the Emperor and I have resolved everything, that my unconscious has thrown at me. And also, I have yet to see all the effects from the Emperor.

So in conclusion, I’m changing. It’s painful most of the time. Give me more, where are the optimizations? :grinning:


Hmm, not gonna give estimates. What I will say though is what we got on our plate - releasing SS soon (very soon :wink:), then finishing the optimizations and everything else we might need for PRIMAL.

Optimizations are about… 40-50% done.

And I thought Primal and SS were the same thing. What’s the difference?

Thanks for a different perspective. Keep listening.

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I’ll hold off on SS for now :wink: But it’s great to know. I just want more of what Emperor is giving me for now. That’s why I cannot wait for the optimizations.

Thanks for the encouragement. I will. I believe it’s worth it.

It’s been a little over a month, since I started with the Emperor. And if you have been following my journal, you know that I have had some ups and down, good results and struggles and that overall I’m moving forward. But the last few days, I’ve really hit a plateau. Like when you hit it in a gym, my results declined a bit and I have no clue why, I feel demotivated, I’ve been asking myself, whether I really want to be the Emperor, if I shouldn’t just stop and use Ascended Mogul for example. It’s a mix of my genuine feelings, like feeling that the Emperor is trying to do too much at the same time and that’s why my result are slow, but come in all areas at once. And excuses, like maybe I should just quit and do something else, after all I read here, taht with the Emperor you have to have a foundation, and it’s going to take too long to biuld it with the Emperor and so on. That’s the place where I am right now.


Hi Mate out of curiosity can you please highlight what struggles you have faced with Emperor ?.

For me it’s been 30 days and not had any “resistance” to the sub. I have had great results in terms of confidence in all aspects if my life. Not had any improvements in my dating life however i believe this will happen over time.

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It’s mostly emotional turmoil. Like, the Emperor pushes me to do something I’m not used to doing, and a war begins, with my unconscious. Also the Emperor makes me confront various limiting beliefs and stuck emotions, that I have been carrying around. It’s not resistance as in the other subs. It’s working, that’s the problem :grinning:. It’s like cleaning out a wound. Very painful, but you have to do it.


I’ve been experiencing the same thing. That total shift in the core of my being. I have asked myself numerous times over the last couple of weeks " why did I ever let this person or that situation bother me?"


A small update. Remember how a few posts ago I have said how the Emperor was a struggle? I have a sneaking suspicion, that it was caused by the extreme version. Since then I have gone to the regular Emperor, to compare the two, and “the struggle” is gone entirely. I will monitor closely, how it affects me with confidence, taking action etc., more so in comparison to the extreme version and give updates as I notice changes. So far, the best word I can find to describe the regular Emperor is smooth :sunglasses:. It changes you as well, but in a smooth way, compared to extreme.


Do you mean listening to the masked versions are not as effective as the ultra sonic versions?

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No, sorry, I meant Extreme version, not experimental. Edited the post above.

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